After watching for a while, Su Bai saw it.

This is walking towards Hui Qiansha's room!

Coincidentally, at this time, Chaohui Qiansha was out!

The two waves met at a corner.

That confidant was the first to contact Chaohui Qiansha.

His reaction was particularly great!

Obviously, Chaohui Qiansha was still half a walk away, but he was hit hard.

Back and forth again and again, until he hit the pillar and stopped.

After hitting the pillar, his originally stiff face showed pain, and he seemed to be popular.

In this way, Su Bai knew why he was a normal reason.

It should have stimulated Chaohui Qiansha's strength or something, something that was not deeply attached to her body was knocked out.

As for Chaohui Wuluan and Goddess, they are still abnormal.

Chao Hui Wu chaos face stiffly and said a few words with Chao Hui Qiansha and his cronies, and then left with the goddess.

Nowhere, went back to the basement with the goddess.

Then, nothing happened on the ground.

But the movement in the basement is getting bigger and bigger, and the vibration is continuous.

Until the third day, this morning.

The shaking stopped.

Chaohui Wuluan and the goddess got busy and arranged them in the basement.

Chaohui Wu chaos filled the ground with white candles.

The goddess climbed to the ceiling.

The ceiling is decorated with metal domes, and the goddess writes and paints on these metal domes.

During the busy period, some people were called in.


have eaten……

After the arrangement of the white candle is completed, the candle will be automatically lit.

The two sat on the top of the dome and remained still.

Then, the goddess gradually turned into wood and sculpted.

Chaohui Wu chaos caused the body to convulse.

Then, nothing happened.

After a long time, three people suddenly appeared in this hall.

A female doctor, a male cronies of Chao Hui Wu Chao, Chao Hui Qiansha.

Needless to say, you will know the following things.

Su Bai leaned back in the chair, thinking.

After watching the monitoring, I actually know that it is almost the same.

Cause: The basement of this mansion suddenly appeared strange.

Development: Chaohui Wu chaos, the goddess is selected strangely and possessed.

Crisis: Chaohui Qiansha's blood is sensed by the strangeness, and the strangeness wants to swallow it!

End: Su Bai is here, push horizontally!

Although it is very clear, there are actually some problems.

1. What is this weird?

2. Where did it come from?

3. Why does it appear here?

Actually, Su Bai had some guesses about these three questions.

The conjecture of the first question: I'm afraid it's a relationship with the dead, right?

Conjecture for the second question: Seeing that the hall vibrates endlessly, is it possible that it is underground under the hall?

The third question... This is unclear.

Perhaps, it was the faint perception of the breath of Chaohui Qiansha, so he chose to be born from here?

It is indeed possible.

In addition to these, Su Bai also has a puzzle about Chaohui Qiansha.

Zhaohui Qiansha is one of the twelve guardians, so...

How did her career awaken? !

Yun Cixue and Shangguan Qingshang seem to be the twelve guardian holy spirits.

In the game, they can't awaken their profession, they need to go to a special place.

But Zhaohui Qiansha's career has awakened!

This is very strange!


Unexpectedly, Su Bai could only shook his head, not thinking too much.

Knowing the general idea, he didn't leave from here.

Holding the sleeping Chaohui Qiansha, Su Bai looked at the hall.

Watching and waiting.

According to the monitoring, all anomalies started from the lobby.

Then, if there is something abnormal in the hall next, Su Bai will go down to explore!

This wait did not wait long.

In about an hour, Su Bai's eyes condensed.


He felt a very subtle rumbling sound, which was transmitted from the ground directly below.

This is very subtle, even Su Bai barely noticed it.

It seems that there is really something underground!

With a straight look, Su Bai slowly and gently placed Chaohui Qiansha on the table.

Take a piece of paper and pen and write down what she did, lest she wake up in panic.

After getting it done, Su Bai's figure flashed, disappeared from the monitoring room, and came to the lobby.

Isolate my own movement and dig through the thick concrete.


After digging, the bottom is just ordinary soil.

To be special, there is a point.

Su Bai felt that the soil had a very slight aura, which was very similar to the gray.

So, continue to go deeper and go to the area where you feel the movement.

After about a few kilometers in depth.


At this moment, Su Bai cried out in surprise, a special breath a few hundred meters ahead!

With this breath, Su Bai must have a sense of familiarity!

Immediately speed up.

Soon, arrived!


Su Bai drilled out of the soil and came to a hollow area.

It's dark and big here.

Su Bai can see through the darkness, can see everything here.

This void was not born naturally!

The cavity is about 100 meters huge, and there are traces of fierce fighting everywhere.

Something is fighting here, which made this hollow!

One of them should be that gray.

The other party...

It's a dog!

How did Su Bai know?

Not because of the paw prints everywhere in the cave, but because...

The dog is still here!

It was lying on the ground, now looking up at Su Bai!

Su Bai: "..."

After seeing the dog, Su Bai was shocked and quickly prepared for it.

After all, I don't know if this dog is good or bad.

However, after a few seconds of guarding, the dog did not move, just looking at Su Bai

Su Bai didn't feel the hostility either, so he looked at the dog.

The dog was about the same size as a three-story building, and was completely dark, even darker than the deepest night.

However, the eyes are white, and there is a special white symbol on the center of the eyebrows.

It looks bad now.

There are many wounds on the body and a lot of hair fall.

It was very tired, because it didn't take long for the war to end.

However, his eyes are still clear.

Shut your mouth, look solemn, and aggressive like a wolf king!

Although I didn't want to say it, Su Bai estimated that this dog could crush himself.


So Bai looked at it, and it was also looking at So Bai.

After watching for a while, the dog suddenly opened his mouth: "Woo?!"

The voice was low and reverberating in the space.

Even if he is not hostile to Su Bai, he naturally has a strong oppressive force.


Su Bai was a little confused when he heard this.

Su Bai always felt that this ‘woo’ made him feel that the dog was asking him something.


Where can Su Bai understand dog language?


Seeing Su Bai's confused look, Gouzi shook his head.

The expression clearly showed a sense of regret and loss.

Then, it yelled again: "Woo!"

This sound is even stranger!

I always feel that the dog’s voice is solemn and respectful when he shouts this ‘oo’.

Before Su Bai could think of something, the dog continued: "The time has not arrived, the abyss will not open!"

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