just now……

His spiritual power value is too high, converted to the mortal world value, it has exceeded 10 million!


Longitudinal golden light!

Go you!


Su Bai thought, a brilliant golden light burst out of his body, and he took a step.

This step directly consumed most of his spiritual power!

Very ferocious!

However, the distance spanned is also terrifying.

Amid the roar, I saw a golden light and long rainbow crossing the sky!

It was like a shooting star across the sky, leaving a brilliant light and the tail flames slowly disappearing.

In the huge roar, Su Bai crossed an extremely distant distance in an instant.

This movement was not small, and where the light belt passed, all the neon players and NPCs stopped, looked up and looked shocked.

"Wow! What a gorgeous golden light!"

"what is this?"

"I always think this is a little familiar..."

"What a cool golden light, what a big movement!"

"What caused this? It left such a long band of light, is it a god?!"

"It must be! I think only gods can move such a long distance in a flash?!"


They looked at the big movement, thinking that some **** was passing by.

Never dare to think that this is a player passing by!

At the end of the beam, where Su Bai stopped, there was also a commotion.


To be precise, it is disturbance. Chaos is better!

Su Bai rushed directly into the palace.

And in this palace, few people are not familiar with Su Bai!

It can even be said to be carved into the soul!

Originally, the sky blasted loudly, and a brilliant golden light flew over, which was already eye-catching enough.

In the palace, all the sights that could be seen were over.

When Jin Guang stops here and sees the powerful man in Jin Guang...

It just so happens that the weather in Neon today is not good, and the sky is dark and dark clouds.

This silhouetted Su Bai is like the Demon King!

Aura bursting!

Now, seeing Su Bai's NPC, I was stunned!

All stupid!


When Su Bai wanted to ask questions, and only said a word, the commotion broke out.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!"

"God! It's him... Bai Ye, he's here again!"

"White night is here! White night is here!"


"Quick! Report it to the Emperor!"


The voices of the eunuchs, court ladies, and guards were so shocked...

That stern and sharp voice is too loud!

Soon, whoosh whoosh, figures jumped out of the palace.

The ground was also roaring, and many guards hurriedly came.

The reaction was quite fast.

But after seeing Su Bai, these people who jumped out had nothing but panic in their eyes.

There is no hostile killing intent at all.

"Wait! Just wait for me!!!"

At this time, there was also a deep shout.

Although the voice was somewhat powerful, there was obviously a lot of panic and a lot of trembling.

Many of the flying figures and guards stopped when they heard this sound.

The Lord appears!

Su Bai stood in the air for a long time and looked down.

Right in front is the palace, the place where the emperor went to court.

The ‘slowly’ was also roared from inside.

Soon, when Su Bai looked down, a middle-aged man walked out of it.

He is the newly elected emperor.

The emperor hurriedly walked out, waving his sleeves, and shouting at the samurai and guards: "Retreat, retreat! Give me all retreat!!!"

"Yes Yes Yes……"




These people were called a sharp, and they retreated immediately.

I want to retreat!

Who dares to fight with Bai Ye!

Long ago, Bai Ye had abused them, let alone now!


After taking a quick breath, Emperor Su Bai offered his hand that day, and then respected the mountain and said: "Dare to ask Lord Bai Ye, why are you here?"

He doesn't have any airs.

This is quite normal.

This new emperor knows everything that Su Bai did in Neon!

Moreover, Su Bai also killed that Wu Gaowan and saved the Divine Land.

This made the new emperor dare not show off when facing Su Bai.

In case of offense, be killed...

There is nowhere to avenge justice!

Su Bai stood in the sky and looked at him, feeling subtle in his heart.


The current situation is quite interesting.

After thinking about it, it's time to enter the topic.

Su Bai looked at the new emperor and asked aloud: "I'm here to find someone, she is called'Chaohui Qiansha'."

He directly reported the actual name, because... I don't seem to know the name of that little Lolita's game ID.

Well, I don't worry about the emperor not being recognized.

With Zhaohui Qiansha's reputation, it is not surprising that these NPCs have heard of real names.

Su Bai didn't think it was wrong, this new emperor really knew it.

Zhaohui Qiansha is actually No. 1 on the Neon player list.

At the same time, because of the ambiguous relationship between her and Su Bai, the new emperor knew.


Facing Su Bai’s questioning, the emperor thought for a while and said, "Master Bai Ye, I know the person you are looking for."

"But during this time, it seems that I haven't heard from her."

"In my palace, there are a few people who are warriors from another world. Do you need to ask?"

"Call!" Su Bai nodded.

"Okay, wait a minute!"

Soon, a few players came over.

After seeing Su Bai, everyone's eyes widened, looking demented and horrified.

Someone on the side explained a few words to them.

Then, one of the players said: "White...White Night, the princess hasn't appeared for some time."

There is no need for Su Bai to ask. The other players immediately explained the reason: "There is unconfirmed news in our country that the emperor is sick. Therefore, the princess has not been online during this time."

The news that the Neon Emperor is seriously ill has already appeared on the news pages of major countries.

Su Bai hasn't been offline for a long time, and of course he doesn't know the news in reality.

"What a coincidence..."

Su Bai listened, somewhat speechless.

Ling Shuanghan and Chen Xiyue could not be found, nor could Chaohui Qiansha, nor could they be found in Shentu.


Seeing that Su Bai was silent, the emperor asked cautiously that day: "Master Bai Ye, do you have anything else to ask?"


Su Bai said lightly, turned around and exploded with golden light.

In the huge sound of breaking through the sky, he stepped on the golden light and left instantly, only the brilliant golden light Changhong slowly dissipated.




The players on the ground, the emperor, and the personnel in the palace looked at the direction Su Bai was leaving, and said nothing for a long time.

I can't calm my mind for a long time, and my thoughts are different.

The new emperor: "It's really strong! I am so strong that I am an emperor, so I can only bow down..."

Person in the palace: "The emperor dare not offend him, this man is terrible!"

Player A: "Unbelievable, he turned out to be a player!"

Player B: "Everything he has done is nothing like what a player can do!"

Player C: "I really envy you! I want to be as powerful as him! But...isn't this impossible?!"


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