VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 992: Was pitted again!

Su Bai made a decision.

Afterwards, several people came to the big pit he had blasted before.

Beya and the others flew high in the Ye boat, and Su Bai began to accumulate energy, and his body was bleeding.

I didn't see the passage leading to the cave, so I had to come hard.



In the huge explosion, Su Bai heard the sound of collapse.

After the scattered dust settled down, it could be seen that after two bombardments, the cave had been ‘excavated’.

"Come down."

Su Bai greeted the girls in the sky, and then went down immediately.

"What a big cave!"



After Bea and the others came in, they all exclaimed.

This cave is indeed huge!

Thousands of meters high, even more spacious than ten thousand meters!

Such a large cave is indeed shocking.




Then, these voices screamed.

Looking for the sound, I found hundreds of monsters.

There are also some monster housekeepers, this is!

With emotion in his heart, Su Bai flew over and solved the remaining monsters in twos or twos.

After getting it done, Su Bai turned around and shouted: "Look for it, call me if you find anything."

"Oh, I'm looking for it now."


"Good dad!"

The four separated and searched in this huge cave.

There is no goal, it's really difficult.

Fortunately, I am very fast, and I can go through it quickly.

However, he hasn't looked for long...

Suddenly, Xiao Luoying's milky voice rang out in the space: "Dad, the painting on the stone platform is so strange!"

Looking back, Xiao Luoying was standing on a stone platform and waving to herself.

The stone platform is quite neat, and it doesn't seem to be a natural generation.

Gain? !


Su Bai flew over, and Bei Ya and Mo Zixi also came over.

After reaching Xiao Luoying's side, Su Bai saw it without her pointing.

This stone platform is about ten meters in size, and a magic circle is depicted on it!

The central area is misty white light.

Through the white light, you can see that there seems to be a small space inside.

It seems that there may be something inside!

"Bea, can you recognize what formation this is?"

Su Bai asked Beya next to him.

This is something from her home, she should be able to recognize it.

"Wait, I look through the magic book!"

Beya took out a thick book in Su Bai's speechless expression and turned it over.

This unreliable temporary hug, unexpectedly...

She succeeded in holding her!

After a while, Beya pointed to the magic circle and said excitedly: "For nothing, this is a magic circle used to prevent energy leakage and prevent others from entering!"

"There must be good things in it! And it hasn't been taken away or infested by those evil spirits of light!"

"Not bad you! I found it!"

Su Bai exclaimed in surprise, and then asked: "Can you find a way to enter?"


Beya laughed at Su Bai's praise, patted her impoverished chest, and said, "Of course it's no problem! Wait for me!"

After speaking, she began to ponder on the magic book again.

After a while, Bea raised her head and came to the corner of the circle.

Pointing to a symbol, Bea confidently said: "As long as I modify this formation, we can get in!"

After speaking, she revised the lineup.

"Why do you feel that the premonition is not good...Is this girl reliable?!"

When Su Bai watched her make changes while reading the book, she always felt that she was going to be pitted!

But he has no choice but to let Bea do it.

About half a minute later.


Bea stood up with confidence, hands on hips, proudly said: "We can now..."



Before she finished her words, the magic circle under the feet of several people suddenly lit up.

Su Bai and Beiya's body all lit up together.

With two swishes, the two disappeared directly!


Xiaoxue fell from the sky and stood firmly on the stone platform.

Su Bai disappeared just now, and she didn't even bring it in.

Mo Zixi: "..."

Xiao Luoying: "???"

Xiaoxue: "???"

They are all dumbfounded!

Looking at Su Bai's disappearance in a daze, he couldn't react at all.

After a long time, he came back to his senses.


Xiaoxue yelled and looked at the array.

But as if to see below the array.

"Dad, is this... falling down?!" Xiao Luoying looked down and asked in a daze.

If she could not sense Su Bai's breath, she couldn't be so calm.


Mo Zixi breathed a sigh of relief and nodded, "Don't be afraid of Yingying, the master just fell, it's okay."


Xiao Luoying nodded and relaxed a little, but she still stared at the center area, wanting to see Su Bai's figure in the misty light.


Below the array map.

Su Bai: "!!!"

Beya: "Uh...hehe...hehe..."

Seeing Su Bai's face with black lines, Bea touched the back of her head and smirked, not daring to speak.

She was the only two people who didn't take the initiative to enter.

This is obviously a mess!

Fortunately, nothing happened...


Silently rolled his eyes, Su Bai also cares about these lazily.

Turn around and look around.

The space here is not too big, just tens of meters.

Not much.

There is a small pool in the center area.

The pool was milky white water, exuding a gentle light.

On the edge of the pool, there is a slate with four nail-sized crystals placed on it.

Black, white, blue, red.

Light and dark water and fire!

The light is restrained and the crystals are small, but you can feel the huge elemental power inside!

If released, it can cause great chaos!

"this is……"

Su Bai raised his eyebrows, and said in amazement, "This water is a liquid condensed from the light element?!"

"And these four crystals should be for your spiritual use?"

"Yes...Yes! It should...Yes..."

Bea nodded, her big tongue was authentic.

Su Bai heard weirdly, and asked casually: "What's wrong with you? Is your tongue knotted?"

"I don't know... why... it feels... so hot..." Bea replied intermittently.


Su Bai immediately turned to look at her.

I saw that Bea's face was already red!

The body was still swaying, unconsciously pulling the snowman clothes on her body.



As a poor person who had been poisoned several times, Su Bai knew what the problem was at a glance!

Isn't this so... Isn't it a spring poison?

No, interrogative sentences should not be used.

This is so badly poisoned! ! !

What am I!

Where did this come from? !

Su Bai was stunned and quickly looked around.

However, no matter how he looked at it, he didn't notice anything weird.

Is it possible that this is the air that N has existed here a long time ago, and now Bea is inhaled and hit?

But why are you okay? !

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