VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 1020: It doesn't matter what treasures are

After being stunned for a while, everyone's eyes fell on Su Bai again.

Especially Zhuge Changfeng, his eyes are very complicated.

I don't know what I'm thinking.

But there is no doubt that everyone thought of one thing at this time.

That is:

"That should be the memory of the ancestors of the Zhuge family? Is this coming out to see this white night?"

This is obvious!

As soon as the light and shadow came out, he didn't look at Zhuge Changfeng, but looked at Su Bai for the first time.

After watching for a few seconds, it was gone...

Obviously came out for Su Bai!

"It's weird!"

"what is this?"

"Only the relics of the Zhuge family have the ancestors' wishes. Is it possible that this white night has something to do with the ancestors of the Zhuge family?"

"But why, just take a look?!"

"Yeah, that's weird! At least I have to say something..."

"Is he really a queen?"

Someone again talked about this previously denied topic, and everyone was silent.

But soon, there were also retorting voices: "If it is, then it shouldn't be the Zhuge clan alone!"



This thought, yes!

Why is it just the memory of the ancestors of the family

For this, Zhuge Changfeng had a certain premonition in his heart.

I am afraid, it is related to the reward he received before!

After I helped Bai Ye deduct it, there was an inexplicable peaceful force on him.

Although very few, very light!

But presumably, it was because of this power that the ancestors' last thoughts appeared.

At the same time, the secret method that I have harvested is also for this reason!

"He...I'm afraid...really..."

Zhuge Changfeng thought lowly in his heart, and he already had many confirmations.

It's just that no one has verified it, and there are still some uncertainties.

I also wanted to deduce it, but the feeling made him hesitate, avoiding this idea from his heart, as if he didn't dare.


Su Bai listened to the conversation between them, thinking about it, and understood a little bit.

They...couldn't they miss the scene just now?

Just as he was thinking this in his heart, Ding Lao suddenly came to him: "Lady, did something happen just now?"

"We only saw the ancestors of the Zhuge family appear just now, and after a few seconds, they dissipated!"

"The old man feels that he might be covered up!"

Ding was so experienced that he immediately guessed the correct answer!


Sure enough, Su Bai shook his head, "I didn't see anything, it's the same as you see."

Although I don't know why the light and shadow should be covered up, there must be a reason.

Su Bai didn't tell him the idea of ​​pretending to be a beep either.


Old Ding was taken aback, then sighed and shook his head regretfully, "It's a pity! It's the first time I've seen my ancestors' last thoughts in many years...I couldn't ask about the past..."



"I really want to ask the ancestors what happened back then."

"What a pity!"

"Anyway, I also saw hope! I want to come to other ancestors' relics, but also sealed the ancestors' lasts! I hope I can see it one day!"


After Ding Lao sighed, it also caused a sigh from the hundreds of people present.

At this moment, Zhuge Changfeng walked to Su Bai's side.

He stopped shaking the feather fan, but fixedly looked at Su Bai.


Su Bai gave a puzzled hmm and looked at him.


After being silent for a while, Zhuge Changfeng took out something, "This is a cloud phantom seal, which has the effect of shaping the illusion and concealing oneself!"

"At the same time, you can also use it to break through some illusions, and give it to you to use, you will need it now."

He was referring to the Lost Domain of Thousand Stars!

There is fog shrouded for thousands of years, and this stone can play a role.


Su Bai let out another hum, somehow he didn't understand why he suddenly wanted to give something to himself.

"I feel... the secret method I obtained appeared because of you!"

Zhuge Changfeng pointed to the center of his eyebrows, and then said with a serious expression: "You can hold things, it's my gratitude and reward to you."

"Then... all right!"

Su Bai was not polite, and took the stone.

Seeing that Su Bai took over, Zhuge Changfeng nodded instead, looking more relieved.

Old Ding: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Looking at this scene, watching Zhuge Changfeng give Su Bai something, many people twitched their mouths.

Deduction is difficult, and it is easy to encounter taboos!

Moreover, Zhuge Changfeng is very powerful! If you want to ask him to play the game, you must pay a lot of money!

He was curious, so he was exempted from Su Bai's reward. Anyway, he didn't lack something from Su Bai.

But this...

Why did you post it upside down? ! !

As for the first sentence, it is even more nonsense...

Obviously because of years of sacrifices, the secret method was lowered.

However, after this thought had been in everyone's mind for a while, it was inexplicable... Some agreed with Zhuge Changfeng's statement!

Maybe, it's really because of the white night that the method of descending appears...


Everyone didn't know what to say, only felt a little numb.

Although I didn't see the appearance of the rookie emperor, but I also saw a lot of important things!


The next step is to wait for the young generation of hundreds of families of all ethnic groups to come here to worship their ancestors.

After offering sacrifices to the ancestors, the competition began.

However, it will take a long time!

Young people are not as strong as these old men, and they can't fly directly like Su Bai, so they can't come over fast.

Su Bai didn't want to wait, he wanted to leave.

As for the battle of the Hundreds of Human Races, he has no interest.

The same rank is basically complete abuse, and it is not challenging to fight.

Among the hundreds of families who came here, except for the elders of all ethnic groups, the rest seemed to be the younger generation.

Go ahead, there is no need to waste time here.

Open the backpack and want to take out the scroll to return to the spirit world.


Seeing the grayed scroll, Su Bai felt helpless.

I can only come to Ding Lao and say: "Ding Lao, since my business is over, I should leave."

"Here, the scroll to return to the spirit world is not available. Please take a moment and send us out."

"What? Are you leaving now?!"

Ding stayed for a while, and then hurriedly said: "What's the hurry, wait for the time for the competition of the hundred races! Don't you want to participate?!"

"I do not……"

"There are big prizes!!!"

"What award?"

"Well, the top ten rewards one million star spirit coins, cultivation pill *100, attribute pill *100."

"On this basis, the top five will have additional prizes! One spirit fruit, one nine-day red star pill, and one liter of green body water will be awarded!"

"The first reward is bigger! On the basis of the above two rewards, add it!"

"Specific additions: 1 weapon of good fortune quality, there are hundreds of shapes and styles, you can choose any!"

"At the same time, add 3 Spirit Heart Fruits and 9-Day Red Star Pills each. Qingyuan Calcined Body Water doesn't have it, and the advanced is Qingyuan Calcined Body Light 1!"

"Finally, there is a chance to choose the treasure pool! The things in this treasure pool are all taken out by the veterans of the various families, and the lowest quality is in the good fortune level!"

"How, are you attending?"

After Ding finished speaking, he asked Su Bai with a smile.


Su Bai nodded decisively: "It doesn't matter what treasures are, the main reason is to see the strength of the children of the next hundred families."

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