And after such a long time, the spirit world was already in trouble.

All kinds of news have spread.

Many players felt that Su Bai got very good things in that wave, and it was inevitable that he would be moved.

In the tens of billions of spiritual divisions, many players and even local living creatures are looking for Su Bai.

Or they are greedy for treasures, or they want to obtain location information in exchange for treasures.

However, for so long, I can't even see a shadow!

"where is the guy?!"

"He took this bunch of beautiful girls, where did he go?"

"No, isn't he spiritualizing?"

"Yes! It stands to reason that this kind of enchanting spirit will definitely create a vision, right?!"

"Even if you want to take a break, it shouldn't be so long..."

"Is it possible that you are planning to achieve multi-level spiritualization?"

"He took a huge amount of treasures, it is very likely that he did it!"

"Even if he does this, the time is now, right?"

"Could it be that you ran to the lower bound?"

"But, you can't be spiritual in the lower realm!"

"No matter what, as long as he becomes spiritual, he must return to the spiritual world. Don't worry! Hold on!"


Su Bai couldn't be seen for a long time, and she gradually became anxious.

In addition to these players, two others are also very upset.

One, Fu Qingqiu!

Before, after Fu Qingqiu separated from her sister, she immediately closed her breath and sneaked into the spirit world.

Then, he began to look for the traces of Su Bai.

Of course I couldn't find anything, so I could only watch the live broadcast and wait for Su Bai to come out.

Well, by the way, bet 10 million star coins and bet that Su Bai finished blocking the door.

From the beginning, she trusted Su Bai to complete it.

This came to the spirit world, Fu Qingqiu was only worried that Su Baizhao would besiege.

The gambling game is completed, and 90 million star coins are earned!

This is not important, the important thing is to look for Su Bai.

With her supernatural power, she wanted to find Su Bai in the tens of billions district. The problem was not too big, it only took a short time.


It was just such a coincidence that Su Bai returned to Divine Land.

Fu Qingqiu searched it all over, but couldn't find it, and felt anxious.

Second, Fu Feishhuang!

Besides Fu Qingqiu's impetuousness, it was Fu Feishhuang.

She has also come to the spirit world!

After separating from Fu Qingqiu, he also closed his breath and sneaked into the spirit world.

His thoughts were the same as Fu Qingqiu, worried that Su Bai would be besieged.

However, I don't think I have a deep relationship with Su Bai. It would be weird if I came here with integrity.

Therefore, I concealed my sister and sneaked up.

After coming up, I also looked for it first, but found nothing.

Because of her closed breath, Fu Qingqiu did not find her, nor did she find Fu Qingqiu who was also closed.

Therefore, Fu Feishuang could only watch the live broadcast and wait for Su Bai to come out.

Then, he also bet 10 million Star Spirit coins, and bet Su Bai successfully blocked the door.

Su Bai's strength is not high in her eyes, but some inexplicable methods are simply terrifying!

Therefore, she also trusts Su Bai.

Coincidentally, isn't it? As the gambling ghost said, three guys succeeded in betting, so you know two.

one left……

One by one!

When I was busy pulling the scattered stars one by one, I also touched the fish for a while and watched the live broadcast.

Of course, the most important thing is to want to see Su Bai.

Well, by the way, bet 10 million and give it to nothing when you earn it.

Back to Fu Qingqiu and Fu Feishuang.

The two of them wandered around the ten billion division of the Spiritual Division, but they couldn't find Su Bai and felt anxious.

I was also wondering whether Su Bai had left the world or something, but there was no definite way, I had to find it first.

Although Fu Qingqiu had something to contact Su Bai, she couldn't contact Su Bai in the spirit world.



God soil.

A box in Yeluo.

The side of the sofa where Su Bai was sitting was covered with a layer of dust, everything was consumed.

At this moment, he stopped.

Eight or nine of the things in the backpack were consumed, and only some special things were left.

Now, Su Bai can perform a total of seven spiritualizations!

The eighth level is stuck, the power of spiritual transformation it needs is too terrifying!

The first level, 10 million

The second stage, 50 million

The third level, 100 million

Tier 4, 1 billion

Level 5, 5 billion

The sixth order, 10 billion!

The seventh order, 50 billion!

The eighth level, 100 billion!

There are tens of millions of good things in the backpack, which is worthy of the seventh level.

To the eighth level, there are 100 billion vacancies!

It can be said that it needs more than 20 million, each containing at least 5000 points of spiritual power.

If there is no other means, I have to block the door twice...

"A bit outrageous..."

Su Bai smashed his mouth, opened his backpack, and looked for it.

Not long after, two fruits were taken out.

【Holy Tree Road Fruit】

It was obtained with the place where the emperor blood was obtained.

The effect is very strong. Compared with ordinary things, only a few thousand or ten thousand points of spiritual power are added. This fruit adds 100,000!

Unfortunately, for Su Bai, it was still too spicy.

However, there is a bug!

The message of this fruit says that after too long a period of time, effectiveness has passed and quality has declined.

Then, its original quality and effectiveness should be very good!

It should be feasible to use the BUG card to become a worn state.

Don't ask why you don't use BUG to directly card the amount of spiritual power, it has been explained many times.

Card bugs must have a basis, not change out of thin air, joking is not nonsense, and adaptation is not random editing.

At the same time, after so long, Su Bai has always felt that BUG can only be used to change foreign objects.

Then, use foreign objects to strengthen yourself, this is the best way.

Back to the topic.

When Su Bai thought, the number of bugs decreased by one, and there were 6 more times.

[Create success! 】

Fly the invisible force on the wrist and blend into the fruit, the result is as seen above.


When the successful interface was displayed, the fruit in Su Bai's hand shined brightly.

The fragrance of fragrance is diffuse, the powerful power is like smoke, surrounded by special **** chains!

This sacred tree road fruit is extraordinary!

Su Bai can no longer see the information he is viewing now!

But, peculiarly, he has that familiar feeling again.

In this sense of familiarity, the information interface began to change, and detailed information appeared.

【Holy Tree Road Fruit】

Level: None (existing, but refined)

Quality: Holy Way (above the beginning, touch the Holy Way!)

Category: Consumables/Spiritual Consumables

Effect: After use, it adds 100 billion points of spiritual power.

Details: The Tao fruit contains a lot of power that can help ordinary creatures to exercise and advance their ‘spiritual’

Note: Only one capsule can be taken, and multiple servings are invalid.

"Huh! Good fellow!"

Seeing this effect, Su Bai was surprised.

One hundred billion!

This is really enough!

Regardless of Su Bai's place, it was only enough to complete the eighth level, and thought it was very spicy.

In fact, if this fruit is used by ordinary players, it can be used by hundreds of thousands or even millions of players to complete the first-order spiritualization.

If there are souls to support the ninth-order spiritualization, that is enough to complete the ninth-order spiritualization.

Su Bai is only enough for Tier 8 because his situation is too weird and the energy required is too terrifying!

In general, the word "Sacred Path" is also consistent.

Like online games: Create a BUG every ten hours, please collect it: ( Online games: Create a BUG every ten hours. The literature update is the fastest.

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