VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 855: Don't stop me, I want to take the lead!

Protoss coins are definitely useful!

Definitely treasure!

How can Su Bai dare to be so sure...

Because, Meng Shenxi, who had walked to the side before, walked back again.

He looked at the Xuan Ling Coin while holding it in his hand, and then at the Star Spirit Coin in the hand of the gambler, staying blank.

This looks...

The profound spirit coin in her hand is not fragrant at all!


The gambler laughed and said, "Girl, No, here you are."

With that, handed out the Protoss Coin.

Meng Shenxi's eyes lit up, but she shook her head and refused.

Without speaking, after taking a careful look at Su Bai, he silently went to eat the profound spirit coin in her hand.


The gambler was a little surprised.

But after two laps of Meng Shenxi and Su Bai's eyes, he probably understood.

She doesn't accept anything except what this boy gave, right?


"Brilliant boy, give it to you. Don't pick it up with your hands, this thing is easy to be contaminated, use your strength to continue."

The gambler spoke and threw the Star Spirit coins directly to Su Bai.

Su Bai reacted promptly, his palm radiated power, and he picked up this Star Spirit coin without letting it touch his body.


Only when he reached Su Bai's hands, Meng Shenxi suddenly appeared in front of Su Bai.

A pair of beautiful crystal eyes blinked and blinked, looking at Su Bai pitifully.


Su Bai smiled, holding up the Star Spirit coin floating in his palm.


With a happy hum, Meng Shenxi directly stretched out his hand and grabbed the star coin in his hand.

Then he sat down next to Su Bai, posted with Su Bai, and rubbed.

Then, he squeezed the Star Spirit coin with satisfaction and bit into it.


At this moment, the gambler was suddenly surprised.

Surprised that Mengshenxi actually took the Protoss coin in his hand, and it has not polluted the Protoss coin!


After a few more glances and careful judgments, the gambling ghost came to understand.

It turned out that this girl's body was transformed by power.

I haven't noticed it before...I'm afraid this girl is extraordinary!

Meng Shenxi is not just born, she has been silently recovering.

The body that was now transformed could not be noticed if it weren't for a gambler to look carefully.

In other words, Meng Shenxi's true strength is even higher than that of gamblers!

It's a pity that it's still too weak, and it's too early to recover.

Back to business.

Su Bai didn't notice the gambling ghost's abnormality, and he had no face, but he couldn't see his face.

Touching Meng's head, she suddenly saw Han Meng's squinting smile.

Then, Su Bai looked at the gambler and said, "Tell me, how do you make a profit?"

"Well, it's very simple!"

Speaking of this, the ghost gambler doesn't care about other things, and exclaims: "You don't need to do anything. In a few days, this round of trials will come to an end."

"They will all come over, you start to block the door, and I just start live broadcast."

"As you said before, I will bet whether you can successfully block the door."

"How, how? Play or not?"

The gambler looked at Su Bai expectantly.

Although there was no shame, Su Bai felt his excitement and excitement quite clearly.

Got it!

This guy is really a real gambler!

Su Bai nodded, "Play! Of course play!"

Can make more money, of course play!

"Good boy!!"

The gambling ghost raised his arms and was quite excited, "Okay, then we will arrange it now."

"First of all, you have to show some strength to make others interested!"

"Otherwise, no one would bet on a game without suspense."

"In the middle of the journey, I will send you a message depending on the situation, make waves, and control the gambling."

"Finally, of course, block all players at the door and grab a clean! The game is complete!"

"There is no doubt that the odds of completing the blockage are high!"

"So, pretty boy, you have to work harder!"

"It's easy to say." Su Bai nodded with a smile, and said lightly: "Don't worry, I'm quite confident."

Although the tone is indifferent, but full of strong confidence!


The gambling ghost nodded in excitement, rubbing his hands with an impatient look, "What a rush! I want to gather the mist in advance!"

"Then don't!"

Su Bai said speechlessly: "I have to rely on those guys to help me collect spiritual power."

"Hey, I just said it."

The gambling ghost smiled, and then said: "We finalize the allocation, and then I have to warm up and let me know. I have lost a lot of money on several guys, and I have to take this opportunity to get it back!"

"Well, tell me, how do you divide it?" Su Bai said.

"let me see……"

The gambler held his chin and thought a little later: "Well, after all, the most important thing is to see your performance, then we..."

"Let's go three or seven! I'm three, you seven!"

"I have to carry the trouble of bad rules and the warm-up announcement to get some old guys to participate. Besides, if you fail to block the door, I won't ask you to bear the loss."

"So, if I hold 30%, it's not greedy for you."


This division is already very fair.

Without this guy, Su Bai couldn't open the live broadcast because the system had limitations.

Even if it is opened, its popularity cannot grow rapidly.

In the spirit world, he is still an unknown person.

"Okay, I agree, thanks a lot." Su Bai nodded in agreement.

"Hi, you're welcome, I'm going to prepare!"

"There are still two days in the trial. I have to try my best to get people."

The gambler waved his hand, and then left from the boulder.

He is going to preheat the live broadcast.

Some guys may be in retreat, hunting on a certain star, the news is blocked and slow.

Therefore, it does take some time to warm up in advance.


"It's over! It's over!"

After the gambler left, Beya collapsed on a boulder like a salted fish, chanting "finished".

After the live broadcast, how many guys have to worry about it.


Su Bai looked funny, walked towards her, reached out and patted the soft snowman's belly, "Hey, if you don't want to get into trouble, then just leave."


Bea stood up with a salted fish, her double ponytails stood up ‘arrogantly’, “I’m not afraid! I’m going to keep it!”

This girl is quite arrogant.

Obviously Su Bai didn't arouse her, so she couldn't drive her away at the moment.

Although I am not afraid of speaking, the tone is obviously trembling, almost broken.

"Well, well, you are not afraid. Anyway, you are wearing a snowman jacket, and you can change one when you go out." Su Bai said with a light smile.

Without clarifying this, Su Bai was afraid that Bea would scare her into tears.

Silly girl!

Obviously he was wearing a coat all over his body. .


Bea froze, then her eyes slowly lit up, getting brighter and brighter.

After a few seconds, he suddenly turned over and got up from the rock.

"Oh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!"

With legs spread, hands on hips, he smiled excitedly, "Of course! Of course I am not afraid, I have to grab them! Don't stop me then, I will take the lead!"

"Okay! Don't stop you." Su Bai smiled.

"Oh **** ho **** ho..."

Bea laughed with her arms akimbo, her smile was brilliant, very relaxed.

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