Looking at the audience in the live broadcast room from beginning to end, no one saw that the curved blade came from.

If the gambling ghost watched attentively, then they could see it.

But no one in the court is Su Bai's opponent, who cares about a fight among children?


A sharp and fierce laughter sounded, accompanied by an arrogant and pleasant voice: "I said, you will die in my hands!"

When the voice sounded, behind Su Bai, a large amount of purple gas suddenly emerged.

The purple gas condenses quickly and needs to condense into form.

At the same time, wisps of purple air grabbed Su Bai's whole body, to fulfill his previous self-talk, to drink Su Bai's blood.

But now...


In Su Bai's heart, sacred blue light was shining, and there was a spirit of divine Dao flowing away.

Su Bai is resurrected instantly!


The brows are raised, and the eyes are like cold electricity.

With a wave of his hand, the blade was bombarded with thunderbolt power.


However, this blow was blocked!

There was a thick purple-black fleshy object that blocked Su Bai's knife without causing any damage.


With a fierce and arrogant smile, Zi Qi was impatient, and he was about to cover Su Bai's neck.


At this moment, a thunderbolt exploded in the sky.

With a click, a thunder and lightning fell from the sky.


It directly hit all the links between Ziqi and Su Bai, and easily separated the two.

Su Bai immediately took a step and moved a hundred meters in an instant.

With the air, Hengmei looked coldly.

"Ha ha ha..."

The Ziqi was still sneer, not dead.

That thunder and lightning was chopped down by a gambling ghost, meaning to relieve Su Bai's troubles, and then sort out the situation.

Therefore, the purple gas was not killed immediately.

At this time, Zi Qi sneered, his body began to condense.

Just a blink of an eye, the form is fully revealed.

It is roughly in human form, but there are a pair of purple corners on the head.

Six pairs of blood-colored wings grow on the back, and the body is covered with black scales.

There are spikes on the wrists and insteps.

Su Bai is quite familiar with this form!

Looks like the demon who was hacked to death before, Taste Jing!

Next, the attributes that he saw also confirmed Su Bai's conjecture.

【Taste Jing】

Don't look at other things, take a look at the important attributes.

Life: 2,432,800,000 (2.4 billion, under special power blessing)

Demon Qi: 6,401,100 (6.4 million, special power blessing)

Power: 403141 (special power blessing)

Physique: 232424 (special power blessing)

Intelligence: 384321 (special power blessing)

Spirit: 272525 (special power blessing)

Physical attack: 10551310 (10.55 million, special power blessing)

Magic attack: 10432211 (10.43 million, special power blessing)

Physical defense: 120,354,112 (120 million, under special power blessing)

Magic defense: 122,434,122 (120 million, special power blessing)


This attribute!

Life exploded, and other attributes were basically doubled! ! !

There is also defense, directly breaking 100 million!

Moreover, there must be other surges not shown in the data.

For example, speed, stealth means, etc.!

The speed at which he attacked himself just now, he didn't feel it, and couldn't react to it!

Good guys!

This is not a capsize in the gutter, this is a hard nail!

What is this method?

The bonus is not weak!

Very simple!

At the moment of death, Tasting Jing crushed the order to ask God.

Ling Zhong Pentium Purple Qi injected into his body, and then there was this change.

It's a long story.

But after Su Bai finished reading the attributes, he thought about it for a moment.

At this time, the gambling ghost fell from the sky.

"Bold! Who allows you to carry such a powerful foreign object?!" As soon as he fell, he asked Taste Jing.

At this moment, Su Bai also came by.

With the help of Meng Shenxi, Xia Cha, Yun Cixue, Mu Mu, Mu Suxin, Mu Yi Nuan and others came over the distance of ten miles.

"Brother, brother, are you okay?!" Xia Cha.

"Brother does it hurt? Does it hurt?" Mu Mu.

"Ahhhhhhhhh! I feel so distressed, I want to kill him!" Mu Yinuan.

"How are you...? How is the situation?" Mu Suxin


Before Su Bai had time to reply, Mo Zixi and Beiya were pulled by Xiao Luo Ying and flew over together.

"the host!"



Mo Zixi and Beiya both exclaimed, and then both rushed to Su Bai, while Beiya looked at Su Bai worriedly.

Su Bai let go of Xia Cha and Mu Mu in his arms and caught them.

"It's okay, I'm okay. It's not in reality, there's nothing to worry about, isn't I resurrected. It doesn't hurt or it hurts, my pain is only 5%."

A series of explanations made the women quieter.

It was too sudden, they were really scared.

After they calmed down, they all stared at Tsingjing in the distance with their enemies.

Su Bai also looked over.

At this time, Tsing Jing was explaining to the gambler, or sophistry.

"Ha ha……"

He smiled calmly and quibbled: "My lord, this is not a foreign object!"

"This is just a kind of stimulating breath to stimulate the power sealed in my body!"

After the gambler perceives it, his breath fluctuates.

Su Bai could clearly perceive that the gambler was angry.

But due to the rules, due to the live broadcast room, he can't play the killer happily.

Once killed, he will inevitably cheat in the live broadcast room, and the gambling will not be possible.

At the same time, what Taste Jing said...that's right!

The power of asking the gods to invite is not particularly strong, it is allowed within the rules.

What is really strong is the strength that has been sealed in Tsing Jing's body for a long time, and it is his own strength, hole cards, and methods.

This is within the rules!

What the gambler is worried about is that the taste crystal is too strong at this time, and Su Bai is afraid that he can't deal with it!


Su Bai sneered, and said, "Don't worry, he can kill with a single blow!"

One knife!

Even if this person's attributes are about to be equal to his own, even in a certain aspect, Su Bai still has such a strong confidence!

Just a cut!

Even, the power of the yin and yang profession is not needed! There are so many people at this time, and the power of this profession is really not better for the time being.


Taste Jing snorted in the distance, and laughed mockingly: "What a joke! A guy who was stabbed to death by me without even reacting has the face to say such things?"

"This... the confidence from him?!"

"This half-devil has dealt 1.5 billion damage! Is he still a single second?"

"Fuck me!"

"I'm afraid that the half-devil has inspired the bloodline power. It's terrifying in this state!"

"Well! The defense of the half-devil clan is extremely high, blood for flesh!"

"Hanging! This guy must die!"


The sound in the live broadcast room was almost one-sided.

The number of Blue Star was faint, and his voice was completely covered by this huge stream of barrage.


Su Bai sneered, his eyes were cold, and he was not interested in talking to him. He turned to look at Xia Cha, "Chacha!"

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