VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1287: : Attack again

Ye Luo’s ability to sense killing intent is a magical skill. In addition, there are a lot of assassins watching them around, and his dispatch is quite strategic, so he easily hunted 2 assassins, and then he It didn't stop, he put on his helmet and displayed [Yuehua Zhiying], and he started the next hunt.

Watching Ye Luo hunt down those assassins, Feng Xing and others were full of praise. Even Dongfang Zhantian, Ouyang Feitian and others who had opinions about Ye Luo showed awe. They finally realized that Ye Luo's power is not only dependent on Equipment level.

"This kid is good, it deserves to come from there. Defending the assassin's sneak attack can be called a special skill." Fengxing did not hesitate to praise, he looked at Polang Chengfeng: "Chengfeng girl, your luck is very good, you actually recruited such a Master."

"Hey, that is, our luck has always been good." Po Lang said with a smile, listening to Ye Luo being praised is more happy than praise her.

While talking about these, Dongfang Killing Sky also flew down from the Golden Sacred Dragon, and in the next moment he also lost his figure. Obviously, he also wanted to hunt around assassins watching them like Ye Luo.

Seeing Dongfang Killing Heaven also dispatched, Ouyang Feitian and Da Mo Guyan, who claimed to be no worse than him, could not sit still. They were unwilling to show weakness and prepared to hunt down several assassins to prove their strength.

At this time, there is still 4 to 50 minutes before Ye Luo and their invincible methods end the CD. Everyone is idle and idle. Hunting those assassins can not only kill some people and increase some points and red light stones, but also Avoid being monitored by these people.

Dongfang Tiantian is worthy of being a master. He also knows how to deal with assassins. He is also familiar with the ability to sense killing intent to lock the target. He also quickly hunted down an assassin. This made the people of the Dongfang family excited, and then he looked at it with a show off. Xiang Po Lang Chengfeng et al.

"What's so good about, isn't it just hunting down an assassin? Ye Luo has already hunted down 4 of them." Not to be outdone by the waves, the corner of his mouth curled up: "You can kill one or two assassins by yourself. go with."

I have to say that Dongfang Zhantian is a little bit bullying and afraid of hardship, and they can't refute it when faced with the waves and the wind.

"Chengfeng girl, you are also a first-class master, and you have been with Ye Luo for so long. You know from your level of operation that you have benefited a lot from being around him. You can sense the killing intent to lock you down as an assassin. Have you learned it?" Feng Xing said curiously.

He smiled and said: "After learning, I learned, but I can only sense the distance of 2 or 3 meters around me. In this case, I won't be embarrassed."

"Sister Feng's character is a bit too difficult for her to do that kind of delicate work." Samadhi joked.

Hearing that, Feng Xing and others burst into laughter, while breaking the waves and riding the wind were embarrassed, staring back at the samadhi with a murderous look.

While they were chatting in Po Lang and Riding the Wind, Ouyang Feiri and Damo Guyan also hunted down one or two assassins. Obviously they were also masters, and Fengxing and others were also full of praise.

After 4 or 5 minutes, Ye Luo returned, looking at the puzzled look of Polang Rongfeng, he explained: "Seeing that we have hunted so many assassins one after another, the other assassins became vigilant. They evacuated a long way and wanted to It was too difficult for them to find out."

"That's true." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded.

Not long after Ye Luo returned, Ouyang Feiri and others also returned one after another. Obviously they also knew that it was difficult to hunt assassins anymore, so they didn't waste time anymore.

"I asked the old boy Bacchus a little bit about him. There is still no one on his side launching a sneak attack on them, and there is not even a sign." Feng Xingdao, he sighed: "It seems everyone is very cautious and knows Our team is very strong, so we didn't take it rashly."

"Wait, we have been here for a long time, plus Ye Yufei Fei brought some air cavalry over, people from other countries think that there is a chance, they will choose to shoot us." Samadhi said, and then she He laughed: "Actually, it's good for us to start later. It's best to wait for Ye Luo and Feng sister's powerful skills to end the CD, so that their combat power will increase several levels."

Knowing this, Feng Xing nodded, and then continued: "The old Bacchus did not encounter a sneak attack, but someone attacked Ye Yufei. Fortunately, the air cavalry she led were all ancient god-level flying mounts. In addition, they have obtained a lot of special equipment in the previous attacks of the beast tide army. They are very mobile and it is easy to get rid of them."

That's right, the flying mounts of the air cavalry led by Ye Yu Fei Fei are very high grade, and those people are also elite masters, so Ye Luo and the others are not worried that they will be attacked.

Time passed faintly, and another 4 or 50 minutes passed in a blink of an eye. Many of Ye Luo's skills had already ended the CD, and they could start the next round of sneak attacks.

