VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1286: : Hunting the Assassin

There are a large number of enemies, tens of thousands of people, and the air power is relatively strong, even far stronger than the air cavalry led by Dongfang Tiantian and others, even if you count the air cavalry brought by Ye Luo and others and Ye Yu Fei. In addition, they are already vigilant, so it's not so easy to attack them anymore. They need a more complete plan.

After listening to the tactics of the next sneak attack by fireworks and cold, Fengxing and others are full of confidence. The next thing to do is to wait for Ye Luo, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, their teleport skills, and the invincible means to end the CD. Quite practical.

It takes nearly an hour for these skills to end the CD. Such a long time is a bit boring for breaking the waves and riding the wind. She said: "Although we can't sneak attack on the 4 or 5 teams of coalition forces now, can we find Trouble with Tokyo Shinhwa, they have been wandering around us but it is very troublesome."

Although the elite squad led by Tokyo Mythology has hundreds of air cavalry, the air cavalry led by the Eastern Killing Sky and the others are also many. With the addition of the waves and the wind, Ye Luo and others, it is easy to defeat them in the heart of the waves.

Of course, the most important thing is that Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind does not have a good impression of Tokyo Mythology, nor does it have a good impression of Japanese players. It is necessary to strike them to weaken their threat to China.

"Okay, I wanted to solve them a long time ago. I have troubled us again and again, and let them know how good we are." Dongfang Zhantian was the first to agree to this proposal. He saw the Tokyo Mythology a little unpleasantly. Up.

Ignoring the Tokyo mythology, breaking the waves and riding the wind to look at the fireworks and Fengxing, etc., after all, they have the right to decide to act.

"The air cavalry led by Tokyo Mythology are mostly ancient gods, and they also have very good special equipment. They are very mobile. In addition, there are assassins sent by them to monitor us around us. It is not easy to catch them. Dongfang Star said, and then she glanced at the coalition forces of the 4 or 5 teams: "Furthermore, our main opponents are these people. If you deal with Tokyo Mythology, you will definitely waste a lot of powerful skills, and then deal with this coalition. Our pressure will be much greater."

"Yes, after all, the elite team led by Tokyo Mythology is very weak, and even has some combination skills. We have to spend a lot of hands and feet against them." Samadhi took the stubbornness, and then changed the front: "Speaking of us. This coalition will certainly not stand idly by when Fang Da fights. If they are profited by them, we will suffer heavy casualties."

Knowing this, Po Lang Riding the Wind curled his lips, said nothing, and had to give up the plan.

"Boy Ye Luo, I heard that you are very good at dealing with invisible units. What invisible units are there around?" Fengxing said casually: "Being bored is also boring. Show us your skills and kill some by the way. Their people."

With a faint smile, Ye Luo didn't say much. He flew down from the dark sacred dragon, closed his eyes, and walked away while sensing, but he also sensed a faint breath. In the next instant, he used the [Simulation Technique]. Then a handful of fluorescent powder was spilled, and a ninja appeared in everyone's field of vision, and it could be judged from the profession that this was a Japanese player.

The moment this person appeared, Ye Luo cast [Charge] on him, and then he rushed over like a bolt of lightning.

Ninja’s profession is similar to hidden professional assassins. He possesses very strong concealment ability. Moreover, this person is still the best among assassins. Otherwise, he would not be sent by Tokyo Mythology to monitor the Chinese team. The moment Ye Luo charged him, he It's not difficult to dodge the charge even after using the teleport skills.

Although he avoided the charge, this person also knew that there were Chinese players around, so he didn't dare to stay at all, and wanted to escape when he used his acceleration skills.

However, in the next instant, Ye Luo used [Flashing], and afterwards, behind him, [Scary Slash] used it, but was blocked by that ninja's invincible means.

"Hey, this guy reacted very quickly. He actually avoided Ye Luo's attack twice." Po Lang Chengfeng applauded, she didn't have the slightest intention to help, obviously she trusted Ye Luo's ability.

"This person is a famous Japanese assassin. He can enter the top five in the Japanese assassin list and the top 50 in the international rankings. It is not surprising that he has this strength." Samadhi said, she chuckled softly: "But Ye Luo's current strength ranks among the top three in the world, or even number one, and it is more than enough to deal with him."

In terms of operating level alone, Ye Luo barely enters the top 10 internationally, but if you include professional advantages and equipment advantages, his overall strength can rank in the top three, or even first.

Dongfang Mietian and the others also heard the words of the Samadhi poem, and they snorted, with a faint disdain in their expressions, but soon they were dumbfounded.

As Samadhi Shi said, Ye Luo's operation level, equipment level, and occupation were higher than that of the ninja, and he had more skills. Although it took a lot of hands and feet, it was not difficult to kill the assassin.

