VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 892: Trillion...must be in the spirit world!

"By the way, the quality level of this fruit and the skills Xiaoxue comprehends are the same name."

"Could it be... before Xiaoxue fell, was it the holy realm? Or was it stronger?"

Speaking of this ‘Holy Dao’ quality, Su Bai also thought of Xiaoxue and her comprehensible skills [Holy Dao·World of Absolute Heaven]

With that said, Xiaoxue seems to be stronger than that gambler!

Unfortunately, it has not recovered.

Su Bai was distracted for a while, and soon recovered.

Business matters.

Pinch the fruit and start to absorb it.

After a while, the fruit disappeared completely.

At this time, the eighth-order spiritualization had enough energy.

Below the eighth level, the ninth-level interface emerged.

Some souls cannot be advanced multiple times, and will not immediately appear to the next stage like Su Bai.

【Advanced Spiritualization·Ninth】

Energy required for spiritualization: 143***/10000.0000.0000 (one trillion!!!)

Advanced success rate: 0%

Advanced completeness: 0%


Now, Su Bai is really not calm anymore!

His face was instantly dark, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

one trillion!

Is this still the number of yang rooms? !

What and what is this, how can you have so much spiritual power?

It's too much!

If there is no BUG, ​​it can be stuck for a lifetime!

"I know I'm special, but the amount needed is too ridiculous..."

Su Bai barked his teeth, and did not rush to continue, instead he opened the Spirit World Forum and started searching.

I searched some historical records to see if there would be any spiritual records left by powerful players.

He wanted to see how much other people's ninth-order spiritualization needed?

The world is so big, although the ninth-order spiritualization is difficult, but it can do a lot.

After all, there are actually two requirements.

One, enough spiritual power.

Second, the soul is strong enough to support the ninth-order spiritualization.

Although the second point is very important, generally speaking, at least 30% of the guys who can enter the ruins of the spiritual disaster can support the ninth-order spiritualization.

Therefore, Su Bai found a lot.

Then, it gets weird.

How much do they need?

First order, ten million yourself! People range from 100,000 to 1 million, and no more than 5 million.

The eighth level, one hundred billion! Other players...most of them are around one billion...

Tier Nine, I need a trillion! Most of the others are 5 billion, and 10 billion is enough.

In addition, it also turned to the gossip.

It is said that for some people who become gods and are crowned as emperors, the ninth rank may be around 100 billion.

Of course, it's just gossip, not sure.

"Is my soul so strong? Ten times stronger than someone who can become a great emperor?"

Looking around, Su Bai fell into the big thinking of life.

After struggling for a while, I was too lazy to think.

Close the forum.

Then, Su Bai took out a sacred tree fruit from his backpack.

Fortunately, I took two of them. Adding this fruit to my remaining bugs, should I get a trillion spiritual power?

Su Bai thought, triggering the BUG.

The first BUG was when the sacred tree Tao fruit was recovered to be unworn.

The second is to improve the quality of the sacred tree Tao fruit, which is to enhance the spiritual power of the sacred tree Tao fruit.

[Create success! 】

[Create success! 】

All succeeded, and the quality of the sacred tree road fruit has been promoted.

The light emitted at this moment was extremely dazzling, and the breath was extremely fragrant, which made Su Bai's spirit refreshed.

The fruit fell into a thick spiritual mist, and quickly made the box like a fairyland.

At this time, the quality of this sacred tree fruit is...

【Holy King】

Of course, the most important thing is the power of spirituality.

When quality is the holy way, there are 100 billion points of spiritual power.

When the Holy King, there are 500 billion points!

There is still a difference of 500 billion!

Reluctantly, the third BUG was added again, and the first level was stuck.

[Create success! 】

The fruit that was originally too dazzling suddenly changed, and all the light had converged!

The whole Su Bai thought something went wrong.

Fortunately, it's okay to see it on the information panel.

【Holy Tree Road Fruit】

Level: None (existing, but refined)

Quality: Holy Emperor (above the Holy King!)

Category: Consumables/Spiritual Consumables

Effect: After use, it adds 100 billion points of spiritual power.

Details: The Tao fruit contains a lot of power that can help ordinary creatures to exercise and advance their ‘spiritual’

It seems that the light is restrained and the treasure is self-conscious?

It is not important, what is important is that the power of one trillion spiritual transformation succeeded!

With this quality, the limitation of only using one is gone. It is absorbed by whole blood, which is great!

Immediately, Su Bai began to absorb it.

Longer this time!

The sky turned from dark to light gradually!

The BUG on Su Bai's wrist was consumed several times, but there were still three more.

By this time, they have all recovered once, a total of 4 times.


At eight o'clock, the sky was completely bright.

At this moment, Su Bai finally absorbed it!

The spiritual interface has also been refreshed.

Naturally, there is no need to look at the eighth step in front, and Su Bai looks at the ninth step.

【Advanced Spiritualization·Ninth】

Energy required for spiritualization: 10000.0000.0000 (one trillion!!!)

Advanced success rate: 99%

Advanced completeness: 99%


After seeing the information of the ninth level, Su Bai was surprised, "Strange! After the previous levels are enough, they are all 100% perfect! This level is enough, why is it still like this?"

If there is a problem, check it!

The spirit world forum is so big, there are still information and posts left over from the past, it is simply a book of trillions of subjects!

Soon, Su Bai knew the reason, frowning.

[Brothers, why my first-order spiritualization is enough, but there is only a 90% chance? 】

Second floor: very simple! Once you die, you can't be perfectly spiritualized!

Third floor: Brother's talent is a little diarrhea, or has he died too many times?

Fourth floor: The more people die, the lower the chance. If you have high talents and die several times, the odds will remain high.

Just search and read a post, and you will understand after looking a few floors.

It was because of the reason that he fell to death once in the game world, resulting in the ninth level not having a 100% chance.

"This is a bit troublesome!"

"Although I have a supplementary order, but I am not spiritualized, I can't stay in the spiritual world!"

Su Bai frowned and muttered to himself.

However, it did not worry for a long time.

There is a BUG, ​​and I am lucky, and Mo Zixi, the lucky three-tailed cat, is not a big problem.

It's just that the [Spiritualization Completeness] is only 99%, and it will be done with BUG then.

Anyway, there are 4 bugs now, enough.

"Well, no problem, let's get started!"

Su Bai loosened his eyebrows, his thoughts aroused the surging power in his body, ready to begin spiritualization.

Who knows...


Just thinking about spiritualization, a window popped up in front of me.

[Spiritualization aborted! 】

[Reason: Spiritualization can only be performed in the spirit world! 】

[Note: Please perform spiritualization in a safe place! 】

There were some accidents, but it was still being cleaned up.

It's no big deal, just go!

Next, Su Bai disguised himself a bit.

Not to mention, now he really has no shortage of disguise.

Killing so many players and exploding many good things!

Among them, there are many who disguise and hide their own information.

Like online games: Create a BUG every ten hours, please collect it: (ltnovel.com) Online games: Create a BUG every ten hours. The literature update is the fastest.

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