VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 989: BOSS is scared to pee




Beiya, Xiao Luoying, and Mo Zixi are all stunned.

That horrible, that violent explosion, the light curtain condensed by the monster...

It's not broken!

Su Bai: "..."

At this moment, Su Bai frowned slightly, a little unhappy.

If it is not broken, it is not.

Under the sword, the thick light curtain still burst open, spreading several tens of meters, and reaching a small depth.

It's just that it didn't break to the bottom...

The light curtain is still solid, not exploded!

Su Bai himself estimated that this blood burst should be able to play...

About 140 million damage!

This is terrible, the real spirit mobs in the range are just seconds!

However, the light curtain below is condensed by tens of thousands of monsters, and the power of the supreme BOSS is involved.

Therefore, the light curtain is too solid to perfectly block this **** explosion.

Speaking of it, this is the first time that Su Bai's blood burst has been deflated.

Returned without success for the first time.

"Two major ranks have passed, only one hundred sixty seventy, this can't be opened..."

"The skills on the body are really not enough, I have to find a way to improve it!"

Su Bai's thoughts turned and his body whizzed back to prevent the evil light king snake from attacking.

However, it did not move.

Without removing the light curtain, King Evil Light opened his mouth and smiled coldly.

"Heh... Ant, nothing more?!"

This time, it was used to mock Su Bai.

"Ha ha!"

Su Bai stood in the air, sneered, and said, "You want to test my ability, don't you? Okay, let you see it!"

With a thought, Su Bai's left hand subconsciously pinched a handprint.


A character appeared, radiating light.

Brilliant, upright and bright, there is a kind of powerful majesty!

As if to symbolize the emperor!

After appearing, he immediately flew into the sky and stood in the air, shining shiningly.

This light fell on Su Bai and immediately blessed his attributes.

But when it fell on the ground and shone on those monsters, it caused a powerful oppression!

Ordinary true spirit mobs, at least suppressed **** attributes

The supreme-level evil light king snake, even though it surpassed Su Bai by so much, it was suppressed xx!


Evil Light King Snake’s pupils shrink, and the mysterious energy in his heart can suppress himself!

But this is not over yet!

It hasn't recovered from this shock, but it is shocked!



Su Bai's body heard the sound of the opening of the heavenly gate!

The next moment, the world changes color!

The extremely dazzling white light suddenly appeared on Su Bai.

Accompanied by it is the breath of strength that has exploded wildly!


In Su Bai's body, this power shock space burst out, forming a power storm visible to the naked eye.

At this moment, Su Bai's attack power exploded twenty times!

Twenty times!

Yin and Yang skills: [Open the sky]!

This kind of violent growth, the previous physical attributes can't bear it, and the effect of the skill must be ended early!

Although it is much better now, it can fully endure the 20 seconds of the skill.

But there is also a feeling of swelling and discomfort. After all, the body becomes stronger, and this increase is the same.


Under the light curtain, King Evil Light hissed and his eyes widened.

It was not a neighing, but a gasp.

Looking at Su Bai, who exuded a terrifying aura in the air, he couldn't describe the shock and panic in his heart in any words!

In a short time, the breath increased to this point!

How can this be done? !

how can that be? !


When it was frightened, Su Bai's body glowed with blood again.

He inspired a blood explosion!

Wherever I fell, I got up wherever I fell.

Su Bai must explode with blood to destroy the world, and forcefully blast this light curtain!

And this time, the breath of blood is extremely terrifying!

Twenty times the previous two times!


The Evil Light King Snake was shocked by Su Bai's blood and energy, and now he can't let it guess or be taken aback.


With a heavy hiss, it mobilized all the boys.

All the evil spirits of light are riots, stimulating the power in them, into the light curtain.

At the same time, its own body also glowed with white light, which was injected into the light curtain together.

Too late to shoot Su Bai!

Moreover, that terrifying skill doesn't look like it can be interrupted.

Can only be prevented!


The crack that had been blasted was instantly repaired, and it was even thicker.

At this time, the blood qi in Su Baijian's body was also condensed!


In an instant, he disappeared in the air.

After a flash, the person appeared on the light curtain, still above the Evil Light King Snake.


With a deep drink, Su Bai severely chopped the sword in his hand against the light curtain.

Don't hesitate, detonate immediately!


In the explosion sound comparable to the roar of the sky thunder, the blood light burst out, still spreading 300 meters.

But this time the momentum is extremely terrifying!

The huge energy exploded, squeezing the air, causing a huge roar.

In the sky above thousands of meters, there is a crash caused by this explosion!

But the few Beya who were far away could not be seen now.

The blood is too vigorous!

Compared with the sun's rays, it is not too much, it is really dazzling.

Only Su Bai and the monsters knew what was going on in the field.

"Crack, click, click!!"

Su Bai heard the crackling sound and saw it.

At the place where the sword cleaved, and the area where the blood exploded, a deep crack appeared instantly!

Within 300 meters, cracks are everywhere!

And, in the next second...


The light curtain covers a large area, but within the scope of the **** explosion, the profound and powerful light curtain exploded!

A 300-meter-large hole was formed!

Under Su Bai's explosion, this blocked the time for less than a second!

And the blood energy that was still bursting suddenly poured into it.

-3,320,115,000 (3.3 billion)

-6,640,230,753·crit (6.4 billion)

-3,276,115,312 (3.2 billion)

-3,234,873,123 (3.2 billion)

-3,373,731,135 (3.3 billion)

-3,275,543,731 (3.2 billion)






The screams erupted at the same time, and also disappeared at the same time.

More than 3.2 billion damages, kill everything instantly!

Even the Supreme Evil Light King Snake was violently killed at this moment!


The heart shed green light, and Su Bai was resurrected.

He was looking at the body of the evil light king snake.

Among the information reviewed before, the Evil Light King Snake has a resurrection trick called [Evil Recasting].

The way is to absorb the free evil light energy and then resurrect.

In other words, its resurrection needs to kill its subordinates and absorb the evil light they emit.

So many evil spirits of light died here, enough for it to resurrect.

Sure enough, after a breath...


"Swish swish!!!"

All the free white light poured into the body of the evil light king snake, and it was resurrected.

After being resurrected, it looked at Su Bai with an extremely terrified look, and its body trembled.

Su Bai frightened it with a single blow!

I was scared!

I'm scared to pee, okay? !

More than 3 billion damage!

Is this still damage that humans can strike? !

Is this still the supreme/true spirit rank? !

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