VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 941: Heavenly Tribulation Liquid

What happened briefly in this neon, quickly spread out.

In Blue Star’s [Shen Earth] forum, Su Bai’s appearance in Neon quickly became popular.

Everyone was talking about Su Bai's appearance in the Tongtian Pagoda in Daxia, but now the subject has changed.

Warmly talk about the respect of the Neon Emperor when he faces Su Bai.

"Wow tut tut! Boss White Night is so handsome!"

"It's so cool! One step across such a long distance!"

"The White Night boss is domineering! Let the emperor of the little neon bow his head."

"Hey! Your post...Do you have the ability to predict the future? It was so coincidental that you recorded both before and after the appearance of the White Night."

"As expected to be my white night boss, just handsome! It's cool!"

"Hahahahaha, this emperor knows affairs well."


Things about Su Bai are always so hot.

These posts are enough for Su Bai's fans to have a lively wave.


Su Bai stopped outside the neon palace.

Originally, I was planning to go offline directly, but I always felt strange in my heart.

It seems that something is missing.

After wandering for a while, I can't remember it all.


Suddenly, a thunder blast sounded, and Su Bai immediately focused on the past.

I always feel that the missing things are related to Ray...



After another thunder sounded, Su Bai let me down.

He remembered what was missing!

When the Thunder Spirit was transformed into Thunder Tribulation before, the elemental heart attributes of Thunder Spirit rose greatly.

Of course, this is not important.

The important thing is that after Thunder Tribulation was over, nine things were left behind!

These nine, Su Bai raced into the backpack.

When I cleaned my backpack before, I forgot to read it!

There are too many things in the backpack, look dazzling...

"My brain..."

Su Bai said speechlessly and opened his backpack.

After searching through the backpack, I found the nine groups of light.

Don't talk nonsense, just check the information.


Level: None

Quality: Good luck (quality above the supreme)

Category: Tiancai Dibao

Details: The peculiar liquid born in the Thunder Tribulation Cloud possesses an extremely massive amount of thunder elemental power and is of extremely high quality.

Note: There seems to be a little bit of agility in it, which is very suitable for the treasures of Thunder Road to help them give birth to wisdom.


After reading the message of the first group of light, Su Bai was a little surprised.

Some accidents, some not accidents.

This thing is a ball of lychee-sized, silver-white liquid that emits a strong thunder and electricity.

When I saw it before, Su Bai had a feeling.

Some more of this liquid will give birth to spiritual wisdom from his Thunder Spirit elemental heart if not sure!

Looking at the information now, it really is!

"How many drops?"

Su Bai thought, his eyes swept across the other eight groups of light.

Then I discovered that the nine groups of light were all silver-white liquid.

It's all Heavenly Tribulation Liquid!

Although a little single, it's not bad.

Just what I need.

Adding attributes and attacks to other things is not necessary.

Then, start taking it.


Su Bai unfolded the Dantian interface and looked at the Lei Ling Elemental Heart.

Now, the breath of the Thunder Spirit Elemental Heart is very powerful. When the arc smashed, there was a bit of aura of thunder exploding!

There is no doubt that the Thunder Spirit Elemental Heart has reached its full rank!

Reached the ninth step!

Its attributes are greatly enhanced, and the thunder power contained in it is even more terrifying!


Of course, with Su Bai's current strength, this Thunder Spirit Elemental Heart's blessing to him is very limited.

No way, the legendary Thunder Spirit Elemental Heart is still too low-level.

However, the Thunder Spirit Elemental Heart still has a special place!

It faintly gave Su Bai a special feeling.

That is, in the center of the Thunder Spirit Elemental Heart, where the thunder and lightning are most concentrated and rich, it seems that something is brewing.

"It seems that my thunder spirit elemental heart has been struck by more thunder, accumulated too much power of thunder, and has spontaneously nurtured spiritual wisdom."

Su Bai thought so.

At the same time, his hands kept moving. Take out the Heavenly Tribulation Liquid and use it.


"Crack, click, click!!!"

With this use, violent thunder and lightning quickly appeared on Su Bai, and an incomparably dazzling electric arc covered his whole body.

However, it didn't hurt Su Bai.


At this moment, the Thunder Spirit elemental heart also trembled suddenly.

Like the nectar of a long drought, it emits a band of thunder and lightning, pulling a drop of Heavenly Tribulation Liquid used by Su Bai, into the heart of the element.


With a boom, the aura of the Thunder Spirit Elemental Heart began to soar.

However, this is not enough.

continue to use!

The second drop.

The third drop.

Fourth drop!


When it was the fifth drop, Su Bai's eyes lit up, staring at the Thunder Spirit Elemental Heart.

At this time, five drops of Heavenly Tribulation Liquid were spinning in the heart of the Thunder Spirit element.

The huge lightning power contained in it was released without hesitation, and was absorbed and transformed by the Thunder Spirit Elemental Heart.

In addition to the power of thunder and lightning, there are some special powers in the liquid of heaven.

These powers fluttered and danced in the heart of the Thunder Spirit element, appearing very active and agile.

This should be the things in the Heavenly Tribulation Liquid that can help the Thunder Spirit Elemental Heart to give birth to spiritual wisdom.

Witness the birth of a strange creature...

This scene, even Su Bai, felt very mysterious, great and mysterious!

After sighing for a while, Su Bai continued to use Heavenly Tribulation Liquid.

Although these smart lights appeared, they were not enough.

Sixth drop!

Seventh drop!

Eighth drop!

The ninth drop!

"Stab! Stab!"

"Crack! Click!"


Use all nine drops of Heavenly Tribulation Liquid!

The Thunder Spirit elemental heart kept erupting and roaring, and the electric light radiated more vigorously.

Even revealing his body, so that Su Bai's whole body exudes a brilliant thunder light.

The special aura in the nine drops of Heavenly Tribulation Liquid was released, flying in the heart of the Thunder Spirit element.

At this time, these auras, which were more brilliant than thunder and lightning, began to absorb thunder and lightning.

Then, they began to gather together and condense into one group.

The speed of absorbing lightning is more fierce, like a whale swallowing.

At this time, the sense of agility became clearer.

Su Bai almost felt that an elf was growing, and he was about to wake up.

"Feeling curious..."

He couldn't help muttering to himself.

Next, this group of smart light did not change much, but it was always absorbing the power of thunder.

In the end, all the power of thunder and lightning was absorbed directly, and all the electricity of thunder was consumed.

The elemental heart is dim, and only in the center, a ball of light flickers.

It was bright and dark, as if breathing.

To be honest, at this time the Thunder Spirit Elemental Heart has already been born with spiritual wisdom!

But Su Bai faintly felt that now is not the time to awaken the spiritual wisdom in the elemental heart.

"Look at the information."

Not sure, Su Bai chose to look at the information.

[Thunder Spirit Elemental Heart]

Level: Unknown

Grade: Unknown

Attributes: The Thunder Spirit elemental heart is incubating the spiritual intelligence, and the power is temporarily closed.

Details: It was an ordinary thunder spirit elemental heart in the lower realm. After absorbing massive amounts of thunder power and some special spirits, it gave birth to spirits.

The attributes don't see anything.


Anyway, he didn't collect the Nine Elements and couldn't create a career.

Not urgent.


After closing the pubic interface, Su Bai went offline.

This is offline, it's going to...

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