VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 1103: Meng Yi, completely wiped out!

"Do it! Do it! Do it!"

"Kill him first! Kill Bai Ye first!!!"

This made Meng Yi unacceptable and immediately roared.

His stunned drink returned the immortality that the other two had been frightened by the blood knife.

Following Meng's instructions, he launched an attack!


Ling Xinyu looked at them quickly, his eyes cold.

With me here, don't you want to touch him a vellus hair!

Ling Xinyu knew what Su Bai probably inspired, and he was now at a critical moment.

Therefore, she tried her best not to let Su Bai suffer any fluctuations!

At this time, Su Bai fell into a daze.

After seeing that he had pulled out a strange knife, Su Bai fell into confusion.

It's not that I am surprised and confused.

It's an indescribable mystery, like something that can't be touched suddenly, and my mind suddenly goes blank.

When he was in a daze, the blade trembled, awakening him.

Su Bai's divergent pupils gradually focused.



While focusing slowly, the **** breath faintly formed certain shapes.

As Su Bai became more sober, his shape became more solid.




Su Bai's eyes were certain, and he gathered completely.

At the moment of focusing, the pupils turned blood red, and the **** strange lines reappeared between the eyebrows!

"Einsteinium 镪镪镪!!!"

The blood gas turned into a battle armor, and the princess was added to the body, and the cloak fluttered!

This was not inspired by Su Bai.

It was this knife that brought him to the special form of Shura's power!

At this time, the warning signs in Meng Yi's heart rose sharply!

The heart squeezed, and the brain roared!


Premonition of death!

Meng Yi really didn't dare to think that he could still have such a real premonition of death in the game!

"Kill! Kill him!"

He roared out of control!

There is no longer the calmness of the immortal of the past.

The mists all over the mountains and plains boiled violently, and the ghosts that appeared in it were also extremely irritable and fearful.

Su Bai looked coldly, holding the strange knife, and grabbing Ling Xinyu's hand.

Although he entered this state, just like what the text said, he still couldn't make up the huge gap between him and immortality.

It's not even close!

Therefore, Su Bai could only let Ling Xinyu lead him closer.


At this time, Ling Xinyu was almost frightened by Su Bai.

Without waiting for her to throw away Su Bai, Su Bai said, "Take me to him! I only have 10 seconds!"

The voice is deep and condensed, although it is not high, but it is wonderful and has a great sense of pressure!

It's not a commanding tone, but...

Ling Xinyu felt that in Su's vernacular, there is a feeling that I have said that you have to do it!

At this time, she didn't think too much!

Before Su vernacular spoken, she subconsciously drove the Ice Phoenix under her feet.


With a scream, the Ice Phoenix instantly disappeared in place.

It rushed directly into the mist!

Go straight to the place of Meng Yi!

According to the immortality who watched the battle, Ling Xinyu tried to become a god!

Therefore, his strength is obviously better than not trying to become a god.

That is more than Meng Yi.

Under this eruption, he was in front of Meng Yi in an instant.

This Meng Yi is a personal race.

The body is thin, hidden in the mist all the year round, and his complexion is as pale as a ghost.

Of course, it was also possible that he was frightened by the knife in Su Bai's hand.


Meng Yi arrived and was not built!

Although he was very panicked at this time, he reacted quickly and his figure flashed.

It disappeared directly and appeared in the mist.

Let alone move one hundred thousand meters!

This is too good to run!

10 seconds!

Just by chasing like this, you will never catch up!


Ling Xinyu gritted his teeth, his eyes fierce.

She raised her hand and pinched a series of prints at a speed that could not be seen clearly.

At this time, even Ling Xinyu's eyes had some bloodshot eyes, and his complexion was obviously pale a few times!

She has consumed herself greatly!

The spiritual power of a body is at least nearly one trillion points.

Now I have taken more than 70% of the time!

In order to be able to absolutely send Su Bai to Meng Yi's side.


After a breath, Ling Xinyu pointed to the sky.

boom! ! !

The splendid ice light exploded since then!

In the blink of an eye, it covered the entire Taiyi House! ! !

The entire Taiyi Palace occupies tens of thousands of miles!

Now, Sheng Lie's brilliant ice light covers it all!

"Crack, click..."

Everything covered by the ice is frozen!

And the nearby Meng Yi, and the other two immortals, they are no exception!

This move is Ling Xinyu's bottom-level skill!


Do not!

Beyond taboos, it is a [natural disaster] level!

Even if Meng Yi used natural disaster-level skills to break free, it would take a few seconds!

These few seconds...


The ice phoenix shook its wings, piercing the space instantly.

Ling Xinyu's crazy mobilization of the power of the yin without leaving, made the ice phoenix faster and faster!

In the end, there is no need for two interest periods to cross one hundred thousand meters!


Seeing Meng Yi, he was frozen in ice.


He also saw Su Bai and Ling Xinyu coming over, struggling frantically.

The ice crystals surrounding him are all cracking!

"Ha ha ha..."

Su Bai was smiling, with a cold smile, also full of violent murderousness.

He raised the strange knife in his hand and slashed it fiercely!


When the strange knife fell, there was a huge roar!

In the blink of an eye, it landed on ice crystals.


Cut in like tofu.

Then, it hit Meng Yi's shoulder!


The knife is excited!

It is trembling, and the **** light it emits is more vigorous!

When it was trembling, strange and simple patterns and symbols lit up on the smooth and unmarked body of the knife.

These lines and symbols are submerged in Meng's body.

Then, the center of his eyebrows appeared precisely and gathered together to form a single symbol.


At this time, Meng Yi's eyes widened, with extreme shock and fear in his eyes.

The extent of his struggle suddenly weakened, the spiritual power radiated by his body quickly decreased, and the divine light in his eyes was also declining.

After three breaths, he was completely dim and his eyes were stiff.

he died!

It's really dead!

The spirit body is still there, but the mind has been completely annihilated by the power of the strange knife!

In the spirit world, killing a monster will emit pure primordial light from the monster's body, which will increase its'experience' after being absorbed.

This mechanism is also available among players!

When the players are killed, the dead side will also emit pure primordial light.

However, because the player can resurrect at the resurrection point, not much is scattered.

And now, Meng Yi...

He is shining!


At this moment, a thunder and lightning struck abruptly above the sky.

Passed directly through the ice crystal and blasted on Meng's remains.

In an instant, Meng Yi was smashed and disintegrated!

Straight away!

Among the ice crystals, only a pure white light with the size of a fist existed.

The breath, miscellaneous breath, and body belonging to Meng Yi were all annihilated by the thunder and lightning.

Now, this group of power is the original and pure power.


At this time, the strange knife in Su Bai's hand disintegrated.

Dissipate directly between heaven and earth.


The symbols on Su Bai's eyebrows and the black and red armor on his body disappeared instantly.

At the same time, a great feeling of powerlessness struck!

Far more than the last time to inspire Shura's special state!

This extremely deep sense of powerlessness caused Su Bai to faint instantly without saying a word.

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