The reason why Dongfang Mietian and others were stunned was not only because of Ye Luo's operation like flowing water, but the most important thing was the number of damage he caused to that ninja. Through the number of damage, they analyzed the attributes of Ye Luo. It is believed that only the ancient artifacts of the whole body can cause such damage numbers, and even some ancient god-level equipment is required.

A body of ancient artifact equipment is undoubtedly a dream for current players. Even the Eastern Killing of the Sky is only half of the body of ancient god-level equipment. There is no ancient god-level equipment, but Ye Luo has it. This proves to a large extent. The words of Samadhi.

"Uh, the damage done by Brother Ye Luo is too high. The Light of the Holy World has just passed, which means that he has not increased his attack power at all. Doesn't it mean that he is an ancient artifact?!" Fengxing Kyushu was stunned.

"Ye Luo isn't actually an ancient artifact, he still has one or two artifacts, but he has one or two ancient artifacts, and he also has powerful equipment such as [Plum Blossom Darts] and [Tai Chi Bagua Pan]." Samadhi poem said, she chuckled: "I feel that Ye Luo's equipment level should be the highest in the all-day robbery game. At least he can enter the top three. There should be no problem with the overall attribute first."

"Isn't it because of the high level of equipment? What's so great, the operation level is not nearly as good as the big brother." Dongfang Zhantian whispered.

"It's not that Ye Luo hasn't fought against Dongfang Tiantian. At that time, his equipment advantage was not obvious. Did your elder brother defeat him?" Po Lang Chengfeng asked, and then his tone changed: "In addition, everything else Your eldest brother takes it out and has the ability to do it on your own. If you don't have that strength, don't buzz like a fly."

Although working together for the time being, Po Lang Chengfeng still doesn't have a good impression of the Eastern family, especially when she saw Ye Luo from the Eastern family ‘slander’ Ye Luo, so she was not polite.

Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind is right. Ye Luo fought against Dongfang Killing the sky, and it was the same two times. The equipment was the same for the second time, but the battle between the two ended in a tie, which is enough to explain Ye Luo's operational level. What's more, coupled with the fact that Dongfang Zhantian's strength is obviously much worse than Ye Luo, he didn't know how to refute it for a while after listening to the words of Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind.

On the side, Dongfang Killing did not help Dongfang Zhantian. Watching Ye Luo's operation carefully, he said to himself: "Ye Luo Zhiqiu's operation level is more proficient than before, and his equipment level is indeed higher than mine. Getting such good equipment is also a kind of strength."

Staring at Dongfang Zhantian who was about to say something, Dongfang Star said: "Don't say anything that affects the harmony of the team. Ye Luo Zhiqiu is an indisputable fact, and his contribution to our entire team is also an indisputable fact."

Eastern Killing Sky and Eastern Stars [txt novel www.txtyuan.com] are regarded as standing on Ye Luo's side, Dongfang Zhantian snorted angrily, but said nothing.

On the other side, Ye Luo had already killed the ninja, but he didn't immediately return, but he disappeared in a flash. Obviously he switched to an assassin and became invisible. .

From the perspective of his teammates, everyone could see his voice. He continued to wander around, apparently continuing to look for the assassins who monitored them.

Ye Luo had previously dealt with that ninja and was seen by the assassin who was watching. At this time, he continued to wander around ‘righteously’. Obviously it was difficult to find the target again, so using stealth skills and approaching the target was a good performance.

Seeing Ye Luo like this, everyone was curious. After all, it is not so easy to find the assassins who monitor them in this situation, especially Ye Luo can no longer use [fluorescent powder], after all, this kind of thing has a certain CD time.

"Hey, [Fluorescent Powder] has CD time, Brother Ye Luo has already used it once, can he still find those invisible assassins in this case?" Hero Jian said lightly, he was curious.

"Ye Luo didn't rely on [phosphor] to find the target, but..." Samadhi explained, but was interrupted by Dongfang Tiantian before he finished.

"It's by sensing the other party's aura." Dongfang Tiantian said lightly: "Any assassin, unless it is an unknown assassin who maximizes his assassin's abilities, otherwise he will unconsciously exude some aura, a touch of murderous aura, some training has Su's master can sense these murderous auras, and then lock the target's position. From the distance Ye Luo Zhiqiu started before, we can know that he is a master in this, even better than me."

Earlier, Ye Luo started walking in a straight line at a distance of 2, 30 meters from the ninja. From this point, Dongfang Qitian could judge the distance he could sense the murderous intent, and then it was not surprising that he judged this.

While Dongfang Tiantian said this, Ye Luo's figure appeared, and a dizzy assassin appeared in front of him after a [backstab]. It was obvious that he had captured another target.

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