-69,819,300·Ling·Critical Strike (69,819 million)

Not only did it bounce back, but luckily it triggered a crit!


With a scream, the evil spirit that was bombarded by the evil light that recoiled back suddenly died suddenly!

It was less than 40 million health points, and it was washed away by this, instantly!


The eyes of Bea in the distance looked straight!

What is this operation? !

It is not uncommon to fight back the monster's attack.

If you are agile enough, have good eyesight, bold enough, and careful enough, you can do it with enough power.


If this bounces, just bounce, how come this bounces the monster to death? !

Also popped up nearly 70 million damage? !

Is this too ridiculous? !



On the earth, the unmoving Evil Light King Snake also contracted its pupils.

It was close, and he saw the doorway.

Knowing that Su Bai did this by relying on his equipment.

"What level of equipment is this? So powerful and amazing!!"

Thinking like this in his heart, King Snake observed the equipment on Su Bai.

After a few seconds, its head suddenly stiffened, and its eyes were full of disbelief.


"Make... make... good fortune level!!!"

King Snake saw the quality of Su Bai's equipment!

At this moment, it suspected that the snake was born!

A human being whose breath is not strong, he is in the supreme, true spirit.

It is estimated that it is a complete set of good fortune quality equipment!

This is so unreasonable!

The Evil Light King Snake is also quickly upgrading to good fortune. However, there is no good fortune level on his body...


After the initial anger, unwillingness, jealousy, and disbelief, King Snake hissed.

His eyes were staring at Su Bai, his eyes full of greed, desire, and murderousness.

From the perspective of its evolution, these equipment of good fortune quality contains huge and high-quality energy!

If it is taken, then absorbed...

Upgrading to the good fortune level is not a problem!

By then, you might be able to escape this 10,000-meter prison!

As a result, the evil light king snake's killing intent towards Su Bai skyrocketed!


"Huh! Good fellow!"

Seeing the damage that popped up, Su Bai himself was also surprised and raised his eyebrows.

The set attributes of this equipment are really strong!

Good fortune quality is fierce!

This is a level of equipment that surpasses the supreme BOSS below!

So, thanks to Xia Mo Zixi!

Without her, Su Bai would not dare to say that he could produce a complete set of good luck quality equipment.

Su Bai glanced back at Mo Zixi.

Mo Zixi looked at Su Bai's eyes as if she had a sharp heart.



She pursed her lips and blew a big kiss to Su Bai.

She smiled charmingly and pulled her mouth.

Although I didn't see anything, this show operation...

Su Bai: "..."

What should I say.

Forget it, fight, just treat it as if you haven't seen it.

Su Bai turned his head, his figure flashed, moving in the air.

Although the rebound ability of the equipment is very good!

But well, it's not bad for one-to-one, but it won't work against so many monsters.

The equipment information says that it takes an active defensive attitude to trigger a rebound.

In other words, you have to wave your energy to fly away like Su Bai did before.

There are tens of thousands of monsters, and one by one, it is estimated that the arm will be broken.


After avoiding all the bombardment skills, Su Bai's thoughts moved, and his body was bleeding, dazzling blood shining everywhere.

There is only a wide range of skills in the hands of World Destroying Blood Explosion, then there is no way, you can only use this.

Quick decisions are also good.


On the earth, the Evil Light King Snake didn't move, so he wanted to observe Su Bai for a while.

But at this moment, it is aware of the danger!

The strong blood radiated from Su Bai's body, even if it was it, felt hairy.

If the younger brother is bombed, I am afraid he will die!


It growled and neighed with its head up.

Then, all other evil spirits of light responded and roared.

All the monsters came from the pale evil light, and these lights gathered together.

In the blink of an eye, it condensed into a thick mask.

Su Bai in the sky frowned, looked at the Evil Light King Snake in the center, and roughly guessed its thoughts.

"It's just defense, not attack... Is this testing my details?"

"Hehe! Let's see if you can survive the blood explosion of my whole blood!"

As his mind turned, the blood of Chanlie lingered on the heavy sword in his hand.

Time to send out!


Taking a step, Su Bai flew straight down.

Just a few steps later, he flew to the light curtain of tens of thousands of monsters.

A few meters below, is the evil light king snake!

Su Bai was facing its head, and the heavy sword wrapped in brilliant blood in his hand blasted down fiercely!


Amid the terrifying roar, the blood burst out suddenly, and the white light of the forest also oscillated.

The violent fluctuations swept away, causing a huge breath storm!

Circles of light swayed around.

Su Bai couldn't blast open the Senbai light curtain with a single sword, but the light curtain was not without consumption, but it consumed very little.

Both sides are strong and deadlocked.

Through the blood light and the forest white light, Su Bai and Xieguang King Snake could see each other.

"Ha ha……"

Su Bai smiled.

Because, although the Evil Light King Snake is still in the same place, it obviously leans back.

It was afraid of the movement that Su Bai had just crashed down!

Among other things, Su Bai's aura is extremely strong!

At that moment, the Evil Light King Snake's heart jumped sharply, and he instinctively leaned back.

Although he quickly returned to his normal posture, he was still seen by Su Bai.


Seeing the ridicule on Su Bai's face, there was obvious anger in the pale eyes of the king snake.

Su Bai just blasted down at it, which was already a provocation.

Now taunting!

Where did it suffer!


The tail suddenly banged against the light curtain with a roar.

But Su Bai just smiled funny, didn't move and didn't blink his eyes.

He could see that the Evil Light King Snake did not use real power.


The blood on the sword hasn't exploded yet, if this is to break through the protection of the light curtain, wouldn't it be killing the little brother? !


Su Bai did not scare him, making the Evil Light King Snake even more angry, hissing, and he opened his mouth and said: "Weak ants, look for..."


Su Bai was not interested in listening to its harsh words, and directly detonated the strength of the sword.

In the huge roar, the blood burst to 100 meters in a flash!

The energy is released crazily at this moment, showing the explosive violence.

A terrifying wave was set off, blowing a long way.

Originally, there was smoke and dust reverberating and spreading here, but now it is directly lifted away.

"Boom boom boom boom!!!"

I can no longer see the situation inside, I can only hear the roar still oscillating.

The women watching from a distance raised their hearts and stared at the explosive battlefield.

After Sheng Lie's blood light lasted for a breath, it began to dissipate.

The scene is gradually visible again.

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