VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 1118: A tea fruit

In normal times, Su Bai didn't bother to care about them.

Anyway, the two of them were just playing around, and they felt a bit like "happy friends".

No problem.

And now, Su Bai wants to help Xia Cha solve the spiritualization problem.

"Stop it."

Silently rolled his eyes, Su Bai stopped.

Finally, the two women stopped.

After making funny faces to each other, the quarrel ceased.

"Come here, I will try to help you spiritualize." Su Bai said to Xia Cha.


The less talkative Mu Su sighed, and said strangely: "You help her?"


Su Bai nodded and said, "It's not easy to explain the details. I'll talk about it after I try it."

After a word, Mu Yi Nuan, who just wanted to ask, stopped talking.

Su Bai and Xia Cha came to a clean and open place and sat down.

Then he started to try.

I said one by one, there was a breath in my body helping Xia Cha to spiritualize.

If you ask anything, Su Bai can't think of anything except the tattoo in the center of his eyebrows.

After all, he and Xia Cha both have this symbol on the eyebrows.

The question now is how to inspire that magical symbol.

Su Bai lowered his heart and imagined in his mind.


Perhaps it is the reason why he has made great progress and has entered a special state several times in a row.

After Su Bai seriously conceived and inspired him for a little half a minute, he really vaguely felt a special breath!

Itchy brows!

What is rolling in the body, come out!


Finally, Su Bai's eyebrows brightened!

Shallow lines are born.

This was inspired by him, so it was relatively shallow, and there was not much power to accompany it.

Because Su Bai can't control it yet.

For Su Bai himself, it was a big improvement to be able to actively stimulate him at the beginning!

Without time to rejoice, Su Bai immediately looked at Xia Cha.


His eyes were shining red, and the world in Su Bai's eyes was different at this time.

He saw a lot of scarlet aura in Xia Cha.

These auras are very powerful and domineering, and are of the same kind as Su Bai's aura.

Although not as strong as Su Bai, it is definitely a spiritual level power!

But it was too disorganized.

Occasionally the flow will come together, but soon it will disperse again.

It's like missing something crucial!

Seeing this, Su Bai was about to start.

But at this moment, he was very surprised and was stunned!


The breath of summer tea will flow through the heart.

This is the meeting point, there will be a lot of breath every time.

They vaguely formed a sense of shape.

Unlike the human heart of normal cognition!

It is quite round, with some arcs.

It's just like……

A tea fruit!


Su Bai's heartbeat seemed to miss a beat.

This was the first time that he took the initiative to enter a special state, and what he saw under the special vision shocked him too much!

The heart is a fruit?

This brings the view that Xia Cha is a companion demon closer!

Now it’s not the time to care about these things, you will see it when you see it, and do the right thing first.

Su Bai suppressed these thoughts.

Then, he looked at Xia Cha's eyebrows, and his breath would cross her eyebrows.

Every time it crosses over, a dim character flashes.

But apart from this, there is no other performance.

"Start from here, try it!"

Su Bai thought, reaching out and touching Xia Cha's eyebrows.

Gather your thoughts and adjust the power to reach the center of your forehead.

Try this to condense the scattered breath of summer tea.


When Su Bai's breath passed, Xia Cha's eyebrows suddenly gleamed!

A scarlet rune appeared!

Su Bai suddenly felt his fingers numb.

A drop of blood oozes out and blends into the center of Xia Cha's eyebrows, turning it into a crucial point!


The breath of Xia Cha's whole body fluctuated and quickly gathered and condensed.

Spiritualization has begun!

Su Bai breathed a sigh of relief.

"Wow! The son is amazing!" Mu Yi Nuan.

"It's really possible!" Mu Suxin.

"Brother is awesome!" Mu Mu.

The voices of the three women sounded in the ears.

Su Bai didn't relax either, so as not to make a mistake.

But the result is very good, Xia Cha has been stable until the complete spiritualization.

She is also nine times spiritualization, the most perfect!

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