VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 1104: Collect the spoils


At this moment, Ling Xinyu was taken aback!

Not only was he surprised at Su Bai's coma, but also at Meng Yi's condition.

Why did it turn into a ball of white light?

What's wrong?

She is not Su Bai. At this time, she didn't even dare to think that Meng Yi had already disappeared!

Because this is impossible!

Those who were surprised at the same time, naturally there were two immortals not far away, still in the ice crystals.

They also couldn't see what happened!

But it does not prevent them from feeling extremely bad.

At the moment, they are all increasing their strength, wanting to escape from Ling Xinyu's ice crystals.


"Crack, click..."

The ice crystal creaked!

The sound of dense ice crystal cracking astounded Ling Xinyu.

Now is not the time to care about this!

She grabbed Su Bai who was hanging down.

But Su Bai was weak, and when he held his hand, his whole body was also drooping limp.

Ling Xinyu swept his hands and hugged Su Bai's waist.


Afterwards, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the white light group formed after Meng's death.

Of course, there are also things that fell out of Meng's death.

Only a small black ring fell.

Others, such as the equipment worn on the body, seem to have been chopped by thunder into pure power.


After catching it, Ling Xinyu thought, and the Ice Phoenix screamed, flapping its wings.

Swish, often flying away from the outside world.

Time to leave!

Meng Yi should be dead?

In short, now whether he is dead or not, he has to leave.

After using the skill that was frozen for thousands of miles, Ling Xinyu's current body strength was now 30%.

There are still two immortal grades left, which can't be played.

But in this ice-bound area, the ice phoenix's speed is fast again.

In just one breath, before the two immortals broke free, the Ice Phoenix was on the edge of the gate of the Supreme Palace.

While flying over, Ling Xinyu held Su Bai with his fingers on his wrist.

Power entered, and after walking around Su Bai's body, his brows were deeply frowned.

At this moment, all the power in Su Bai's body was completely wiped out!

Not to mention empty, the body is still in an extremely weak state!

If it weren't for Su Bai still breathing, Ling Xinyu felt that Su Bai had been so weak that he had lost his life!

"What's the matter? It's because of that strange knife? This is too horrible to consume, right? What kind of knife is that? Is it a skill?"

Ling Xinyu said to himself, very confused.

After thinking about it, he also completely flew out of the scope of the Taiyi House.

Ling Xinyu temporarily pulled away from his thoughts and looked back.

The entire mountain and palace are in ice, and the ice crystals refract light, making them extremely gorgeous and beautiful.

Among them, even the mist that Meng Yi had emitted before was frozen.

The two immortals broke away for the most part, and one more breathing time was enough to break away.


At this moment, Ling Xinyu sneered slightly.

Such a big skill, of course, is not just over frozen!


In one word, this ice-covered earthquake spreading thousands of miles!

The original crystal clear ice crystal burst into cracks instantly!

Then, it exploded immediately!


All the ice was burst into pieces in an instant!

Gorgeous ice light, endless ice crystal fragments, roaring and flying in this area of ​​thousands of miles!

The mountains and palaces that were originally sealed up have all been devastatingly destroyed!

The continuous explosion of ice crystals pierced the mountains!

So the mountain began to collapse!

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Amid the huge roar, the mountain hit, and the earthquake trembled!

The smoke was about to arise, but it was crushed to death by the aftermath of the ice crystal's explosion, or it was blown away.

The palace above cannot escape!

Although Meng Yi had inspired the special features of the palace before, he died.

The palace is only slightly strange.

Can't stop Ling Xinyu's natural disaster level skills!

It started to explode, collapse, and destroy!



And at this moment, there was a screaming scream!

The two immortals roared frantically.

At this moment, they felt fear.

A terrifying death threat came from the bottom of my heart.

The power of the ice crystal explosion is enough to kill them!

In addition to fear, but also anger!

Taiyi Gongnuo's foundation was ruined by Ling Xinyu! !

The mountains are destroyed!

He was very angry, very unwilling, very unwilling.

But at this time, it was completely sealed by ice, and it was impossible to escape.

When they roared, the ice crystals that wrapped the two of them and the ice crystals around them also exploded!


The terrifying roar is not inferior to the thunder of the sky!

Those two immortal places, the explosion of ice crystals is even more terrifying.

Like a chain reaction, the explosion damage is stacked to a very high level!

The first explosion was over trillions.

But in an instant, trillions of dollars passed!

After another second, just:

Around 50 trillion!

It goes without saying how much damage can be caused by so many ice crystals.

"Do not!!!"

The two immortals screamed desperately in the movement that shook the sky and the earth.

Not dead yet, trying to resist the explosion of ice crystals.

Their defenses are very terrifying, and they can greatly reduce the damage caused by the explosion of ice crystals!

There are also powerful skills that can protect themselves.

But now it is useless!

Ling Xinyu has taken the upper hand, and he has also dealt with this regretful natural disaster!

Meng Yi and others had never seen it before, so they didn't take precautions.

In the end, the two immortals were completely beheaded in anger and aggrieved despair.

Disappear, die, will go to the resurrection point to resurrect.

When they come back, the day lily will be cold!


The stronger the strength, the slower the speed of resurrection!

If the Immortal level wants to resurrect in the resurrection crystal, it will take at least half an hour!


Ling Xinyu was in a good mood and couldn't help laughing, the laughter spread across the sky.

The laughter was bold, but also contained a lot of ridicule, and it was a bit relieved and refreshing.

Having had grudges for so many years, this is the most presumptuous retribution of hatred.

It can only be said, thanks to Su Bai.

If it weren't for Su Bai's weird state, he took out the weird long knife and attracted all three immortal attentions.

Ling Xinyu didn't dare to say that his natural disaster skills could be fully used.

Even if they were released, the three immortals would break free together vigorously, and it would be easy to break free.

After coming out, the ice can be easily broken.

So, this is because Su Bai killed Meng Yi and lost a lot of power.

Let the other two immortals frighten and play abnormally.

In the end, it caused the current situation.

Ling Xinyu destroyed the largest residence of the Supreme Palace in the spirit world with one stroke! ! !

Stopping the laughter, Ling Xinyu looked towards the Taiyi Palace, which was still exploding and roaring.

Although it has turned into ashes now, many palaces are still relatively intact.

This is specifically done by Ling Xinyu.

Of course there are good things in these palaces, of course...

"Can't waste it!"

Ling Xinyu stretched out his hand and grabbed it, covering it with strength.

Whoosh whoosh! ! !

Many things in the earth and broken palaces were caught by the yin force and grabbed them.

Floating quickly to the sky, to Ling Xinyu.

a lot of!

It's a huge amount!

The sky is filled with eloquence!

The auras of all colors are extremely gorgeous, a piece of radiance that illuminates the sky.

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