VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 965: Taste the arrival

Also, Blue Star’s little friends, when they saw this scene through the live broadcast room, they looked confused.

"Human Emperor? What is this?"

"This? Isn't it the emperor of all races?!"

"Damn, is the white night boss so powerful?"

"Ah, this...Big Brother Bai Ye turned out to be a descendant of the Queen of Humans?! Fuck! No wonder it's so awesome!"

"For hundreds of millions of years, the descendant of the only human queen, this identity is really awesome!"

"It makes sense that the White Night boss is powerful. But why are the descendants of the Human Sovereign here?"

"Yeah, it's weird..."

Blue Star’s friends are confused and shocked, while the audience of alien races is shocked and shocked.

When Su Bai became spiritual, not all creatures were there.

They have not experienced the suppression of the vision caused by Su Bai, so it is difficult to understand.

However, there are not many doubts, because these are the words of the strong gods in the human race.

But not many guys are qualified to question.

However, there are gods in the field that can be questioned.


At this moment, a big demon hummed angrily.

That is a colorful giant tiger.

Stepped on the star-sized, endlessly changing clouds.

The body hair is shining, the lines exude a strong light, and the "king" symbol on the eyebrows exudes a strong breath.

It is the king of the tiger, the great demon, and the god!

After a grunt, the tiger continued: "This king also said that he has the direct bloodline of my monster clan demon saint!"

Obviously, it also knew that one of the visions triggered by Su Bai could suppress the monster race.

"What kind of relative do you randomly recognize?"

Old Ding calmly stared at the giant tiger and said, "My descendants of the human race, or maybe the descendants of the human emperor's direct line, can be related to the demon saint of your demon race?!"

Saying that, Dante knew in his heart why the giant tiger thought so.

The veto now is because the human race is not compatible with the monster race.

Su Bai might be the bloodline of the Emperor, of course he couldn't let the giant tiger blend in.

After saying that sentence, Ding Lao still said: "Furthermore, you demon clan, you tyrannical Tianhu, now you still recognize the demon saint?"

"Ha ha……"

Old Ding smiled sarcastically, and said coldly: "If there is a demon saint bloodline in this descendant, I am afraid that it will not be long before you will die under the ambush of your demon race."

"Finally, become the'blood medicine' of the great monsters, right?!"

The name of the demon saint is also very old!

Like the human emperor, there has been only one demon saint for a long time.

In the following years, no demon could bear the name of demon saint.

Can not bear!

After such a long time, it would be hard to say whether such a huge monster race still recognizes the demon saint.

Most of the monsters have sturdy styles, and the sturdy wildness in their blood has always been used to fight for their lives.

Only recognize the strength and respect the strong.

In addition, this suspected descendant of the demon saint turned out to be an individual...

It's really hard to tell whether you admit it or not.

Therefore, Ding Lao's words are not unreasonable.

The eyes of those present were focused on the giant tiger, and their hearts were all whispering secretly.

When Ding Lao said so, the giant tiger was even more irritable.


It roared angrily and sound waves roared.

Staring coldly at Ding Lao, the giant tiger said ruthlessly: "Old things, saying that we are coveting the blood of the demon saint queen, we might as well care about yourself!"

"Among your human races, I have not listened much to the following situations!"

"Use this to talk about things, don't assume that the king doesn't know what you think about!"

"It's nothing more than afraid that I will detect the blood of the demon saint on his body, and be accommodated by my demon race!"

"Will you decide this matter?!"

As he said, Juhu stretched out his hand to Su Bai, and said solemnly: "Have you asked this young man's opinion?!"

"He didn't refuse, what right do you have to deny me?!"


Su Bai raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

This looks like a grumpy tiger with an offline IQ, but he is smart and speaks beautifully!

One said one, indeed!

Crows in the world are generally black.

Regardless of race, as long as there is wisdom, as long as self-interested thinking.

Then there will definitely be anti-bones, this is nothing to entangle.

Moreover, it is indeed up to you to decide!

But before Su Bai could speak, Old Ding spoke again.

He solemnly said in a solemn voice: "The old man didn't think about anything! In the human race, as long as the old man is there, he will never be allowed to covet the blood of the queen!"

"And now that the old man is here, the descendants of the human race will never allow you the monster race to covet it!"

This is a straightforward word, and the monster clan is not allowed to explore Su Bai's bloodline.

No way, the gap between Human Race and Monster Race is really big!

The friction between the two sides is not a year or two!


The giant tiger was not surprised. He roared and roared: "Old thing! Then you will die!"

These two words are about to fight...

No one persuaded.

The battle between the two gods is hard to persuade, and there is no need to persuade it.

There were many gods present, but not all gods were related to Su Bai.

Like some mechanical races, special races, newly evolved races, they...

I just came to watch the show, see Su Bai, and see if I can get the bottom line.

However, the fight still did not start.

Because the third party is coming!

"Boom boom boom!!!"

A black spacecraft arrived, jumping from a distant place into the outer space of the blue star.

There are ten ships in total, all of which are bigger than a mountain!

The hull is made of black wood with purple magic patterns carved on it.

Although it is made of wood, it is so big and the magic pattern is also very powerful.

So, it looks quite magnificent!

Originally, all the spaceships and starships obeyed the will of the gods and retreated.

But these black spaceships have penetrated 10,000 meters.

In fact, if it's not for the presence of these gods, or for fear of offending them.

These black spacecraft will directly crash into Blue Star, and all the continents of Blue Star will sink!

Because these are the spaceships you know!

Suddenly ten black spaceships broke in, which of course attracted attention.

Ding Lao and Juhu, who were about to fight, stopped and looked over.

All creatures are watching.

After the spacecraft stopped, a figure flew out of the foremost spacecraft.

It’s a taste!

Stepping in the void, Taste Ershi's obvious killing intent, without hiding it.

"Have seen the gods!"

Squeezing the killing intent that was about to explode, he first bowed to the gods, clasped his fists and said: "I have grievances with that Baiye, here to settle!"

The gods are here, no matter what they are looking for Su Bai.

Then you must ask and ask for instructions.

Otherwise, if it is offended, there are a lot of forces in the rear, and you will not be able to go if you taste your knowledge!


Old Ding raised his eyebrows and nodded in praise: "Interesting, you dare to come when you see me waiting?!"

This is really weird.

The hatred is great, but it won't come up to death, right?

The gods of the human race are here now, and if you dare to come, you can be brave!

Taste your knowledge: "..."

He clasped his fists in silence, and did not respond.

Taste Ershi's actions looked stupid and lunatic.

But in fact, he is brilliant!

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