VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 872: Let it delay, it doesn't matter!

"Hmph, now let you see the power of this fighting god."

Bea cheered in excitement, pinching the spear of strength, and scurrying in the battlefield.

The four groups of elemental powers surrounding him kept splitting power **** and attacking the scattered players.

She is now possessed by divine power, very strong!

With just one skill, you can hit tens of millions of attacks, and those players must guard against her.

and so……

Su Bai was sitting a few hundred meters away, watching them fight.

At such a distance, they just can't penetrate!

Instead, it was gradually consumed by Bea!

Beya can't beat Su Bai, and her actual strength is not weak, otherwise she can't enter the remains of the disaster.

At this time, the supernatural power is added, which can be called invincible.

They haven't been hit, but these players have been hit by the scattered elemental light at least several times.

Every time, millions of damage can be knocked down!

And Bea herself, chasing the last captain, hacked the stone spirit strangely.

In just a few rounds, she slammed a spear on the stone monster.



A thick crack came out and exploded on the stone monster.

Almost exploded into two sections!

His body flew upside down for tens of meters, banging to the ground.

In the position drawn by Bea, he jumped out of damage.

-134513013·Critical Strike

The damage is quite high!

130 million damage.

However, what is interesting is that this stone monster is not dead yet.

It seemed that something exploded on its body, and half of the damage was removed at once.

In the end, only 60 million or so were hit on its body, and nearly 10 million of its blood remained.

These guys have a thick batch of blood!

"Yeah? Not dead yet?"

Bea raised her eyebrows, then jumped vigorously and tried to kill again.

One jump, leaping over these tens of meters, the spear condensed by elemental power in his hand attacked the past.

"Slow, slow, slow! Stop! Stop!" The stone player shouted immediately.

Its prestige is pretty good.

Its players all stopped.

The other two teams have no captains, this team stopped, and they stopped temporarily.

Creeping in the distance, healed, looking at Beya and Su Bai gloomily.


Beya landed on a rock that was up to ten feet high and pointed her spear at the stone player.

Seeing her stop, the player immediately said: "Wait! There is something to discuss! There is no need for a killer!"

"But if you do this, aren't you afraid of system punishment?"

Its two sentences, the previous sentence does not follow the next sentence.

The real meaning is not to discuss with Su Bai.


Beiya tilted her head, then turned her head to look at Su Bai.

At this time, Su Bai was sitting on the rock, looking into the distance.

He was very clear about the stone player's thoughts.

The second wave of players from afar came, and it just wanted to delay it for a while.


Seeing that Su Bai didn't respond, Beya called out again, blinking, waiting for Su Bai to express her attitude.

Seeing her like this, the audience in the live broadcast room is a complex one.

Such a powerful Demon Race actually bowed its head in front of the Human Race...

Su Bai looked at her, and took a faint look at the stone player, and then said: "It's delaying you. The second wave of players is coming, which is quite a lot."


Beya gave a high hmm, and suddenly raised her eyebrows and turned her head to kill the stone for treasure.

But at this moment, Su Bai slowly said: "Let it delay, it doesn't matter."

As soon as I said...


The rock player who was lying on the ground, not daring to move, was suddenly confused.

The audience in the live room is also strange.

The other players who were lying in the distance were also startled.

Beya understood Su Bai's thoughts now.

"Oh yes! Anyway, it's a bunch of bean sprouts, let it drag." Beya said suddenly.

So far, the players here and the audience in the live broadcast room also understand what Su Bai means.

"This... what an arrogant guy!"

"Tsk tut! This is really domineering!"

"This human race is too arrogant, really don't put other players in the eyes?"

"Good guy! There are more than a dozen players in this second wave, is he still so crazy?"

"Probably I took a look, the second wave of players directly broke 10,000! What does this human rely on to be so crazy?"

"Damn, these guys are too slow!"

"Wow! The players who arrived in the second wave look so strong!"

"Compared in this way, I am even more curious. Why does this person rely on being so bullish?"

"Could it be that the brain is not developing normally? It's a pity that this face, I originally wanted to be a male favorite..."

"Don't say anything else, this kind of tolerance is rare!"




Watching the lively in the live broadcast room, but the alien players here are full of breath.

The jet is as big as the wind!

Looking at Su Bai's eyes, it was an anger.

Su Bai's words were just like a big, forced pocket, slamming their faces fiercely.


At this time, I heard the sound of sand.

It's the stone player.

It turned over and ran farther.

Beya didn't pursue her. Just after she finished speaking, she went to pick up things.

By the way, Xiao Luoying flew over and picked them up together.

Since coming here, she has nothing to do, very boring.

These scenes, in the eyes of these alien players, are even more shameful.

Because this meant that Su Bai really didn't bother to beat them, and he really deliberately delayed them.

"Boss! Why don't we do it?!" One of the Stone players asked angrily.

"Do you think I don't want to fight?!"

The eyes of this bird-shaped stone were equally angry, and he whispered angrily: "I can't beat it at all, how can I beat it? Do you want to go up and die?!"

"Let's go together and try again! It will definitely be possible!" said another team member.

The bird rock player suddenly turned his head and said angrily: "Your brain is stupid?! Didn't you see the situation just now? Let's go together, what's the result?!"

No matter how low their voices are, other alien players in the field can hear them.

For a time, they all looked gloomy.

It's not to fight, it's not to fight!

Too tricky, too annoying!

When entangled in whether or not to shoot, Bea was picking up things under their noses.

Although he was moved several times, he pressed it down again.

The power Bea showed before made it fearful.

If you shoot impulsively, you can be killed with a spear!

That way, the things that are hard to get, can't be taken out!

"Tsk tsk... they are already scared!"

"How cowardly!"

"Hurt! Didn't you just say that our white night boss is not qualified? Why? Withered?"

"A bunch of spicy chickens, if it were me, I would shoot immediately!"

"I have to say, this snowman and this human race have something."

"Damn! You guys, don't call yourself the monster/orc/stone tribe on weekdays, okay? Otherwise, lose our face!"

"I just got some passion, you dare not fight? Damn!"


With the power of gambling ghosts, this place can be seen and heard in the live broadcast room.

Therefore, the communication between alien players was clearly heard.

For a while, the barrage was very contemptuous.

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