VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 991: Light and spirit element heart is in hand!

Killing so many monsters, Su Bai's level has gone wild!

The current level is in Six Tribulations·LV5!

Leapfrog killing monsters is cool!

It won't take long for the level to be promoted to the next level.

Of course, attributes are not enough.

It is estimated that the limit will not be reached until 99999, and Su Bai is definitely considering upgrading to the limit.

Besides, there is one more good thing!

"Om... Om..."

On his shoulders, the white light on Xiaoxue's body was very vigorous, and it flickered.

As Su Bai's pet, of course it had just absorbed a lot of aura!

The strange thing is...

It just flickered, as if it had encountered a bottleneck, unable to rise to the spirit level.

"Xiaoxue, are you still missing something?" Su Bai asked her.

"Meow... I don't know..."

Xiaoxue shook her head in confusion, the peaceful white light flashing on her body gradually disappeared.

At this moment, Bea and the others also came over, looking at Xiaoxue curiously.

Mo Zixi expressed his opinion: "Master, people think that sister Xiaoxue is missing something important!"

"Maybe it needs something crucial to evolve."

"So..." Su's frowned, a little tricky.

Where can I find this key thing?


Xiaoxue also meowed like a sigh, her ears drooping and her tail inactive.

Not being able to help Su Bai makes her very sad...

At this moment, Mo Zixi smiled proudly: "Master, sister Xiaoxue, don't worry, isn't I here?!"


After Su Bai glanced at her twice, he suddenly remembered, and suddenly said: "You mean, use your luck to find a fortune teller?"

He had been struggling with how to solve Yun Cixue's problems before, and Mo Zixi had said this method.

"Hey... yes!" Mo Zixi nodded with a smile.

"Yes! It's a way!"

Su Bai nodded in admiration, touched Xiaoxue's head, and comforted: "Okay, Xiaoxue, don't worry, there will be a way."


Xiaoxue gave a soft cry, rubbing Su Bai's palm with her head.

Let this matter go for now.

Now is the time to harvest.

Looking at the treasures all over the ground, Su Bai said: "We spread out and put away the things on the ground."

After that, Beya and Mo Zixi scattered to pick up the things dropped by the monster.

Xiao Luoying also followed and squeezed a bunch of her hands. After I couldn’t squeeze it, I picked up one to compare with the one in my hand, and lost one...

As for Su Bai himself, he came to the death position of the Evil Light King Snake.

Here, the Evil Light King Snake has dissipated, and there are only a lot of treasures here.

What kind of land spirit coins, sky spirit coins, piled up!

There are hundreds of Protoss coins.

But these things, Su Bai can be called a rich and enemy country, alright!

Take a casual look and put it in your backpack.

Su Bai didn't look at other materials, consumables, props, and so on, and directly included them in the bag.

Now, let’s get to the point...equipment!

No superior equipment, 1506 pieces!

There are so many real chickens, killing a monster is like coming to wholesale... Did you chop up its storage?

Su Bai murmured in his heart and continued to look.

True spirit level equipment, 654 pieces!

Extreme equipment, 134 pieces!

Going up is good fortune, this guy has nothing, miserable...

Su Bai is of good fortune now, and he doesn't need these equipment.

Of course, it is not useless!

These high-quality equipment contains a lot of energy that can be absorbed!

Su Bai's yin and yang profession needs to absorb the power of yin and yang before he can continue to open the next door.

Put it away and absorb it together when you have time.

In addition to these, there are some special things.

A crystal with white glow.

This white light is the power of the light element.

It should be the result of too much power in the body of the Xieguang King Snake, which condenses.

The fly in the ointment is that it is a little dark, if you think it is correct, it is probably contaminated by evil light.

【Gloom Crystal】

Level: None

Quality: Supreme

Category: Elemental Crystal

Effect: Spirit·Light element +100,000, evil spirit +1000

Details: Contains a lot of light element power, it is a very good light element supplement and condensate. It is a pity that there is also a large amount of evil spirit in it, if it is absorbed without being expelled, it will cause evil consequences!

This is very uncomfortable~!

"call out!!!"

When Su Baidan was in pain, Xiaoxue on his shoulder suddenly waved a brilliant white light, shrouded in the crystal.

In just one breath, the gloom on this crystal was gone!

Brilliant, crystal clear, exudes a detailed and upright light!

Su Bai looked at the message again, oh, the evil spirit in it was gone!

All cleaned up!

"Xiaoxue is awesome!!" Su Bai immediately complimented.


Xiaoxue meowed shyly and happily, her tail wagging cheerfully.

Next, Su Bai put away all the ghost light crystals.

A total of...exactly 100!

After Xiaoxue's efforts in batches of these 100, they were all purified enough to be directly absorbed.

Finally, there is one more thing.

The most important thing is Su Bai's purpose...

Light elemental heart!

Get it!

It is floating in the air, emitting a soft light.

Not contaminated!

Su Bai put it in his backpack for the time being, and waited for a BUG to be absorbed again later to ensure the success rate of absorption.

Although the light elemental heart was obtained, but...

Something short!

Before, the demon sacred tree said that there is something here that can give birth to the spiritual mind of the light element!

And now, I haven't seen it!

It can't be the heart of those 100 light elements, right? !

Moreover, the Demon Sacred Tree also said that this is related to Bea's spiritualization.

I haven't seen anything related...

Is there something missing?

Su Bai held his chin and started to think.

At this moment, Bea and the others are back.

"in vain!"

"the host!"


They all called for Su Bai and got off the Ye boat.

Both Beya and Mo Zixi held a storage item with the drops they picked up.

As for Xiao Luoying... her arms were full of gleaming crystals.

Su Bai took Beiya and Mo Zixi and the others, and glanced casually.

Those are some declining, supreme quality equipment, props, and so on, but the true spirit quality is very small.

The number is huge!

After all, tens of thousands of monsters were killed.

However, Su Bai is not very interested.

"Do you want? Just keep it for yourself." Su Bai said.


Beya glared, and said in surprise: "In vain, you don't want so many good things?!"

Su Bai shook his head and said indifferently, "Okay? Don't you think, you can keep it for yourself."

Beja: "..."


Defeated by local tyrants!

As for Mo Zixi, she didn't even think about it, and immediately shook her head: "What do I want these? Of course it is for you, the master!"

"Yingying doesn't want Dad's things either!"

"OK then."

Su Bai nodded, took it, and put it in his backpack.

After finishing these, we return to the previous question.

Is there something missing? !

After much deliberation, Su Bai only felt that there was one possibility:

Is it in their old nest, which is the cave below?

Yes, this is worth exploring!

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