VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 1119: Taboo·One Thought Flower Blooms

When the nine times were completed, Xia Cha's long hair turned blood red, the eyebrow pattern was gorgeous, and the faint special tattoos on her shoulders, long legs, and lower abdomen all appeared, all emitting light.

Beside him, there is a sea of ​​blood-colored flowers spreading out, extremely gorgeous!

This vision lasted for half a minute, and then slowly disappeared.

Summer tea has changed back to its original state.

At this time, the breath has reached the spiritual class!

At this moment, Su Bai was a little strange.

I didn't feel the aura of heaven!

When I went to the window, there was no sign of catastrophe at all.

How can there be no catastrophe?

Fortunately, he was quick-headed and thought of the videos he showed her one by one.

The big egg will survive the catastrophe even after a hundred years.

But the little flower kept growing, and there was no catastrophe.

To be precise, it's because its breath is the same as that of a large egg, so Heavenly Tribulation has only large eggs and no small flowers.

After figuring it out, Su Bai breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Xia Cha's spiritualization had failed.

"Don't worry, this is a special case, there is no problem with tea."

Su Bai explained like a few women who were also worried, and then said to Xia Cha: "Chacha, show me your current panel."


Xia Cha nodded and projected her panel directly.

Then, together with Su Bai, she looked at it.

[ID: Love to drink tea in vain]

Level: One Robbery·LV1

Occupation: Non-Tian Ming Hua

Grade: Transcendence

Spirit·Life: 4.55 million

Spirit·Vitality: 130,000

Spirit·Physical Defense: 3215

Spirit·Magic Defense: 3321

Talent: Blood Demon Spirit Body

Skills: Blood Qi Ling Luo, Blood Spirit Fusion, ...

Passive: with non-heaven, blood greed, blood gas overload

Equipment: Slightly... (all equipment from the lower realm, not yet replaced in the spirit world)

Xia Cha's information is still so concise.

It's simple!

However, this is quite strong!

Xia Cha's life value is 4.55 million!

Compared with Su Bai when he was spiritualizing, he was a little bit more conceited.

Of course, summer tea is a pure supplement, and it is normal to have more blood.

Except for this, Xia Cha has not added a single skill this time.

However, all her skills and passivity have all soared to the full level!

There is another skill, stepping into the taboo level!

This skill is nothing else, it is Xia Cha's awakening skill!

【Taboo·One Thought Flower Blooming】

Grade: LV1

Cooldown: 9999 seconds (unchanged)

Consumption: The player is full of blood

Effect 1: Within 60 seconds, the passive skill [Blood Gas Overload] is continuously triggered, and the skill attribute is changed to increase Shura's all attributes by 50%. (Normal LV1 is 30%)

Effect 2: Within 60 seconds, the skill attribute of the active skill [Blood Spirit Fusion] is changed to the full attribute of Shura by 200%. (Ordinary LV1 is 100%)

Effect 3: Within 60 seconds, the active skill [Sea of ​​Nether Flower] continues to bloom, but no longer **** blood. It is changed to cause 1,000,000 damage to enemies in the range every second, and the damage is converted into Shura's Shura power by 10:1.

Effect 4: Within 60 seconds, the active skill [Flying Leaf] can withstand 6 kill attacks. (Ordinary LV1 is 3 times)

Effect 5: Within 60 seconds, the active skill [Entangling Whisker] confines enemies without limit, but enemies that have been confined cannot be confined again within 20 seconds. (Normal LV1 is 30 seconds)

Effect 6: For 60 seconds, Shura's blood energy will continue to be maintained at the peak level, will not be consumed, will not be reduced.

Effect 7: Within 60 seconds, the cooldown of all active skills of the Shura system is reduced by 40%. This effect can be superimposed with the talent [Blood Demon Spirit Body], one of the talents ‘Dancing Together’, a total reduction of 70%. (Normal LV1 is reduced by 20%, and the total is reduced by 50%)

Effect 8: Within 60 seconds, all damage caused by Shura will trigger a critical strike with 100% and a +50% chance of triggering a fatal. (Ordinary LV1 is 100%, +0%)

Effect 9: Within 60 seconds, Shura's attack speed +100%, movement speed +100%, and release speed +100%. (Normal LV1 is all +20%)

Effect 10: within 60 seconds, Shura physical defense +100%, magic defense +100%. (Ordinary LV1 is +20%)

Details: But at first thought, after the Minghua bloomed, a hundred flowers were killed, and the sky was filled with murderous aura, and the sky was full of crimson!

Note: This skill can only be released when Shura is around.


After reading this taboo skill, Su Bai took a deep breath.

Mu Yi Nuan, Mu Mu, and Mu Suxin were all gasping.

Even Xia Cha herself had lovely round eyes.

After this skill became taboo, it was too scary!

Stacked with other skills, it can at least increase Su Bai's all attributes by 300%!

Then there are a lot of blessings, speed, fatal rate, cooling rate, 6 active block kills, unlimited imprisonment of the enemy... and so on!

This is simply!

Once Su Bai and Xia Cha start to this state, it is definitely an explosion!

If you open the sky and close the door again, all means will be used...

Now I am the supreme, above which is good fortune, detachment, peace of mind, antiquity, and immortality.

Even though the stronger, the more terrifying, Su Bai is still very confident that he can defeat the world-class level in all conditions!

Calm down the excitement in my heart.

Su Bai continued to look at other skills.

Others have reached the full level due to spiritualization, that is, their holdings have become higher and stronger!

Moreover, the current Su Bai can be increased.

Of course, if it is really given to Su Bai, it may be somewhat weakened, after all, his level is too high.

But at least there is!

Unlike before, blessings are basically non-existent, only a pitiful value of 1%...

As long as the level of summer tea is raised, the blessing will be normal.

Thinking of this, Su Bai couldn't wait!

"Chacha, shall we go to leveling?" Su Bai asked.

Xia Cha moved her gaze away from the panel, and said excitedly: "Okay, okay! I'm so idle!"

They worked hard for spiritual transformation for several days, and it was really boring.


Su Bai waved his hand, and several people set off immediately!

There is time today.

The number of bugs has returned to zero. In the savings, the positive things that kill Li Shenxu, Mai Yin, Mai Pi, and Qian will naturally be kept for tomorrow.

Naturally, there are monsters and wild areas in the spirit world.

It’s not a problem to find a place to kill monsters.

However, taking into account the strength of Xia Cha and the others, Su Bai can only brush in the Supreme Realm.

After all, not everyone can bear and absorb power far beyond their own realm like Su Bai.

And with Su Bai's strength, go to the Supreme Zone to kill monsters...

It can't be said that killing chickens is a sledgehammer, it should be said that a nuclear bomb is used for fried fish!

With Xia Cha by his side at this time, Su Bai did not activate any BUFF skills, and all had a good increase in holdings.

-24.52 million Ling

-23.6 million Ling

-58.21 million·Ling·Critical Strike

-55.31 million·Ling·Critical Strike

-57.63 million·Ling·Critical Strike

-24.31 million Ling


There is no need to use skills, general attack is enough.

Ordinary one cut, there can be tens of millions!

In this way, the speed of killing monsters and leveling is not too scary!

In just a few minutes, a large area of ​​wild area was completely cleaned by Su Bai!

All the monsters inside were emptied by Su Bai.

The players who spawn monsters here are all dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

At this time, Su Bai had already taken the girls to the next monster spawning location.

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