VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 1096: You are also worthy of justice?


In the Pingtian Temple.

Zheng Bailian looked at the balance expectantly.

In a blink of an eye, a tall figure appeared on the balance.

The whole body is wrapped in a robe, exuding this unpredictable breath!


Zheng Bailian was overjoyed and immediately bowed and shouted: "My lord, please be fair to us!"


The visitor did not speak.

Zheng Bailian didn't dare to get up, and waited.

Nothing at first.

But soon, Zheng Bailian's face turned pale, her body trembled violently, and she quickly broke out in a cold sweat!

Because the Ping Angel who came here suddenly exudes tremendous pressure!

Panic if the mountain is pouring down!

This feels terrible!

The power of shock felt by the ancestors of the Taiyi Palace, god-level figures, is still not enough for the in case this angel of peace radiates!

Besides, Zheng Bailian also knows...

Ping Angel is angry!

This is definitely angry, otherwise, how could he unceremoniously put pressure on it? !

Suddenly, Ping Angel said coldly: "Justice?! Do you have the face to be fair?!"

"Four big forces unite together to besiege and kill a wanted little guy!"

"As a result, they only took out some spirit coins, so are you clamoring for justice?"

"You deserve to be fair too?!"

The more Ping Angel said, the more Zheng Bailian's body shook!

Amidst the great coercion of the angel Yu Ping, he couldn't hold on to himself, and he was terribly scared!

There were fine beads of sweat on his face, neck, and skin.

He didn't dare to refute anything at all, so he could only bow and bow again, and he was about to throw his body on the ground.


Finally, Ping Angel shouted in anger.

The violent divine power surged and slammed into Zheng Bailian.


Zheng Bailian's eyes widened, and she couldn't even speak.

The person swished directly, and was smashed out by the violent force.

After flying out, he died suddenly!

There is a sudden death that is useless for resurrection times!

Moreover, after being resurrected in a nearby city, that violent divine power is still circling.

Zheng Bailian is dead again and again!

During this period, he couldn't even scream out, his eyes were filled with despair.

This weird situation shocked the player with resurrection power.

"Fuck?! What's the situation?! What's the matter with this person?!"

"What kind of terrifying power is this? His...It's a god-level power!"

"Hey... she... she is Zheng Bailian! She is wanted by Bai Ye!!!"

"Fuck, really!"

"What's the situation with her? Why was she bombed out of the Pingtian Temple?"

"Ha, stupid! As soon as I thought about it, Zheng Bailian and the others felt that it was abnormal for Bai Ye to take out so many Star Spirit coins, and then ran to file a complaint. Then, Bai Ye was right, she was blasted out by Ping Angel!"

"Hahahaha... laughed at me to death."


After a few comments, some people recognized Zheng Bailian, and others guessed the reason for Zheng Bailian's situation.

Suddenly, a lot of laughter rang out.

The players around are happily watching the excitement.

Zheng's Lotus is dead and alive, alive and dead!

Ping Angel's anger seems to be great, and the punishment for Zheng Bailian is very strict!


Zheng Bailian died a hundred times!

After a hundred times, the lingering terrifying supernatural power was considered dissipated.

The divine power was gone, and Zheng Bailian had not been able to react immediately.

God-level power is extremely terrifying!

No one, like Su Bai, can bear the power of God.

At least, Zheng Bailian can't do it.

After being strangled by divine power a hundred times, his thoughts were all stunned by divine power, and he couldn't recover for a while.

And at this moment...



"Zheng Bailian, die!"

"Don't grab it with me!"


The players who were originally surrounded by bad eyes suddenly swarmed!

Now that you recognize Zheng Bailian, of course you won't let it go!

Of course, Zheng Bailian's strength is extraordinary, and the players who besieged are of the same level.


After being attacked, Zheng Bailian could finally scream out.

The severe pain also made her barely gather a little energy.

As soon as her pupils focused, she saw all kinds of attacks come down, frightening her downright.

Escape in a hurry, but can't escape, can't escape.

Waiting for her to wake up completely, at least she will have to die a few more times!

Pingtian Temple.

The tall figure shrank and eventually became about one meter two or three.

"I told you to bully for nothing!"

"If I were not for the Lord, I would kill you now!"


With a happy and proud snort one by one, the figure flashed and disappeared from the balance.

She returned to the body of the small world tree, hiding in it to guard.

She didn't need to care about this.

But since it is related to Su Bai, she is still going to cover up and break the rules, then of course it has to be managed.

The request that would have been passed to the real "Ping Angel" was intercepted.

Come down and solve it yourself, by the way, teach that disgusting Zheng Bailian!


Leave one by one, after a while.

After all, Zheng Bailian is not an ordinary commodity.

After being besieged several times, he was completely sober.

Then created an opportunity and escaped.

"Slot! She ran away!"

"Damn! Just tell you not to fight, everyone is here, everyone can have a share!"

"Just talk about me? Didn't you grab it?!"

"Are you special..."

"Don't make a noise! ​​Just run away! There are four forces wanted by Bai Ye, are you afraid that you haven't offered a reward?"


The hunter made a few noises, but soon calmed down.


Zheng Bailian changed her figure to cover herself.

Fleeing to a hidden place in extreme embarrassment, panting.

Her face was angry, unwilling, distressed, uncomfortable, aggrieved and so on.

This time, her loss was too great!

He died directly more than a dozen times and lost a lot of mysterious matter!

This thing is very mysterious, but the person involved, especially the realm of Zheng Bailian's level, can vaguely perceive some consequences.

At least, Zheng Bailian knew now that her potential had been severely cut!

If you don't replenish the lost mysterious substance, the road ahead will become more difficult!

Whether it is in the game or in reality, the difficulty of upgrading has increased a lot!

This evolution itself is extremely difficult, so come again...

The loss is too great!

Zheng Bailian did not dare to resent the ‘Ping Angel’.

All the hatred and anger were recorded on the players who shot her.

Of course, the biggest head is naturally counted on Su Bai.

"Hate it!!!"

Zheng Bailian's depressed roar.

His eyes were bloodshot, and his expression was distorted.

She vented in a low voice, and after a while, it counted.

Entered the chat room before.

Seeing her entering, the people in the chat room looked at her.

But there is no expectation of excitement, but his face is gloomy.

This is because...

In the center of the crowd, there was an enlarged image.

It is the image of Zheng Bailian being blasted out one by one and then besieged.

At this glance, we can see that things did not come to a good result.

"Palace Master..."

Zheng Bailian's expression was low, and after calling the palace lord, he continued: "Although Ping Angel has come down, but..."

"Are there any videos?"

When You Wu interrupted Zheng Bailian, he wanted to see it with his own eyes.


Zheng Bailian nodded.

Of course I know everything about video, but it doesn't matter.

It would be better to let them see it.

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