VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 1097: Let the bullet fly for a while~

"Release it!"


Zheng Bailian answered, and then projected the captured image.

As a result, everyone saw what had just happened.

"Justice?! You also have the face to be fair?!"

"Four big forces unite together to besiege and kill a wanted little guy!"

"As a result, they only took out some spirit coins, so are you clamoring for justice?"

"You deserve to be fair too?!"


There was silence in the chat room listening to Ping Angel's stern scolding.

Everyone's faces are filled with haze, which is deeply troublesome.

This is just great!

Ping Angel said that the source of Su Bai's spirit coins is fine.

How can this be done? !

The image was played back and forth many times, but no one spoke.

do not know what to say.

Finally, Li Yangwei raised his eyes and glanced at everyone present, and said dullly: "You guys don't speak, is it possible that we should just admit it? Apologize?"

"No! Father! I'm not convinced!"

Before the others spoke, Li Shenxu furiously refused to accept it.

Actually, his problem with Su Bai is not too big.

At that time, he was just teaching Ding Pi, and Su Bai also taught him.

However, he is too arrogant!

Want to get back!

When Su Bai crossed the robbery, he made great efforts to destroy Su Bai's promotion.

Almost finished!

Then Su Bai is angry!

For this reason, it was rare to stimulate the special form of Shura's profession, blocking him at the resurrection point and killing him many times.

The Qiu Jie is deep.

Now, listening to Li Yangwei's resignation is totally unacceptable.


Hearing what he said, someone snorted coldly, and said in a weird manner: "Li Yangwei, your so-called genius, is this so sweet?"

"Speaking of it, the source of the trouble in this stall seems to be caused by you little ass."

"I'm not young anymore, and I'm so energetic!"

The words are what the Mai family said.

Mai Yin's mother, Mai Pi.

When Li Shenxu heard this, he was immediately upset and glared at the past.


Li Yangwei is also a calf protector, and he immediately said coldly: "Even if my son provokes him, it has something to do with you?"

"What does this matter have to do with your Mai family from beginning to end?"

"A son-in-law, is it worth the indignation of your whole family?"

"Laughing at me! Isn't it profitable?"

"Why? Now that it's in danger, do you start pushing responsibility?"

These words directly hit the bullseye!


Mai Pi Su stood up and stared at Li Yangwei with angrily eyes, his complexion flushed.

There is anger and faint embarrassment.

"Mother..." Mai Yin hurriedly pulled her, fearing that the noise would become more intense.


The Qian family, Qian Lixian's father, Qian actively slapped the table in anger, shouting, "Is he all right! What does he look like?!"

He has white hair and white beard, staring at Li Yangwei and Mai Pi: "It's just being wanted by a little guy. If nothing happens, you are in a mess!"

"Quarrel? Are you still quarreling?"

"Are you embarrassed? Ah?!"

Li Yangwei: "..."

McPi: "..."


McPi snorted heavily and sat back.

Li Yangwei didn't say anything, but there was obvious contempt on his face.

Qian actively shook his head, looked at the palace lord of the Taiyi Palace who had been silent, and said, "Palace Lord Meng, do you have any ideas?"


The mist flowed slowly, and after a short breath, a cold voice came out: "No!"

Everyone present changed their expressions!

In fact, they all have the hidden meaning of pinning their hopes on Meng Yi.

But unexpectedly, he couldn't even give a solution.



Silence continued here again.

They are all thinking, what can they use to counter Su Bai's 400 billion star spirit rewards?

In the silence, the expressions were different.

The only thing in common is the faint look of regret and regret on his face and eyes.

They are all regretting that they should not conflict with Su Bai.

Even Li Shenxu... there are some!

Meng Yi, whose body was shrouded in mist, couldn't see anything.

However, he was frowning too, and felt tricky.

When I feel troublesome, I think, if nothing happened, it would be great...

I really knew today, why bother!


Su Bai didn't know their entanglement and regret.

Don't care.

Go back and lose time.

No upper bounds.

In the resident of Taiyin Shengzong.

Now, here is not like the cold and quiet of the past, it is very lively.

Noisy exclamations can be heard from all over the whole family.

Outside of the words, everyone was surprised at Su Bai's newly added wanted.

And his eyes are all looking at a hall.

Because in the hall, Su Bai is here!

As for the hall, everyone looked at Su Bai like a ghost.

Many elders can't maintain their expressions anymore.

His eyes widened, his mouth widened, his face looked shocked.

Just like the general public, they were also shocked by Su Bai's huge bounty.

After a long while, Ling Xinyu came back to his senses first: "You...Where..."

Halfway through the question, she didn't say completely.

She suddenly remembered that everyone has their own secrets.

Asking is too abrupt.

Of course, Ling Xinyu still wants to ask a question: "Young Master Bai, there is no problem with the source of the Star Spirit coins?"

"Absolutely no problem!" Su Bai replied.

"That's good."

Ling Xinyu nodded, obediently and subconsciously believed in Su Bai.

The elders still looked suspicious.

Is it really okay?

This is 400 billion, can a little guy who is new to the spirit world take it out?

It's impossible to think about it!

Su Bai didn't want to explain anything, and initiated a transaction application to Ling Xinyu.

She agreed.


Looking at the huge amount of Star Spirit coins put up, even if it was Ling Xinyu, his heart was beating.

The mentality is somewhat similar to the feeling that the poor suddenly see hundreds of billions.


Ling Xinyu was very human and quickly calmed down.

Sign a contract and receive the Star Spirit coins.

After receiving it, Ling Xinyu said softly: "Although there is such a huge bounty injection, it is estimated that several of them will still try their best to deal with it, and will not immediately admit defeat."

Not everyone will surrender in a flash like the kingdom of a certain law.

"That's pretty good."

Su Bai squinted and said coldly, "Then kill, keep killing!"

"Ha ha……"

Ling Xinyu also chuckled lightly.

After several offenses, she was also angry, and she was naturally happy to see it.

At this time, everything that should be arranged was arranged, and Su Bai said: "I will go to rest first."


Ling Xinyu nodded, but still curiously asked: "You don't plan to see how much wanted is achieved, and what do you plan to do?"

"What to do, of course it is done!"

Su Bai nodded and said slowly: "But huh, let the bullet fly for a while~"

Let time pass for a while~

Wait one night, just one night!

Su Bai returned to the courtyard where Ling Xinyu had taken him to before.

Start to rest.

It just so happened that the sky was getting dark now, it was time to rest.

Su Bai didn't plan to go offline either.


As soon as I wanted to say hello to Xia Cha and the others, Xia Cha's phone number came.


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