VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 948: Cause and effect


Looking at the two dead, Chao Hui Qiansha bit her lip, silent and very hesitant.

The relationship between her and Chaohui Wuluan is not good.

Obviously he is the father, but for some reason, he just can't get close.

Of course, it must be somewhat.

At this moment, watching Zhaohuiwu die so miserably in chaos, I felt uncomfortable.

After being silent for a while, Chaohui Qiansha eased a little.

Now is not the time to indulge in grief!

Grasping Su Bai's hand, he raised his head and asked him, "Why... it was him?"

"I also want to know!"

Su Bai was even more curious about this, looked around, and then said, "Go, let's check the surveillance."

There are hidden cameras all around and on the ceiling. I hope it will work.

After sensing it, I found the monitoring room.

"Go, over there." As he said, Su Bai took Chaohui Qiansha and walked to the monitoring room.


As soon as he took a step, Chao Hui Qiansha exclaimed and staggered.

He quickly leaned on Su Bai and stabilized.

"I have no strength! How could I be so weak?!!!"

Chaohui Qiansha's scared voice trembled, thinking that something was going to happen.

"It's okay, don't be afraid."

Su Bai first comforted him, and then said, "Remember the nine-tailed fox you just saw?"

"It appears and consumes a lot of energy, so you will be weak."

"Don't worry, it will be restored soon."

After Su Bai said, Chaohui Qiansha came to understand and was relieved.

However, new problems have also come.

Zhaohui Qiansha grabbed Su Bai's clothes and asked curiously, "What is the nine-tailed fox? Why does it appear in my body?"

"I don't know, I don't have any information about these!"

Su Bai shook his head neatly, then bent down to hug Chaohui Qiansha, "Okay, don't ask about this, let's go to the monitoring room first."

I didn't tease her this time. It was not the gesture of holding the child, but the warm princess.

Looking down at her, she only felt that she was really small.

Small arms and legs, small **** and small ass.

Cute, people want to pity.

Tightening his arms, Su Bai held Chaohui Qiansha and walked to the monitoring room.

And Chaohui Qiansha lay in Su Bai's arms, and only came back to his senses after being startled.


There was no resistance, no words.

The small head was buried in Su Bai's chest, his eyes looked at Su Bai's side face.

Warmth, peace of mind, tranquility...

Since she was startled, her spirit has been tense, and now she is finally relaxed.

Soon, Su Bai came to the monitoring room holding Chaohui Qiansha.


It was a short journey, but Chaohui Qiansha had already dozed off in Su Bai's arms.

She is indeed exhausted, and when she relaxes her mind, sleepiness is inevitable.

Su Bai hugged her without waking up, and started operating in the monitoring room.

Within two clicks, the surveillance video of the last three days was recalled.

Pushing Chaohui Chisa's head into his arms, so as not to be awakened by the flashing light.

Put on the headphones and start playing monitoring.

first day.

At 0-8, nothing happens.

On 8.30, Chaohui Wuluan and his male cronies who had been scared to death came over and fencing enthusiastically in a room.

I heard that Chaohui Wu has no eggs in the chaos, this...

it is true!

Therefore, he is now the fencing party.

Spicy eyes, too fast.

Nothing happened in other rooms.

9.00, the end.

Then there was nothing to do until 8 o'clock in the evening, and the fencing time...

Speed ​​is over.

In short, nothing happened on the first day.

the next day.

Nothing happened in the morning, and Chaohui Wuchao and the cronies did not come.

At noon, there was a strange movement suddenly.

Right in the lobby, the video taken by the camera was a bit jerky.

Su Bai carefully judged that the earth was shaking.

Except for jitter, nothing more.

It might be an earthquake, but after looking at it, Su Bai didn't think it was an earthquake.

Because this hall has been shaking!

Almost non-stop, no earthquake can shake as much.

Moreover, at first the jitter was so subtle that it was imperceptible.

But after a few hours, it was already visible!

The shaking of some items placed in the hall was obvious.

You can't call shaking, you can already call shaking.

"It feels...like coming from underground?!"

Su Bai speculated like this.

The vibration is a bit special, giving Su Bai a strange sense of separation from time to time.

It's like someone fighting underground and passing it over.

Su Bai paid attention to this thought, and then continued to read it.

Soon, it was seven o'clock in the evening, and Chao Huiwu came into chaos!

Of course, Yu Zhi's confidants are also his friends.

After the two came in, they fought for nothing, and didn't even notice the movement of the hall.


At this moment, Su Bai's eyes condensed, and he saw what was wrong.

After the two people came in, the hall shook suddenly.

Then, Chaohui Wuchao and his cronies, who were fiercely fencing, suddenly stopped.

Both of them twitched all over, and they were lying on the bed within a few seconds, not knowing whether to live or die.

Obviously, something came out, but the camera couldn't capture it.

After this incident, the turbulence in the hall intensified.

Soon, half an hour passed.

At this time, the two in the room unexpectedly awoke!

Su Bai narrowed his eyes and realized that the expressions of the two of them were very stiff.

Is it already possessed by something?

If yes, the former confidant is obviously fine, and there is nothing weird about him.

Suppress doubts and keep watching.

After regaining consciousness, Chaohui Wu chaos and his cronies walked out of the basement in a trance.

This lost the monitoring of the two, but the problem was not big.



Su Bai controlled the wind and walked through the huge mansion.

Soon, I found the monitoring room on the ground.

To stun the security, directly control the mouse and keyboard with wind, and call up the monitoring.

After a simple screening, it was connected.

After Chaohui Wu Chao and his cronies left, they wandered casually around the mansion.

I also met some servants in the mansion, and nothing much happened.

Not long after, I ran into an old woman.

It should be the old woman who turned into a sculpture, that is, the "Goddess" in the mouth of Chaohui Qiansha.

After meeting the goddess, all three of them froze in place.

Soon, the face of the goddess slowly stiffened.

Then, the three of them wandered around the mansion together.

"Is this looking for weaker and easier to possess, or are there specific requirements?"

Su Bai guessed in his heart.

The current situation is easy to understand.

From the hall in the basement, something should have run out.

The high probability is that special ash.

After the gray gas came out, it immediately eroded Chaohui Wuchao and the cronies.

Control their thoughts and let them walk out of the basement.

The goal should be to continue to spread.

But I don't understand why, I met so many servants, but only selected the goddess.

Is it the cause of old age and weakness, or are there any special requirements?

Keep watching.

Next, although the three of them were swaying, they seemed to move towards a certain direction with purpose.

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