


Mai Yin and Li Yangwei formed an alliance temporarily and chased Su Bai together.

The three used their own methods, and they were fast.




While flying, attacked Su Bai.

Of course, it's impossible to hit a long distance.

A few failed, and most of the attacks fell on the mountain.


BOOM! ! !


The mountains could not shake, and the boulders were flying.

There was even a small hill that was split with a palm or a knife, and it was terrifying!

Although he didn't even attack Su Bai, it was enough to drag Su Bai into a combat state.

"three people?!"

Dodging the attack, Su Bai glanced back and was stunned when he saw three people appear.

It's a little far away, and it's in the mountains again. It's not easy to see who has joined in.

"Finally can't get out of the fighting state..."

Taking a look at the state, Su Bai frowned.

Li Yangwei and Zheng Bailian, as well as the people who appeared, were chasing after him, resulting in him being unable to leave the fighting state.

Can't you slip away!

If it weren't for the obstacles of the mountains, they would have caught up.

In fact, the distance is constantly shrinking now.

After all, their strength is too strong, and the speed is also very fast.

Xiao Luoying's strength was a little weaker, and she hadn't evolved her chief mate yet.

If it weren't for the first opportunity, it would be impossible to escape.

"It's really troublesome!"

Su Bai frowned and scanned the mountains.

Now it seems that he has entered a desolate territory, and there is no one in the mountains, no city.

Although the mountain is big, it is not easy to hide.

In Li Yangwei, especially hiding in the sight of Zheng Bailian, he can definitely be found out.

"You can't run away!"


"There is a kind of stop and fight with us!"


The people behind were chasing and shouting.

Su Bai was too lazy to take care of it.

Only a few minutes passed, and the distance was greatly shortened!

The distance between them and Su Bai is about 20,000 to 30,000 meters, which is really not far.


At this moment, Su Bai's eyes suddenly lit up.

He felt that in a certain direction, a familiar and cordial breath of power exuded!

The distance is still a little far away, and it feels a little vague and indistinguishable.

"Yingying, go in that direction."

After taking a closer look, Su Bai pointed to the leaning direction of his left hand.


Xiao Luoying had no time to answer, she nodded.

The wings flap and change direction.

But in this way, the speed will inevitably drop.

The three people at the back looked excited.

He took out the pill to replenish himself, and then kept chasing at high speed.

While chasing, Li Yangwei said: "We have to be faster!"

"This is Partition No. 1, with many big influences!"

"If she ran into the forbidden area of ​​that big power, we would have no choice!"

After a while...

In the direction of Su Bai, after crossing a high mountain, a white snow field appeared.

This snowy area is extraordinary!

It is extremely vast, and it stretches to cover one hundred thousand miles!

The snow trees growing in it are very huge, and the tallest can reach tens of thousands of feet, just like the ancient wild and wild primitive trees and wild forests.

In the woods, in the sky, and in the snow, there are violent winds.

The snowflakes were bigger than goose feathers and looked rather chaotic.

After seeing this snowy area, Su Bai's eyes brightened!

Bai Xue reflected light and was still so chaotic. If he entered it later, it would be very easy to hide it.


During this period of chasing, the distance between them and Su Bai had shrunk to within 10,000 meters.

But if you want to catch up with these ten thousand meters, you can't do it in a short while.

Xiao Luoying's speed may be slightly weaker, but the endurance is definitely far beyond them.

Just like now, the three of them are a little panting.

However, they have no time to care about these.

All three were taken aback when they saw the appearance of the snowy area.

"Tai Yin forbidden place!!! Brother Li, you are really a crow's mouth!"

Zheng Bailian's pupils shrank, and there was a lot of fear.

Later, she angrily complained about Li Yangwei.

Li Yangwei retorted: "Uh...what's my business, she came here on purpose..."

Although he was retorting, his expression was also confusing.


Zheng Bailian rolled her eyes and didn't bother to return to him.

Mai Yin said: "Don't quarrel! The distance is still early, there are still thousands of miles away, he didn't run in so fast!"

"Hurry up!"

"Slower, it will be very difficult for her to run into the forbidden ground!"

Zheng Bailian listened, watching Su Bai running straight to the snowy area, her eyes changed.

After struggling for a while, she finally took out three pills from her backpack.

"Shen Xing Da Dan can make our speed soar by 50%!!"

"If you want money, settle the account later!"

With that said, Zheng Bailian gave the other two to Li Yangwei and Mai Yin.

"Thank you!"

Both Mai Yin and Li Yangwei thanked them and took them immediately.

Hum! !

All three of them glowed with strange symbols in the light.

Subsequently, their speed violently increased by about half!


Zheng Bailian's figure moved, using a secret method to directly pull the distance into several kilometers!

Li Yangwei and Mai Yin in the back heard voices in their ears: "Don't hide, hurry up!"



The two promised.

Afterwards, the various means of development flashed thousands of meters under the originally increased speed.

Be side by side with Zheng Bailian again.

The eyes of the three were murderous and greedy.

At their current speed, they could catch up with Su Bai in less than half a minute.

At this moment, they were slightly stunned

Li Yangwei was surprised: "Huh? His speed has slowed down!"

Mai Yin said in dismay, "Is it possible, is there any means?"

"Don't think too much! It's probably because the strength is weak, and the successor is weak."

Zheng Bailian was very calm, and said cruelly: "When you get closer to within five kilometers, do it, thunder bombardment!"

"Be sure to blast her and the Suzaku down!"

"Never keep your hands, it's not a big problem to kill her! Anyway, she definitely has the means to resurrect, even if it doesn't, I can resurrect her!"



Li Yangwei and Mai Yin both nodded.

Xiao Luoying's speed dropped as a slope, but they had a pill to increase and speed up.

Soon, in just a few breaths, he caught up.

The distance has been reduced by five kilometers!

"Do it!"

Zheng Bailian shouted angrily.

She had been accumulating energy for a long time, and the short blade in her hand was surrounded by a fierce dark light.


She threw the short blade out.

Obviously it was a short blade with a forearm length, but it screamed in the air.

The gloomy rays of light grew rapidly in the air!

In a short moment, it turned into a thousand-meter giant blade, like a long rainbow, swiftly blasting towards Su Bai.

At the same time, Li Yangwei and that Mai Yin also launched an attack.


Li Yangwei squeezed his handprints, his side roared, and the brilliant light of power exploded.

Condensed into thousands of swords, and blasted out at an extremely fast speed.


Mai Yin shouted loudly, condensing the strongest move on the sword, and hacked heavily.

The splendid sword light exploded, slashing away in a huge arc.

They were all sent out in an instant, and they all had their energy early.

In a breath of time, it slammed in front of Su Bai.

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