After seeing the skill CD, Firework Yi Leng ordered another sneak attack, and Dongfang Tiantian and Fengxing did not hesitate to lead everyone to the coalition of 4 or 5 teams. This time they chose to attack the enemy air. Where the strength is relatively weak.

After Dongfang Killing Tian and the others started their operations, Ye Luo, Po Lang Chengfeng and others did not move out. They stood in place, but they were ready to take action at any time.

"Ye Luo, are there any assassins around us watching us?" After a moment of sensing, Po Lang Chengfeng gave up, she asked.

"It's just a matter of saying, there must be, but it's some distance away from us." Samadhi replied on her behalf, and she chuckled: "But it doesn't matter if they are watching, it's just that we can take advantage of them, maybe this time There will be more people."

"Hey, that's right, let's watch Uncle Fengxing and their performances next." Po Lang Riding Wind laughed, and then his tone changed: "Of course, the most important thing is to watch us perform. Then we will let them see and see us. The tactics are great."

When they said this, Fengxing and the team led by them changed. One team was divided into three teams, led by Dongfang Killing Sky, Damo Guyan, and Ouyang Feiri, and then killed them aggressively.

I thought that the Chinese elite team would repeat their tricks. After all, the assassins they sent out monitored Ye Luo and the other 5 people and did not move, so this team believed that Dongfang Qitian and others were still feigning attacks, and they did not transfer too much. The air cavalry came, but went to the opposite side and around, ready to support at any time.

Seeing that Dongfang Killtian's team was divided into three, these people were slightly flustered and had to disperse the air power to meet the enemy.

However, when the target was close to 100 meters away, the team led by Ouyang Feiri and Da Mo Guyan suddenly turned around and headed towards the east in the middle. This made the opponent stunned and it was difficult to adjust the deployment strength for a while.

Think about it, Ouyang Feitian and the others suddenly made adjustments to take the initiative, and it took some time for the other party to react. In this case, they were quite passive.

Although the coalition composed of the 4 or 5 teams still had a lot of air power available, they were guarding against fireworks and other people's sneak attacks, so they did not transfer those air power back.

I also saw this scene through the shared perspective. The firework Yi Leng gave Ye Luo a wink. The latter immediately woke up and took action. The next moment he appeared at the place of the first sneak attack, and then a dragon roar sounded and he made a gesture. Go to the enemy line.

Seeing Ye Luo appearing again, and judging that he was going to launch a sneak attack on the large forces in the next instant, the idle air cavalry of the coalition composed of four or five teams rushed from all directions without hesitation, trying to stop him from breaking into the formation. .

The previous lesson told them that Ye Luo and the others must not be allowed to break into their formation, otherwise he was afraid that he could kill many priests and magicians in a very short time, and his attack power increased and it would be troublesome. , So they did not hesitate to send a large number of airpower to block.

Although Yeluo is the only one to teleport now, but from previous lessons learned that Yeluo only cleared out a vacuum area, when the fireworks are easy to be cold, they will be teleported, so they sent many elite masters, and even the surrounding air power It was also transferred.

When Ye Luo just summoned the Dark Sacred Dragon, dozens of figures suddenly appeared 100 meters behind him. They also summoned flying mounts such as dragons and phoenixes, and then they attacked Ye Luo at the fastest speed. He rushed forward, looking like he was going to be surrounded.

There was no figure before, and they suddenly appeared. Obviously, these people were hidden there before. They waited for Ye Luo and others to appear before attacking, surrounding them and not giving him any chance to escape.

When the fireworks were so cold and they tried to sneak attacks, they also thought about how to prevent Ye Luo and others from sneaking. It is undoubtedly a very good way to hide some air cavalry and set up a trap around. At this time, Ye Luo has become the turtle in the urn, and the next step is to kill him.

The only fly in the ointment is that at this time, the people and others did not teleport over and cannot kill them, but they didn’t have time to wait anymore, because Ye Luo retreated after seeing a lot of air cavalry on the opposite side. He knew that if he didn't make a move, he would be able to escape, so they chose to do it.

Seeing so many air cavalry suddenly appeared around him, Ye Luo smiled at the corner of his mouth. He said to himself: "Sure enough, as we guessed, the other party was not willing to let us sneak attack like this, so we set up traps and waited for us. , But we have thought of this a long time ago, so how can we be fooled."

When he said this, Ye Luo didn't act, and he clicked [Teleport] when the opponent was still 4 or 50 meters away from him, and the target he was targeting was the popular trend that was already in contact with the enemy.

It was teleported before, and now it was teleporting again, which stunned the people around. They didn't know why Ye Luo could teleport twice in just 30 seconds.

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