VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 964: A direct descendant of the Emperor?!

When Su Bai checked his panel, some strong men thought to turn and couldn't wait.

They also want to see the attributes of Su Bai's reality!

Then, a voice sounded: "Brother, do you mind showing your reality panel?"

It is still an alien language.

However, as soon as he heard it this time, Su Bai understood what it meant.

Looking up at the speaker, it is the golden carp, which is the dragon fish.


Su Bai closed the panel and said faintly: "Return to the preface, if you have something to say, it's okay soon... Well, if it's okay, please leave!"

Arowana: "..."

Its look turned black.

Don't think that you cover up fast, I can't guess what you actually want to say is to get out of it!

"Boy! How did you talk to Senior Yu!"

"Hey! What did you just want to say?!"

"Fuck! You are..."

Arowana didn't say anything, but some Yaozu juniors became angry.

They yelled, it was very noisy!

"Ha ha……"

At this moment, there was an old, clear laugh in the human race

There was a faint momentum and will in the laughter, and all the messy voices stopped immediately, and he dared not say any more.

All beings looked at the direction where the chuckle sounded.

It was a gray-haired old man dressed in plain clothes and looked like nothing special.

He stood in the void, with three people around him, and behind him were the starships and spaceships of various human races.

Among the coming human races, he is the strongest.

The three beside him are slightly weaker than him.

Stroking his beard and chuckles, the old man said slowly: "The little guys of the demon clan, what do you look like noisy and yelling?"

With so many creatures coming over, if this is vying to make a noise, it would be noisier than the market.


In addition to Dragon Fish and Giant Snake, there are seven big monsters who have come.

Listening to the old man's words, a huge violent ape snorted.

Vaguely angry and violent.

This is aimed at both the juniors who speak and the old ones.

"The juniors of my monster race can't talk about your human race to teach you!"

After a choking sound, the ape said in a deep voice: "All the little guys are going backwards for the deity, you guys are here to mix things up!"

It's also the truth.

When the gods come, they are all little guys.

Not qualified to explore the secrets of Su Bai, even speaking...




"Swish swish..."

In short, after the violent ape spoke, all the demon races of the spirit level retreated.

Even if the violent ape has nothing to do with them, this transcendent strength and prestige can completely dictate them.

"Ha ha……"

The old man chuckled and instructed all the human races behind him, "All retreat."

"Yes! Senior Ding!"

"Senior Zunding's wishes!"


The Terran retreated far and wide.

Subsequently, other races, all belonging to the spiritual class, withdrew.

During this period, Su Bai just stood and watched, without speaking.

Bea beside her is quite active.

She didn't go back to the giant tree, but stood beside Su Bai, looking left and right excitedly.

There are so many strong people I saw with my own eyes today!

Who can attract a lot of gods? !

Beya has no such experience.


Su Bai noticed and called her.


Beiya looked at Su Bai, tilted her head and asked, "What do you want me to do?"

Su Bai said: "What are you doing here?"

"Well, the holy tree wants to see you."

Bea said, pointing away.

Looking along, I saw the huge blue tree rooted in the void and surrounded by light clusters.

"Hello there."

Looking over, Su Bai also heard a gentle greeting.

There was obviously kindness in the voice.

"Hello there."

Su Bai nodded, hello in reply.

Afterwards, the giant tree whispered: "When you are done, we will talk."


Su Bai agreed.

To be honest, he was also very curious about this giant tree.

The reason, naturally it is the petite bones obtained in the game.

This giant tree should know the identity of the skeleton!


At this time, the spirit class has regressed, and there are not many in front.

There are only a hundred or so, these are all god-level powerhouses.

When they saw Su Bai and the giant tree talking in a friendly manner, their eyes suddenly became strange and they were puzzled.

"Is the sacred tree of the demon clan having friendship with this kid?"

"Interesting, the demon sacred tree has a gentle attitude towards this white night!"

"What can I say between them?"

"This little fat snowman is obviously a member of the Demon Race, why does he have such a good relationship with this kid? He also gave him a top-notch login bracelet!"

Thoughts similar to the above reverberated in the center of the gods.

Later, a **** asked directly.

In the void, a round and round platinum star made a humming voice: "Devil Sacred Tree, do you know this young man?"


The Demon Sacred Tree didn't speak, it should be that he didn't want to answer.

Ignored, the aura on the star fluctuated, obviously a little unhappy.

However, it will not lose its temper and remain silent.

After this time, everyone understood that asking was useless.

Therefore, the eyes of the gods looked at Su Bai again.

The eyes are curious, inquiring, confused, and some are hidden greed.

"Little queen."

As the old man spoke, he chuckles his beard and said: "The old man's surname is Ding. You have been idiotic for some years, and you are of the same family. Just call me Ding."

Since the people greeted each other with a smile, and there was no malice, Su Bai would naturally not be rude without reason.

He arched his hands and said calmly: "Old Ding, dare to ask what happened to you?"


The old man surnamed Ding laughed, and smiled freely: "The old man has no malice towards you and doesn't covet anything on your body. You can rest assured!"

"The vision you caused in the spiritual world the day before yesterday, the old man already knows."

"A certain vision you caused can suppress the human race!"

"This is important!"

"Because, it probably means that you are..."

Ding Lao said, his voice stopped, his expression serious and serious.

At this moment, the many creatures and sacreds present are all looking solemn and listening carefully.

In fact, many foreign races have guessed what Ding Lao would say.

But... you still have to tell Ding himself to prove it!

Being watched by so many foreign races, Ding Lao was upright and unconcealed, "Human Race has only given birth to a human emperor for hundreds of millions of years!"

"And the old man, I think you are likely to belong to the Emperor..."

"Direct descendants!"

As soon as this remark came out, the whole hall was shocked!

All the creatures looked at Su Bai with eyes wide open.

In my eyes and in my heart, the shock is overwhelming.

Even if it is not really sure, but from this old Ding's mouth...

This is a great possibility!


This name represents an absolutely powerful strength and an absolutely noble identity!

As long as all races in the world have not lost their inheritance, as long as they can access the Dream Universe, and as long as they have a little understanding of the human race, they all know how important the term'human emperor' is in the human race!

The emperor is so powerful that even all races must be in awe!

And the direct blood of the emperor, if you think with your toes, it must be extremely strong!

Right now!

How can sentient beings not be shocked or shocked? !

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