VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 873: You have two choices!

Soon, Beya and Xiao Luoying who were going to pick up the things turned around and handed the things to Su Bai.

Don't look at it for the time being, wait until this matter is over.

Although she came back, Bea looked like she couldn't stop herself, dangling, very excited.

Holding the energy spear, staring at the alien player in the distance. His eyes gleamed, and he looked like he was going to fight.

It is probably the reason for her strength. If the power does not fade, the high fighting spirit will not fade.

"Run~Run faster!"

After looking at the player in front of her for a while, Bea stared at a dark shadow in the distance, urging excitedly.

That line of shadows is a lot of players who are coming.

"Boom boom!"

"Boom boom!"


After about a minute, the earth rumbling.

It was the movement of a large number of players and huge players running together on the ground.

From a bird's-eye perspective, you can see a huge number of players.

There are many races and types.

Some are tiny, and some are nearly a kilometer!

There are many players coming in this wave!

In the first wave, there were less than twenty players, and their strength was also weak, because they came early.

The second wave is more or less the same, with at least 30,000 in number!

"Hi! What a big movement!"

"This horrible quantity gap... Although he has advanced equipment, it feels like it's not enough!"

"What exactly does he have?!"

"That's still about three or four percent! Even if you count the loss, the players behind will still have half a million! What does he take?

"Let me go, let me see these tens of thousands of players, I don't have the guts to block the door..."


The audience in the live room clearly witnessed the scene when tens of thousands of alien players were running.

While shocked in my heart, I was also confused.

With so many players, what does Su Bai block?

What trump card is there to dare to do such a thing?


Soon, this big wave of players began to approach Su Bai's place.

The path he is on is the only way to the Light Gate, and of course he will pass.

At this time, the players who arrive will of course see the light curtain unfolding in the air.


"Who is broadcasting? What are you doing so big?"

"The live broadcast is... Terran?"

"What are you doing?"


"There is a big battle in the screen? But... why live it?"

"Master, shall we go there? It seems unsafe there..."

"This is the only way to go, don't you go? Where do you go?"


They can see that it is live broadcast, but they don't understand why there is live broadcast.

But also through the live broadcast, I saw the traces of the battle, and I was very careful.

The fastest runners start to slow down, and the ones that follow will naturally slow down.

In the end, tens of thousands of players stopped.

It is about kilometers away from the location of Su Bai.

Before this wave of players reacted, the alien players who were stalemate with Su Bai and did not dare to move suddenly moved.

Instead of attacking Su Bai, he ran backwards and ran to the large troops behind.

The rumbling, striding, the ground that was stepped on vibrated and roared.


"What the hell?"

"What is this situation?"

"What the **** happened to this panic?"


Thousands of meters away, the players in the front were surprised when they saw this scene.

In just a few breaths, the dozen or so players flew halfway.


Among the players in the front row, a ten-meter tall, magma player with no specific body shape said in a deep voice: "Stop! Explain your intentions, otherwise don't blame me for being welcome!"

After speaking, the magma on his body was fierce, and he also held a thick magma scythe.

The whole body is very fierce, violent and fierce!

Anyone can tell that if these players who rush to the past don't stop, it will start fighting immediately.




No way, the player who ran past had to stop and slide his feet out of the gully on the ground.

After stopping, they all looked uncertain, did not immediately answer the question of the magma spirit player, and were hesitating.

How to say?

How to say this?

Could it be that he waited for a dozen big monsters, but was blocked by two guys?

Moreover, tell them that the human race will also block their door?

This is too shameful!

Well, it's easy to say, Su Bai is willing to answer.


Step on the golden light, and instantly stretch for hundreds of meters.

Beya and the others stayed where they were temporarily, and they weren't in a hurry to let them do it.

In an instant, Su Bai caught up with the player who ran several hundred meters.

Calmly fall on the strongest player, whose body is a stone, and stands firmly on the head of the player who looks like a bird.


Although Su Bai is very light, but standing on his head, it was discovered by him.

This stone bird demon clan player was stunned for a moment, then quickly became sober, and his whole body was chilly.

Previously, Su Bai showed too few methods, but he can also let it know that this human race can cause tens of millions of damage with one foot!

At this time, its life is only about 30 million.

I was knocked out too much by Bea before, now I can't stand it!

How to do?

It has no solution, no matter how fast it is, there is no such thing as a human being stomped down fast!

I want to switch my mind, but I can't think of a way.

The body was stiff and there was no movement for the time being.

As for its companions, Su Bai hadn't noticed at all right now.


A clear cough attracted the attention of all players.

Five hundred meters away, the Wuyang players gathered their sights and saw Su Bai.

The camera in the live broadcast room also focused, and then I saw Su Bai standing on the head of the bird player.

"I wonder what happened now?"

Su Bai asked slowly, without wanting to sell Guanzi, and then said: "Because, I'm blocking the door!"

"You have two choices!"

"One, hand over all that you have obtained in the remains of the disaster, and then go out."

"Two, be killed, and then I will take all you got in the remains of the disaster."

After Su Bai finished speaking, the scene was briefly quiet.

A few ordinary words, but shocked the players present.

Don’t rob too much in the area of ​​the remains of the disaster!

A large number of players are looters and robbed at the same time.

Everyone is striving for good luck and wants to be more perfect.

Collect some by yourself, and then **** a player, this is double happiness!

The government does not prohibit it, but encourages competition.

Therefore, they are so happy.

Trial of harmony?

Unless the mind is unsound, no one will think so.

However, that's only the players who dare to pick scattered players!

Who dares to grab tens of thousands?

Who dares? !

Players of the Relics of the Spiritual Disaster, picking one at random, are breaking the limit!

Grabbing a few scattered is not difficult for the super players.

It's like saying that at this time, on the road to this continent, there are powerful players and teams ambushing the road, preparing for the last wave.

Who dares to grab tens of thousands directly?

Therefore, these new players were stunned by Su Bai's words.

After two breaths, I gradually understood.

The expression was suddenly gloomy, and anger arose in his eyes.

Su Bai's words undoubtedly despise all of them, so arrogant, how can he not be angry!

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