VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 903: This robbery... is too strong!

The player he chased was taken aback, and then overjoyed.


Less than a breath of time, Su Bai flew out of the thunder and lightning!

The body is seriously injured, but the spirit is more vigorous and the aura is more terrifying!





"Alive? Am I special..."


Before he smiled, he froze on his face, and then a burst of furious anger sounded.

Before the curse was over, he immediately rushed forward.

Because Su Bai came after it again.





Jie Lei kept falling, and Su Bai never died.

The rhythm is very good. After using a few players to block the mine, you can withstand the thunder.

After a while, Su Bai had already endured a dozen thunderstorms.

His body healed and collapsed, collapsed and improved.

It looks extremely dangerous, but never died!

The more you look at this tribulation, the greater the shock in the onlookers' hearts.

Surprised that there was less discussion, he focused on Su Baidu Jie.


After a robbery thunder fell, there were changes.

In the thundercloud vortex in the sky, there are nine groups of nine-color robbery thunder.

From the opening to the present, there has been a group of nine-color robbery thunder falling down thunder.

At this moment, this regiment fell into the final robbery thunder and stopped moving.

Although thunder and lightning were still emitted, the breath seemed to soften, pure and crisp.

The subsequent thunder tribulation was borne by the nine-color tribulation next to it, and the thunder and lightning were smashed.


The exchange time in the middle attracted attention, and many onlookers looked up.

Although it can only be seen for a short time, not too long, otherwise the eyes will be severely painful and even pierced.

However, it was also discovered that the Thunder had changed.

"What's happening here?"

"I'm stupid! I thought it was almost finished, but the result is the beginning?!"

"Damn! This Jie Lei is still a human crossing?!"

"It seems that these nine groups of thunders will knock down the thunder... Wait! I just realized now... Is this group of nine-color thunders knocked down too many thunders?!"

"Huh?! Um... yes!"

"Too many thunders! The normal nine-color thunder thunder will only chop nine thunder thunders, even if it is completed!"

"Hundreds of them fell in this group, right?"

"This... I really don't know what to say, this kid duo's robbery is hundreds of times more than the ones here..."

"Where is a hundred times, I am afraid it is not hundreds of times!"

"Forget it, I don't mind. The question is, how many thunders did he take with his body? He hasn't died yet, is this reasonable? Is this reasonable?!"

"This kid is just a freak..."

"That's not it! Although I belong to the thunder beast clan, I can't resist such a terrifying thunder!"

"How could such a perversion be born..."

"I'm really curious now, where did this human race come from?!"


Unknowingly, so many tribulation thunders have been cut off, thinking that the tribulation thunder will be over.

It turns out...that's the first stage!

And in this first stage, the number of thunder thunders alone was more than the usual nine-color thunder thunder...

These shook many onlookers severely!

Su Bai also discovered the changes in the sky.

It just so happened that he had recovered now, and he suffered another robbery.

Increased power!

But a stepped increase is not a double increase.

Although Su Bai has become stronger with this increase, he will still be chopped to death under the robbery after this increase.

But, you can stand it without death!

carry on!

Some time passed.


After this thunder fell, the second stage was also over.

This second group of Nine-Colored Tribulation Thunder converged its light, and although it still existed, it still exuded thunderous electricity, but it was soft.

The Jie Lei relay next to it glowed with terrifying thunder power and fell.


Su Bai still bears it physically.

He became stronger, Jie Lei also became stronger, still stepping on the limit.

However, there is nothing to do with Su Bai!

carry on!

It can be said that a long time passes slowly...

The third stage, pass!

The fourth stage, pass!

The fifth stage, pass!

The sixth stage, pass!

The eighth stage, pass!

The ninth stage, start!

This stage is the final stage, so the thundering power has reached its peak.

However, everyone still saw no pressure on Su Bai.

It's easy, and it feels like everything is under control!

What it shows is true.

Chase the player and use it to block mines.

After blocking a few lanes, he suffered a robbery.

Then chase the player.

Repeatedly, very regularly.

"This Lei Jiedu is too powerful!"

"I can see that he is using the power of thunder to hone his body!"

"There is a record of this, but I only know him who can withstand such a powerful thunder."

"Ordinary genius, Dingtian also endured a few thunders to temper himself. He has endured too much! It has exceeded a hundred thunders!"

"Don't say anything, if anyone can find the second one who can withstand so many thunders, I will call him father!"

"This person is really ruthless! Really terrible!"

"Originally, I was not optimistic that he could survive this thunderstorm, especially after he borrowed the operation of other players to block the thunder, even less optimistic! Now...well, it turns out that I have too little knowledge and underestimated him. "

"Who would be optimistic about this horrible thunder?! I can only say that this guy is too enchanting! Terrible talent!"

"Split so many Thunder, it should be almost over."

"After hearing thousands of thunder and roaring, my mind is almost muddled..."

"When it's over, he can definitely cause a vision of heaven and earth!"

"When it is over, the spiritualization is successful. At that time, his bloodline should fluctuate uncontrollably, and he should be able to know some of his background."

"I really look forward to it, I am really curious!"

"Tsk tusk...When the thunder robbery is over, without the thunder robbery hanging, this kid is afraid that he will be besieged!"

"That's right! This kid is too troublesome, he is brave!"

"It's a pity that I didn't see this kid's backstage. I'm afraid that he will be cut a few times before he grows up..."


Looking at Su Bai who crossed the robbery, the onlookers talked with complex expressions.

Although I have watched it for a long time, the shock in my heart is no less, more and more.

Many strong people admire and admire Su Bai, and even worry about Su Bai.

As for Su Bai...

No time to think about it, it's the last juncture now.

The spirit has been tense for so long, Su Bai doesn't want to roll over here.

He even more mentally coped.



In the thundercloud vortex in the sky, the thunderous aura emitted by the last group of nine-color robbery thunder slowly diminished, and it was almost over.

However, at this time, someone secretly moved.

They hated Su Bai, but they didn't want Su Bai to complete this triumph, so they came secretly.

The strength is very strong, and carry the treasure, in order to prevent the chicken from being robbed.

Approach carefully and attack suddenly.


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