VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 854: Pretty boy, do you have a big vote?!

Afraid of a fart!

Don't persuade, just do it!

There are a lot of life-saving tricks on him, and there are bugs in him!

Can't beat, you can run!

After a period of development, the whole family will get you off!

The ashes are raised for you!


Looking at Su Bai's face, it didn't matter, the gambler didn't know what to say.

He can feel the strong confidence in Su Bai!

Even, it can be considered conceited for others to see.

But strangely, he felt that Su Bai was confident.

"What strong hole card does he have?"

"Already powerful enough to make him ignore the power behind millions of players?"

I was curious, but didn't ask this.

This kind of privacy matters, of course, should not be asked.

"Are there any questions?" Su Bai asked if he was not moving.

"Um... you wait."

The gambler pondered, thinking.

Not thinking about persuading Su Bai to give up.

After a few short sentences, he already understood Su Bai's determination.

What he was thinking at this time was...

"Do you want to start a live broadcast?"

"If such a major event happens, it won't be long before it spreads throughout the spirit world."

"Even all the processes and scenes of blocking the door will appear, those little guys can record!"

"However, there are newcomer protection rules..."

"Foot! Your hands are itchy, it seems to be a gamble!"

"In this scene, the disparity of this order of magnitude, I'm afraid it's not going to be a wave of killings and making money!"

"No! I want to open a live broadcast, I want to open!"

"When he starts to block the door, he will start the live broadcast again, which is to circumvent the rules."

"After all, when the door was blocked at the beginning, whether there were any protection rules, it was useless for him."

Su Bai couldn't think of it, the gambling ghost floated around anxiously, just to open a market...

However, he soon knew.

Because, after the gambler figured it out, he stopped fluttering.

Looking at Su Bai, he said in a deep and excited voice: "Young boy, are you interested in doing big tickets with me?"




Listening to what the gambling ghost said, Su Bai asked a question mark in his head.

This tone, this word...

How did you get in with a bandit?


Speaking of this, the gambling ghost became excited.

He didn't care about Su Bai's weirdness, he approached Su Bai with a smile, and said at the same time: "Don't worry, I just want to open a live broadcast and open another market."

"Live, open?"

After Su Bai said, he already understood what he meant, and raised his eyebrows and said, "You want to live broadcast the process of blocking the door. Then, can I block the door as a gamble?"


The gambling ghost laughed and admired, floated onto a rock and sat down, and then said: "How about it, are you interested in cooperating? There are many benefits!"


Su Bai raised his eyebrows and sat on a rock with interest, and said with interest: "Then bother to talk about it, what are the benefits?"


The gambler smiled, laughing very strangely.

It even gave Su Bai and Xia's coffee table girl a very cunning smile.

After he laughed for a while, he said, "If you don't say anything else, just talk about what this person is eating."

As he said, the gambling ghost pointed to the Mengshenxi who gnawed the coins.


Speaking of herself, Meng Shenxi had a question mark on her face and stopped eating spirit coins in confusion.

After a two-second pause...

Snapped the spirit coin in his arms and looked at the gambler warily, "I...mine!!!"





The few women who were silent on the side couldn't hold back.

Gambler: "..."


With a polite but awkward smile, the gambler said, "Hmm, of course it's yours."


Meng Shenxi didn't answer him, and walked a little farther in his arms.

Today's Meng Shenxi feels more dull and cute!


With a dry cough, the gambling ghost pulled back to the topic, "In the spirit world, spirit coins are still very important, and they are the mainstream currency of the spirit world!"

"The currency status of Lingbi is quite stable!"

"Because it contains spiritual power, you can absorb it after you are spiritualized, so you won't be shaken at all."

"And the benefits I said can at least make you earn tens of millions of Star Spirit coins!"

"Singling coins?" Su Bai repeated curiously.

"You haven't understood yet?"

The gambling ghost asked, but before Su Bai could answer, he explained: "There are many levels of spirit coins, Huang, Xuan, Earth, and Heaven. They are used by the lower realms."

"In the spirit world, Earth Spirit Coins are not enough to see. Tianling Coins are acceptable, they are still good things, and they have good purchasing power."

"The more precious thing is the Star Coin!"

"This kind of spirit coin will only condense when some special stars are annihilated."

"A huge star can condense not many spirit coins."

"So..." Su Bai nodded clearly, thought for a while, and asked: "Then above the Star Spirit Coins, is there more to cherish?"

"Yes, yes, promise, look."

The gambler opened his palm, and a diamond-shaped crystal the size of a child's fist appeared in his palm.

This diamond-shaped crystal is very similar to a spirit coin, except that there are some lines inside the crystal.

It looks very mysterious, much more mysterious than the Sky Spirit Coin.

The gambling ghost looked at Su Bai and said, "This is called Daowen Lingjing, and the spirit coin is the same source, but it is much cherished than the star spirit coin!"

"This thing is too precious, but not many guys would be willing to use it as currency."

"Generally speaking, they are used for bartering."

"So, in the spirit world, Star Coin is the most mainstream currency. It has high practical value and good purchasing power, so there is no need to build an extra layer!"

"Nuo, show you the information of Star Coin and you will know it."

After speaking, the ghost gambler flipped through his hands, and the spirit pattern was gone.

Instead, it is also a diamond-shaped crystal.

This crystal is about the size of an adult's fist.

The same body is crystal clear, reflecting the brilliant light, and it is nothing ordinary.

Specific information is as follows:

【Xingling Coins】

Level: None

Quality: True Spirit (the supreme quality)

Category: Special props

Effect: Absorbable, the absorbed power can increase the soul/spiritual (primary soul = experience in the spiritual world / spiritualization = attribute points in the spiritual world)

Details: When some special stars explode and annihilate, these shiny things will explode. There are also rumors that some special races have the ability to refine Protoss coins.

Special information seen by Tianyuyan:

Transformation: 1 star coin = 10,000 souls/1 star coin = 0.01 spirit.

Note: The power in Protoss Coin is too irritable, huge, and uneven, so it is not recommended to absorb too much.

Within 72 hours, after absorbing more than or close to 10,000 Protoss Coins, it will cause a virtual power, and it will take another 24 hours before it can continue to be absorbed.

In this way, it is indeed a good thing!

Let Su Bai eat 10,000 Star Spirit coins, and he can increase...

The four-dimensional after 100 points of spiritualization.

After conversion, it is an ordinary four-dimensional of 100,000!

Even if only 10,000 pieces can be absorbed in three days, that would be going to heaven!

That tens of millions of celestial coins...

This is not going to the sky, this is going to blow the sky?

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