VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 880: Mutation! Killed!

Like a madman about to lose his sanity!

His body is intact and he does not appear to be injured.




The weapon given by his family with a quality of "Fatal", after making a continuous cracking sound, exploded directly!

At this time, you can see that his hands are completely useless!

The entire palm is not a piece of flesh and blood, but directly broken into pieces!

You can see that the bones of the hands are also exploded!

As for Su Bai...

He was crushed down and landed on the ground, stomping the ground to the depth of a finger.

No injuries, still at ease!

The strength comparison between the two sides can be seen clearly by anyone at this time.

This person jumped out to attack, too suddenly!

The live broadcast room didn't react until after the battle between the two was over.

"Yeah? This is... Human Race?"

"This doesn't seem to be a normal human race, and its shape is a bit strange."

"I know! This is a heterogeneous branch of Human Race, half-devil!"

"Nonsense, the half-fallen demon don't recognize the blood of the human race and think of themselves as the demon race!"

"Hurt~No matter how you don't recognize it, the usual state is Human~!"

"Strange! This half-fallen demon has shown half-demonization, how come he was slashed into the air?"

"His offensive was so fierce just now, but he didn't expect it to look strong, and it doesn't look very good..."

"That is, I was hacked to the sky by a sword!"

"The momentum and form of the whole body looks like a big brother, but it turns out to be a weak chicken!"

"Strange, is the aftermath of their attack so strong? They overturned a hundred meters!"

"Maybe it is some special skill..."


After all, the live broadcast room couldn't feel the aura of the battlefield. He couldn't judge the strength of this monster, but only recognized the specific race.

Therefore, I thought this newcomer was a weak chicken.

Only those present know how strong this monster is!

Only this demon himself can know exactly how strong he is.

Well, there is Su Bai!

Because Su Bai can see his exact attributes!

【Taste Jing】

Grade: LV99

Race: Magic Cloud Star/Human Race Alien Branch/Half Fallen Demon

Occupation: Half Demon

Title: War and Blood

Life: 132,800,000 (132.8 million, half demonized gain state)

Demon Qi: 3,401,100 (3.4 million, semi-demonized gain status)

Strength: 193141 (half demonized gain state)

Constitution: 132424 (half demonized gain state)

Intelligence: 194321 (half demonized gain state)

Spirit: 173125 (half demonized gain state)

Physical attack: 5551310 (5.55 million, semi-demonized gain status)

Magic attack: 5432211 (5.43 million, half-demonized gain status)

Physical defense: 10,354,112 (10.35 million, half demonized gain state)

Magic defense: 12,434,122 (12.43 million, semi-demonized gain state)

Skills: Sense·Half Demon, Bloodthirsty Fury, Blood Rebirth, Demon Breath Poison... more than a dozen omitted...

Equipment: Cloud Swallowing Gold Chain Armor, Moonfall Free Hand Gauntlets, Otake Thousand Knot Belt... Omitted...

Details: There was human blood in the ancestors, but took a different path and absorbed the blood of demons.

Due to the blood of the demon clan, the strength is generally very strong, especially the ‘half-devil’ form inspired, which is even more dangerous! But also because of blood, extreme personality, bloodthirsty, belligerence, and hatred are more common.

From the ‘Magic Cloud Star’, the Relic of the Spiritual Disaster was here to collect spiritual things.


After reading the information, Su Bai raised an eyebrow, somewhat surprised.

This attribute is very strong!

No wonder I can put so much pressure on myself.

It's almost 200,000 four-dimensional, this should be the top player in the field.

"Impossible! Impossible!"

"How could you be so strong!!"

While Su Bai was looking at it, this half-devil called Taste Jing spoke.

He opened his mouth and yelled in madness.

He couldn't withstand a stab at being half-demonized, and his important short blade was blown up. It was really hard for him to accept it!

"Ha ha……"

Su Bai laughed, then stepped heavily on the ground and jumped up.

The sword in his hand glowed with a dangerous red glow, slashing at the demon to taste the crystal fiercely.

Don't beep with you too much, now is the time to slaughter!


The demon tasted Jing Jing's pupils abruptly contracted, the fleshy wings sprouts from behind, he flew backwards at extreme speed.


In the air, Su Bai took a step, his feet shining brightly.

At this step, I walked directly over a hundred meters!

There was no flash at all, and it slashed the demon Tastejing's forehead with a single blow!

Simple and crude, direct!


When the Heart-cutting Blade cooled down, he randomly hit a blood shadow instant kill with a damage percentage of only 1300%.

Even so, the damage is as high as 200 million!

Taste Jing's blood volume has only exceeded 130 million, of course he can't live!

His brain was split, and his body fell weakly.




This is too fast!

The half-devil came quickly and died too quickly!

Many players present, and the audience in the live broadcast room, failed to react.

It was the Blue Star players who adapted first, reacted, and cheered in the live broadcast room.

"Big Brother White Night is number one in the world!"

"Hahaha! Finally used a normal skill, and finally dealt more than 100 million damage!"

"Boss White Night, is this serious?"

"Hurry, hurry! Big White Night, use your big move to massacre them!"

"Huh! Is it 200 million damage soon! What's so great, my awakening skills can also be played!"

"That's right, this is probably his strongest skill. Do you want to point your face like that?"

"Hahaha, a bunch of lemon spirits! Let's tell you, this is definitely the weakest level of the white night boss!"

"Don't beep! Keep watching, your faces are going to be swollen by the White Night!"


Harm, lemon essence is there, normal.

If it was before, Su Bai would still suppress his strength.

But now, that's not it!

Standing in the air, stretched out a hand. (Although the air is forbidden, it is not impossible to stay for a moment.)


Extremely vigorous, dazzling blood gleamed all over his body.

Swirled, gathered towards Su Bai's palm, and gradually gathered into a ball.

This **** light was extremely vigorous, beyond what Su Bai had condensed before!

The breath is also a thousand times more fierce, and just looking at it, it feels shivering and dying!

This time, Su Bai tried to accelerate the gathering of power on his own, which could speed up the gathering of power.







"the host!!!"



When Su Bai was accumulating energy, accompanied by a sneer, a sharp curved blade formed by purple qi stabbed from behind Su Bai, and came out of his heart.

In my heart, there was a huge injury.


1.5 billion!

At this moment, Su Bai was immediately stunned, and the skills he was stimulating were also interrupted.

Xia Cha and the others in the distance, Mo Zixi three nearby, all exclaimed uncontrollably.

In the originally noisy live broadcast room, there was a sudden card.

This... is too sudden!

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