VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 1066: Go after it!

The splendid sword light exploded, slashing away in a huge arc.

They were all sent out in an instant, and they all had their energy early.

In a breath of time, it slammed in front of Su Bai.


It's like an explosion!

The movement was huge, and the roar was more terrifying than thunder.

The terrifying vigor even hit the mountains and forests below, causing a thousand-meter earthquake and trees breaking and breaking.

The three moves concentrated together and hit Su Bai!

A huge ball of light was exploded!

For a time, there was as brilliant as the sun.



"Catch up!"

All three are excited and are about to catch up.

After two seconds, they were all startled, their pupils contracted, and they couldn't believe it.

In the light of power gradually escaping, a person encased in a group of brilliant light flew upside down.

the speed is very fast!

"is her!"

"How could she not die?!"

"Where is Suzaku? Where did Suzaku go?!"

The three shouted in shock.

At this time, they would never think that Vermilion was Su Bai's pet.

This is impossible!

And when they were dumbfounded, Su Bai also flew upside down tens of thousands of meters!

"Damn it!"

Zheng Bailian's complexion changed drastically and said angrily: "He was just borrowing our strength!"

All three of them just used the big trick of pressing the bottom of the box!

Arrived together, bombed together!

That power is terrifying!

But he was blocked by Su Bai, and he used that terrifying power to push himself away.

"Hateful! Chase it!"

Li Yangwei was unwilling, roaring, and wanted to chase after him.

The same is true for the other two.

But after a short while, they were all discouraged.

Su Bai's current speed is too fast!

In just such a short while, he has fallen into the snowy area that stretches for 100,000 miles.


Slightly slowing down, Li Yangwei cursed.

The other two also slowed down.

Mai Yin watched Su Bai disappear into the snowy area, frowning and asked: "Then, shall we continue to chase?"

Zheng Bailian and Li Yangwei: "..."

Both of them were silent, undecided.

That is a forbidden place!

It's not someone's back garden!

If you trespass, you can only suffer loss if you are slaughtered, and there is no reason to take revenge.

If he was killed and ran away, that would be even more of a problem, and accountability will come soon!

Unless, can not be noticed...

But this is very difficult!

In the forbidden land of others, if you don't want to be discovered by others, you need a strong ability to hide.



After thinking of this, Li Yangwei and Mai Yin gradually looked at Zheng Bailian.


Zheng Bailian was thinking and pondering, and after she hadn't leaned forward, she said: "Well, let me go in and take a look..."

Before finishing talking, Li Yangwei said: "Let's go too!"

This is because Zheng Bailian will eat alone.

Zheng Bailian glanced at them: "Do you have a deep secret method?! Is there a search and trace method?"

"As a professional assassin, there must be a way."

Li Yangwei squinted and smiled.

He would definitely not agree to want to eat alone.

When the time comes, Zheng Bailian will be arrested.


After a few seconds of silence, Zheng Bailian shrugged and said, "Alright, yes, but there is no guarantee that you will not be discovered."

"Here, take it, remember, it also counts money!"

"You can hide yourself if your capacity is close to your body."

With that, she threw two talisman papers to the two of them, and took out one of them herself.

Zheng Bailian disappeared as soon as she posted it on her body.

The breath is extremely weak!

If this is separated some distance, it will be even more invisible.

"Good stuff!"

Li Yangwei nodded in admiration, and stuck the talisman paper on himself.

Mai Yin also learned something.

All three of them disappeared in the air.

Hidden his body and flew to the vast snowy area.


Whoosh whoosh...

Su Bai walked through the snow-white dense forest.

Xiao Luoying has taken back her pet space to take care of the sleeping Mo Zixi.

He was unscathed, with no injuries at all.

In this way, thanks to Koyuki resting on his shoulders.

Xiaoxue had realized a skill before.

【Sacred Path·The Realm of Absolute Heaven】

It is a super invincible skill!

Although as far as her current attributes are concerned, she can't give full play to the power of this skill.

But it was okay to block the attack of those three people.

However, Su Bai told Xiaoxue not to block it.

Let her protect her safety, and then use her strength to fly backwards.

The result was very good. With the help, I got rid of them easily.

Now, I hide in the depths of the dense forest.

Ten seconds later...

The combat state has been lifted, and things like teleportation items can already be used.

However, Su Bai did not choose to leave.

When he got here, he knew what the familiar breath was!

As soon as he entered this place, the yin and yang forces in Su Bai's body were active.

Especially the power of the lunar yin, the speed of absorption has risen!

In other words, there is a huge Taiyin Qi here!

Open the map to see, there is no name, this is the area he doesn't know.

This problem is not big, you can find out if you look for it in the forum.

"It really is!"

After flipping it twice, Su Bai knew.

This is the resident area of ​​the Taiyin Saint Sect in the Supreme Realm!

In the central area, is the land of the sect of the Taiyin Holy Sect.

And where he is now is a dangerous forbidden area.

"Forbidden area..."

Su Bai figured out the word, searching for information.

I read some posts and know very little.

All I know is that this place was occupied by the Taiyin Sect a long time ago and became their forbidden place.

"Would you like to leave..."

Su Bai stopped to avoid triggering anything. He stayed under a pillar of towering snowy trees, thinking about whether to go or stay.

After pondering for a while, he still intends to stroll around first.

Anyway, I have this super detection skill, and the eyes of the sky fish can also detect danger very well.

So Su Bai strolled in the snow forest.

It's not just running around aimlessly, he has a direction.

In addition to the lunar air that attracts Su Bai, there is always a unique aura that attracts him.

Now, I was looking for that special breath.


In silence, Li Yangwei, Zheng Bailian, and Mai Yin entered smoothly.

Entered this forbidden area.

The three were floating in a snow forest.

Did not act immediately, but waited for a while.

Mai Yin: "Huh... I didn't notice it!"

Li Yangwei: "Yes, your talisman works well!"

Zheng Bailian: "Nonsense! Even if you are to be discovered, it is impossible to be discovered immediately!"

Nothing happened around!

Not noticed.

The three breathed a sigh of relief.

"After I came here, it was too yin and I couldn't feel her breath anymore."

Li Yangwei spoke through a voice transmission and then asked, "Hall Master, that woman entered here, can you find the breath?"

"What's the hurry, I'm trying."

Zheng Bailian said, digging in the pocket on her waist.

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