Once the position was obtained, Su Bai would be fine.

As for the elders of a hundred families, they are beginning to worship the relics of their ancestors.

Su Bai was a little curious, so he took a look.

Then I discovered that this way of worship...

It's almost the same as Blue Star's!

The clan elders took out the incense sticks and paper money, lit them, and burned them here.

Smoky smoke rises, flying towards the relics left by their ancestors.


These relics absorbed the blue smoke, and then the light filled a little, and the fragmentation of some relics would be reduced or reduced.

Even if the reduction is small, it is also reduced.

It can be seen that these incense paper money are not ordinary things, they contain special energy and can repair these things.

"Oh... how many generations does it take to see the day when the ancestor's relics are restored?"

"It's a little healed this time, it's a long way to go!"

"I really don't know how strong the ancestor's relic is! We have been feeding it for many years, and we haven't completely repaired it."

"So far only the Human Emperor's order has been repaired, but the other ancestors' relics are still not good!"

"Forget it, take your time, there will always be a day of recovery!"

"Unlucky this time, the ancestors' relics are not secretly passed on..."

"That can happen again and again, don't think too much!"

"Although I said so... but I really want to! I don't even look at the Zhao family, they have all declined into that way, because the ancestor's relics have revealed a secret method, and now they are strong again!"

"Let's do it..."


From the sighs of these old people, Su Bai could also hear something.

In their eyes, these relics basically resemble the ancestors of the year, and they are all respectful.

This is normal, after all, this is probably the only relic of their ancestors, and they sacrifice their ancestors with things!

In addition, the relic has been fed for a long time, but only the human emperor's order is completely restored.

When feeding the relics, the relics may spread secret methods. It's quite strong and can make a declining family flourish again.

This is strangely interesting.

It's a pity that I can't touch the Emperor's Order.

Otherwise, you should be able to get something?

At the very least, can you handle the power of the emperor that you haven't shown in your body? !

Thinking of this, Su Bai inevitably felt a little melancholy, and he didn't know what the human emperor's power could stimulate.


"Look at it! The relics of the ancestors of the Zhuge family are moving!"


At this moment, there was a sudden burst of noise.

Zhuge's family? ?

The fortune teller? What happened to his ancestors' relics?

Su Bai looked curiously and followed it.

Then I found that on the third layer of the lotus petals, something was shaking.

That is a mirror!

The one with horns is an octagonal mirror.

This looks like a gossip mirror, but the mirror surface is very clean, and there is no trace of gossip.

This mirror also has cracks, which are not small. If it were not for the light on the outside, it would have been broken into six or seven pieces.

At this time, this mirror did have a lot of movement.

Its light and breath fluctuated, and bright words flew out of the mirror.

These words all flew into the heart of Zhuge Changfeng's eyebrows.

"This is... This is spreading the Fa!!"

"Ahhhhh, this old man Zhuge's luck is too good, right?!!!"

"Damn it! I am envious of his family's movement!"

"This old guy is so lucky..."


Seeing this scene, the surrounding Hundred Clan elders are very envious.

The secret method from ancient times is not necessarily helpful to the present.

However, the value is absolutely cherished!

And if it is helpful, it is absolutely terrifying!

Soon, Zhuge Changfeng's receiving the Dharma came to an end.


He opened his eyes, not calm at first, but very excited.

Obviously, this receiving method is very strong, at least it will have a big effect on him!

Suppressing these excitements, Zhuge Changfeng clasped his fists, bowed and respectfully said: "The younger generation Zhuge Changfeng, thank the ancestors for giving the law!!!"


The mirror didn't reply, but it didn't dim.

This confuses those who are envious. Generally speaking, the relics of the ancestors are trying their best to repair themselves.

Even if the secret method is lowered, it is done by the original consciousness, and it is obtained by accident.

After the grant, it will immediately silence and close the power to avoid damage.

What is this now?


When everyone was confused, the mirror suddenly moved.

It buzzed, and the light trembled.

Gradually grow and condense into a human form!

There is no specific shape, just a circle of light and shadow.





Seeing this scene, everyone was stupid.

Zhuge Changfeng, Ding is stupid!

How could this be?

The mirror clearly hasn't recovered, how could this happen? ? !


Suddenly, the humanoid light and shadow waved his hand.

Obviously he didn't speak, but at this moment, many elders of the Hundred Clan were subconsciously giving way.

Wow, wow...

Step on...

Between the two breaths, Su Bai, Yun Cixue, and Shangguan Qingshang who were behind the crowd appeared.


At this moment, Su Bai was in a daze.

He feels...

There are two girls beside him, but he just feels that this humanoid light and shadow is looking at himself! ! !

This feels obvious, I'm afraid it's not an illusion!

Don't talk about him, the people around here are also feeling back.



Everyone's gazes turned to Su Bai happily, staring at Su Bai firmly.

The boss with staring eyes, his mouth is almost dislocated!

He couldn't say anything.

This scene did not last long.

After the humanoid light and shadow looked at Su Bai for a while, the light of his body fluctuated.

It's becoming blurry.

It seems that it is impossible to appear for long.

Finally, at this time, he moved.

Guangying folded his hands together and slowly bowed.

After three seconds, he slowly straightened up.

During this period, he did not make a sound.


After straightening up, he waved his hand again, and a beam of light penetrated Zhuge Changfeng's eyebrows.

After doing this, the light and shadow disappeared and returned to the broken mirror.

At this time, it can be seen that the light emitted by this mirror has greatly attenuated!

This is just condensing a figure, but it consumes a lot of money!


Su Bai watched this unfolding, completely dazed.

What is this...

Come out just to bow to yourself?

Oh yes, I also sent another light to Zhuge Changfeng, but that light didn't seem like a secret method.



"Disappeared? Is this disappeared?"

"What happened here?!"

"I can't read it at all!"

"do not understand……"


Su Bai is dumbfounded, but others are more dumbfounded than him!

After all, Su Bai saw the movement of the humanoid light and shadow, but the others just saw the light and shadow coming out, and then remained silent for a while, before dissipating!

No beginning and no end!

They didn't see the light and shadow bowing to Su Bai...Of course, dumbfounded.

It is Zhuge Changfeng, also stupefied!

He couldn't even see it, nor did he feel a second light falling into the center of his eyebrows.

Only Su Bai knows all of this!

Oh yes, there are Yun Cixue and Shangguan Qingshang beside them, they also know.

That Guangying didn't evade the two of them!

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