VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 851: A dozen of true spirit-level treasures for free?

In the words, Beya still ignored the problem of team formation at all.






Su Bai hadn't spoken yet, and the girls who followed all felt strange.

How do you feel that this misty attitude has changed for the better?

Didn't you keep saying "Caiji" before?

Now there is a phrase "beautiful boy"?

Is it possible that the system will automatically translate "caiji" into "beautiful boy"?

Su Bai also froze for a moment, then returned to his senses, and said: "Why, can't you come early?"


The mist paused, and then said: "That's not...that's, um...if it's out of common sense, I need to ask about it routinely."

The tone is still very kind.


Su Bai nodded, and then said slowly: "The spirit world supports fighting, right?"

Although Su Bai's question was strange, Wuqi replied, "Yes! Very supportive!"

"The system deliberately prevents us from detecting each other's strength. Does that mean?"

"Ha... you are very smart, you do have these intentions."

"This spiritual disaster relic also supports the struggle, right?"

"Yes, the strong get it!"

"That's easy to say!" Su Bai stretched out his hands and said, "I need too much to collect, you know?"


The mist fluttered twice, still a little unclear.

Unexpectedly, he is not stupid and low IQ.

It's purely... Su Bai's operation is too outrageous!

To block the door of millions of talented players alone, who else would dare to do it?

For ordinary people, let alone blocking millions, just blocking a few, that is a terrible risk.

In the end, the players who can come alive are bound to be strong!

So, besides Su Bai, who else would dare to do this?

Seeing that he didn't understand yet, Su Bai said helplessly: "Block the door."


These two short words have already allowed Wu Qi to fully understand Su Bai's meaning.

He was shocked and exclaimed.

At this time, the mental activities of the mist can be described as ups and downs.

To be honest, I was really surprised by Su Bai's operation!

"You...you! What are you going to do?!!!" He couldn't help asking again.

"Block the door."

Su Bai spread his hands and repeated it calmly.


The gaseous matter on the mist shook and said nothing.

It quieted down for a while.

Xia Cha and the others looked at the fog like a good show, and it became interesting.

After holding back for a long time, the fog suffocated: "Okay! Very bold!"

"You are better than you! I am optimistic about you!"

"I just like fun!"

"Since you dare to play like this, then I plan to fund you something!"

"Well, these things are for you!"

"Use it!"

"Please don't mind if I see the'lively'!!!"

In the words, the last sentence is very strange and has deep meaning.

But at this moment, Su Bai's eyes were attracted by what appeared in front of him.

[A two-meter long knife]

[A booklet]

[A small shield with a big palm]

[A simple stone with mysterious light and mysterious runes inscribed]

【Ten Fruits】

"These things are all good things, you can check the specific information yourself." Wuqi said.

Su Bai was already watching.

【Wanshan Buddha Knife】

Level: Yikie·LV9 (there is a special refining power in the sword, allowing you to control it in a larger realm)

Quality: True Spirit (this is the distinction of superior quality)

Category: Long knife/weapon

Attribute: Spirit·Power +86

Damage: Spirit·Physical Attack +981

Special Passive: Suppression of the Buddha

【Fotu Suppression】: When attacking, there is a 5% chance that the weight of the blade will be greatly enlarged, and the maximum damage will be 1500% of the normal attack.

Affix: Raise the knife, town the Buddha!

Converting ordinary attributes, this knife adds more than 86,000 strength and 981,000 physical attacks!

It is really a strong group!

As for the brochure, it is a skill book.

[One step to the end]

Level: None

Quality: True Spirit (the distinction of quality above the supreme)

Category: Skill Book/Special Items

Details: After using it, get a skill [One Step End of the World].

Skill information:

[One step to the end]


Grade: LV1

Cost: 20 spiritual power (can also be used without spiritualization, but the cost is increased by 2 times)

Cooling: None

Range: 100 meters

Details: Confirm the direction in the heart, take a step, and leap in an instant. When moving, you can change the direction at will. The current skill level, within 100 meters, will arrive instantly.

Needless to say, you also know that this is a terrifying skill!

Teleport a hundred meters, who can stand it!

There is no cooling, only enough power, teleport casually!

It's cool! Okay!

Next, is the palm-sized shield.

【Autonomous Shield】

Level: Yijie·LV9

Quality: True Spirit (the distinction of quality above the supreme)

Category: Shield/Armor

Attribute: Spirit·Physique +80

Defense: Spirit·Physical Defense +1550

Passive: Energy will continue to accumulate in the shield. When it is full, attacks that do not exceed 10 times the shield's defense power will be directly resisted. If it exceeds, energy will be reduced.

Special effect: After being equipped, the shield will actively defend without control.

Affix: Hey, can't call it! Hey, no call! Hey, you can't break it! Hey hey...

The name is simple, but the attributes are not simple.

If it is a shield that Su Bai needs to hold himself, he is too lazy to ask for it.

But just hang it on your body, it's very convenient!

Behind the shield is the simple stone that emits a misty light and is inscribed with mysterious runes.

This is very interesting!

this is……

[Stones with special road patterns]

Level: None

Quality: True Spirit (the distinction of quality above the supreme)

Category: Special props

Effect: After comprehension, you can acquire and master 1~3 more secondary occupations on your own basis.

Details: A powerful figure engraved with his hands, the traces are still fresh, it should not be long before he was born.

Note: This item can be used and comprehended only when the comprehension is above 150 points.


Seeing this, Su Bai's eyes lit up.

There is no doubt that he still has at least one sub-vocation of the nine elements.

And this is undoubtedly a pillow for sleepiness.

The last thing is the ten fruits.

【Lingquan vine fruit】

Level: None

Quality: True Spirit

Category: Spiritualized props

Effect: After use, increase the power of 1,000,000 spiritualization (one million)

Details: In this vine fruit, there are a lot of pure powers that can be tempered by ordinary creatures and advanced to the ‘spirit’.

Note: Every time you take one more capsule, the effectiveness decreases by 10%.

Special: Taking this vine fruit, the probability of completing spiritualization +2%, the completeness of spiritualization +2%, and the intensity of spiritualization +2%. (This special attribute is invisible and unknowable. It is derived from the skill ‘Sky Fish Eye’ combined with its own mandatory observation. Moreover, this special attribute is judged based on the second spiritualization, not the first spiritualization.)


What do you say...

After reading these things, Su Bai felt quite strange!

All of these things are excellent!

Some things cannot be used by oneself now, and this mist is deliberately refined to make them useable.

This... is too kind, right?

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