VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 850: Well... this pretty boy...

For Su Bai, the first drop is the best, adding more than 1 million spiritual power!

This is quite scary!

You know, getting the Big Snake Pill here only has 10,000 spiritual powers.

It is a pity that in the next few drops, there is no such good effect.

After finishing the seven drops, a total of 4 million spiritual powers were added.

It's also ok.

After I used it up, I focused on my journey.

There is nothing to say next, nothing big happened.

The voice said that the fog will gradually shrink.

But no fog has appeared yet, and it is estimated that the time when the distance begins to shrink is still early.

So, along the way, there are very few players.

There are many monsters.

For Su Bai, there is no monster that a heart-cutting blade cannot solve.

If so, let's do it twice!

Time passed slowly.

When the sky gradually brightened, Su Bai was only a few thousand miles away from the center.

During this period, even if he was on his way, he still killed hundreds of big monsters.

Therefore, the power of spiritualization has been accumulated...


More than seventeen million.

It's a lot, but this number is still only enough for Su Bai to complete one spiritualization, and he has to continue collecting.

Some time passed.

At this point, there is only one last point from the center.

By this moment, Su Bai had already absorbed 20 million spiritual power.

[Smart interface]

Current accumulated power: 20341110 (20.34 million)

Success rate: 100%

Completeness: 100%

Number of times: 1 time

Special: In the second spiritual energy accumulation, the current accumulation is about 20%!

(You can already start converting!)

(If you are sure you want to start the transformation, please actively try to mobilize the power of spiritualization in your body, and the spiritualization will start naturally!)

This extra 10 million spiritualization power is still not enough for Su Bai to perform the second spiritualization.

Not surprisingly, it would take a total of 60 million to complete the first and second time.

The second time compared to the first time, the need is five times higher!

Gee, this is indeed a bit scary.

With this interface hidden, Su Bai looked up and looked into the distance.

The destination is coming soon.

Center point!

It is said that it is the center point, which is naturally the place where the star burst.

The stars split, but there are fragments of rock forming bridges, linking to the center.

At this time, Su Bai and the others were flying on the bridge formed by the broken rock.

The center point is shrouded in light, and now it is still not clear what is there.

But it doesn't matter. Stepping on this broken rock bridge is only the last thousand miles away.


"It's so cool!"

"Tsk tusk tusk... these star fragments won't suddenly fall down, right?"

"Sister Yi Nuan is really a crow's mouth..."


Xia Cha and the others woke up.

When flying by, look around.

There are bridges formed by broken rocks above, beside, and under the feet, linking other stars.

It is really quite spectacular!

During this section of the road, there are no monsters, and the journey is not interrupted.

Looking at the scenery all the way, gradually arrived.

When you reach the center point, you can see the center point clearly.

It is also a continent!

Presents a huge cone shape.

All the broken rock bridges are connected to the conical plane.

This continent is neither big nor small.

Compared with the actual first-tier cities in Daxia, it is slightly smaller.

The plane is quite flat, there is nothing superfluous, only a light door stands.

The light gate is very tall, over a thousand feet, and emits a dull white light.

This is the door to leave the remains of the spiritual disaster.

Entering the door, you will be directly teleported back to the spirit world.

"Here, we can find a place and wait." Su Bai said.

Since the door is blocked, of course it is to go directly to Guangmen to block it.

So, after he finished speaking, he wanted to fly to the light gate.

However, as soon as I entered the mainland, I felt heavy.




The women were taken aback and suppressed.

Being directly pressed to the ground, air is completely forbidden here.

Okay, my feet are not slow.

It's also very empty here, no monsters.

"Swish swish..."

"Swish swish..."


As the so-called black under the lamp.

On this continent, there is more than one thing, and it is not without creatures.

Inspector, the mist is here!

He is right in front of the light gate!

Mist: "...?????"

Although there was still a long distance, the fog still saw Su Bai and others rushing quickly.

For a moment, he was lost.

"No, why did he come over so soon?"

"It's only the first day..."

"Has he collected enough things?"

"Impossible! This kind of genius, I will definitely consider collecting more for the future!"

"What are you doing here... hiss! Damn! He won't..."

"Sure, I already know I saw something I shouldn't have seen?!"

"This... there is no reason. He is just an ordinary person now, and there is absolutely no possibility of finding me!"

The fog floated in front of the light gate, very restless.

After a few breaths, he also calmed down.

After all, he is not an ordinary character, he still has this kind of attitude.


Soon, Su Bai and his party leaped over and gradually reached the Light Gate.


Su Bai raised his brows, vaguely felt that there was something under the light gate.

However, it is relatively transparent, and it is also covered by the light of the light gate, making it difficult to see for a while.

However, after getting closer, I gradually see it.

"This is... the body of that voice?"

Su Bai saw the mist and stopped subconsciously.

Before, this mist appeared in space before entering the remains of the spiritual disaster.

So when I see it now, I can recognize it.

"Hey? Son, is there a ghost there?" Mu Yi Nuan also gradually realized and asked strangely.

"Where and there?" Bea.

"What?! There is... a ghost?!" Yun Cixue.

"Um..." Mu Mu.

Fog: "..."


He wanted to shout at the little girl, but he still suppressed it.

Su Bai and the others stopped, so he floated over.

He was fast, almost in the blink of an eye, straddling a long distance and came to the front of Su Bai and the others.

Parked ten meters away.

Originally, his body was quite large, but now it also shrank.

And Su Bai et al.

Although it is still foggy, in its form, it looks like a human race.

Could it be that this mist is human?

Why not show it in human form?

When Su Bai was observing and curious, the fog spoke.


With a clear cough, he first introduced himself: "I am the monitor of this trial."


Bea was taken aback and said with wide-eyed eyes: "I...I didn't...I didn't team up with him! I...I came here by myself..."

Fog: "..."

I ignored you on purpose!

I didn't want to hold you accountable for teaming up with him!

Which pot is really not open and which pot!


After coughing without embarrassment, the fog continued: "This pretty boy, what are you doing here so early?"

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