VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 902: Just can't die?!

"Huh... come on, see if you can stand it!"

After raising his head and taking a look, Su Bai sighed and looked serious.

In this short period of time, by using a lot of rare potions and natural treasures, his life was restored.

More than that, there are temporary bonuses for health, defense, and lightning.

You are now ready!

After a breath, Jie Lei fell again!


The scorching thunder and lightning crossed the sky, pierced through the space, and fell down.

The electric light shone, and the thunder shook the world.

In the blink of an eye, it hit Su Bai's body.



In an instant, Su Bai became a ridiculous person.

There was electric light all over, and a sea of ​​arcs exploded around him.

At this time, no one could see what was going on inside the lightning, and even the perception was weakened by the violent lightning.

"Do not!!"

"Huh!? Damn, what is he doing? Why don't you hide?!"

Fu Qingqiu and Fu Feishhuang followed, hiding behind Su Bai for a few kilometers.

At this moment, people were shocked to see Su Bai being struck by the thunder without evasive.

I thought that Su Bai would have a way, but now he was hit by one move.

As a result, all onlookers were also surprised, and there was an indescribable disappointment.

Before, even if he was not optimistic, he wanted to see Su Bai could survive the thunder.

It takes a while to cross.

But from the beginning, he was struck by thunder and thunder, and the flash couldn't get out of it.

"After finishing the ball..."

"This robbery has doubled, and it should be dead."

"He has suffered several thunders before, so it's impossible to accept it any more?"

"Can't figure out what he is doing? I didn't see him trying to hide. What about this game?!"

"Want to take it hard?"


For a time, they bothered.

Not to mention them, even one by one was taken aback by Su Bai.

She didn't know what Su Bai was going to do, she thought that Su Bai couldn't get out of it.

However, one by one was always extraordinary, and he easily sensed Su Bai's breath from the violent and chaotic thunder, and immediately relaxed.

"It looks like... the robbery thunder that smashed down suddenly disappeared into a lot of power."

"This time, more disappeared than before."

"Is something absorbed?"

Looking at the thunder and lightning that was still exploding, after relaxing one by one, I thought in my heart.

She could perceive that when Jie Lei fell on Su Bai, most of his power would immediately disappear.

But it is impossible to perceive what is absorbed.


At this moment, Su Bai bathed in thunder and lightning was all wounded, and no part of his body was intact.

There were scorched black mouths everywhere, among them flickering horrible electric arcs, and the blood was full of the color of thunder and lightning.

The robbery after this multiplication is really terrifying!

Su Bai's life was hit to the bottom all of a sudden, his body was severely injured, and it almost exploded directly.

The current state is even more extreme than before!

After all, Su Bai has absorbed the power of a few thunder and lightning and has become much stronger.

But now, it is still stepping on the edge of the limit.

In fact, Su Bai only endured this thunder...

10% strength!

That mysterious, gestating power showed great power and absorbed 70% of the power of thunder and lightning!

The Thunder Spirit Elemental Heart also maintained a stable performance, absorbing 20% ​​of the lightning.

Under this situation, Su Bai managed to stabilize and did not violently die under the doubled power of the thunder.

Now, Su Bai has discovered his shortcomings.

That is, the body itself is too weak.

Before, he didn't think about this kind of problem, because there were equipment, and he didn't have much contact with players with a slim body.

But after entering the spirit world, I saw a lot of players who cultivated their bodies and didn't wear equipment.

At this moment, the equipment was shattered by thunder, and it was of little use.

Su Bai felt that he should also improve the quality of his body!

Of course, this is not the time for reflection.

After the thought passed through his mind, Su Bai opened his backpack and took medicine to repair himself.


Take the medicine while taking steps.

The next thunder thunder must not be taken by yourself, at least you have to wait until your health and physical signs are almost restored before you can continue with the next thunder.


Su Bai appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Although he was embarrassed and scorched by thunder and lightning, his eyes were still clear and shiny, and his spirit was not at all sluggish.

On the contrary, the momentum is stronger!

In this way, the embarrassment on this body, it sets off the fierce temperament, domineering and masculine.

For a time, many Terran girls looked obsessed and blushed.

Even some foreign races were shocked, and their hearts throbbed.

Most males stared at Su Bai with a shocked expression.

"This...he is still alive?!"

"Hi! It's not dead?! Just can't die?!"

"He received another thunder thunder! It was the thunder thunder after the power doubled!"

"I have asked many times, and now I want to ask again: How is this possible?!"

"So the terrible Jie Lei didn't die? I obviously saw him struck by the thunder!"

"What is the method to resist such a terrifying thunder?!"


These shocks were all because Su Bai was still alive.

The terrifying power of Jie Lei is visible to everyone, and even quite perceptible. After all, you can clearly perceive the powerful thunder energy even far away.

Therefore, Su Bai's situation is really shocked.

I really can't figure out what means was used to resist such a powerful thunder.

Is it possible...

Jie Lei can still cheat, but the thunder is loud and the actual power is average?

When these players and aliens were shocked, Su Bai also pursued the escaped players.

Su Bai's speed is very fast, just a few steps down, has caught up with the backward.

"Fuck! Gangster, don't chase me!!!"

In front of him is a huge metal player.

The shape is square and square, like a square.

Hearing the wind behind him and seeing no movement, he immediately found Su Bai, and then he made a flustered request.



It was only Su Bai's indifference and the figure's pursuit.

When he approached, the nine-color robbery thunder in the heavenly robbery cloud suddenly lit up.


With the rumbling, the sky thunder fell and hit a huge metal block.

Explode directly!

When the metal is flying, it is mixed with the aftermath of the thunder.

Although the aftermath was quite strong, it was only aftermath, and Su Bai could still absorb it.

Stop for a moment, absorb these aftermaths, and then move on.

"Damn! Want to pull me back?! Go to death...Boom!!!"

"Boss White Night, give me a chance...Boom!!!"

"Asshole! You will be reported...Boom!!!"

"Don't chase me, you chase him...Boom!!!"

"I remember you...Boom!!!"

After finding five guys to block the lightning, Su Bai's physical condition was also full.



Another brilliant but terrifying robbery thunder fell, and Su Bai did not hide, accepting it calmly.

The thunder and lightning exploded on him, forming a huge thunder and lightning light group.

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