The addition of the navy can speed up the plan and directly open banks to all over the world.

In the face of huge interests, even if there are some conflicts, everyone will ignore them.

Then Qin Ge asked Brother Ming to draw up a contract.

Everyone had read the contract and felt that there was no problem, so they signed and pledged it.

“The sea emperors cooperated with the navy marshal. This was a historic moment.”

Brother Ming looked at them signing, and the corners of his mouth turned up.

Everyone present has the power to lead the changes of the times.

When they unite, they will inevitably burst out with an earth-shattering force, truly detonating this decadent and dull world.

Click , click!

Zilan held a camera phone and recorded the moment when Qin Ge and others signed.

After Blackbeard finished signing, he grinned and said,”If these photos are spread, they will probably shock the entire sea. There’s a lot of money to be made for Morgans.

Qin Ge smiled and said:”These photos will appear in the news or in history books in the future, but not now.””

Now we still have to keep Aoji and Fujitora a secret.

“Hopefully this won’t be a negative lesson.”

Fujitora said worriedly.

He was worried that after the pirates obtained massive funds, their strength would further grow and cause harm to the world.

The biggest gap between the Yonko and the World Government is actually the lack of money.

No matter how hard the pirates try, they can’t get it. There are more than 180 franchised countries, and they pay a fixed amount of money every year.

If you have money, you can recruit younger brothers and make guns and cannons.

It’s that simple.

“As a naval marshal, I can’t resist the order of the Five Old Stars. I can do anything to change everything. No matter what kind of opportunity we have, we have to try it.”

Qingzhi said.

He once wanted to use his power to carry out top-down transformation after becoming a marshal.

But when he actually became a marshal, he discovered that the higher he was, the greater the direct influence he received from the Five Old Stars.

On the contrary , When he was a general, he could still wander around and do some personnel work.

At this time, he finally understood Garp’s reluctance to be promoted.

“If the marshal of the navy can have such an awareness, the world will have a little more hope.”

Shanks said appreciatively

“Being able to make such a decision so quickly is indeed more respectable than the Warring States Period.”

Golden Lion said.

Kaido and the others all had a hint of admiration for Aokiji.

Thinking from their perspective, if they were in that position, they would probably fight to the death.

How could they consider the world and the future.

But Aokiji has no regard for them. He praised me, but he was not happy at all, and said something that no one could understand:”Fujitora, your perception should be correct.”

Fujitora said:”Same as before.”

Qingzhi glanced at Qin Ge and thought: Fujitora’s perception cannot always be wrong. Come to think of it, this Qin Ge is indeed a bit extraordinary.

The reason why he chose to cooperate was that he was moved by the plan and Qin Ge’s specialness. According to Fujitora’s perception

, Qin Ge is a radiant person, and Qin Ge also proposed this plan. Doesn’t it just show that Qin Ge is extraordinary?

After everyone signs, Qin Ge confirms that there is no problem. , said:”Then from now on, Dongfeng Bank will be officially established.”

Kaido and others all showed happy smiles.

From project establishment to signing, it only took a few days in total, which can be described as super efficient.

“You are all shareholders and do not need to operate it yourself. I guess you don’t know how to open a bank. I decided to appoint Doflamingo as the Bank’s Prime Minister to run it on our behalf.”

Qin Ge said

“Brother Ming is really good at doing business, okay, just him.”

Kaido said

“We have already cooperated with Brother Ming, and it would be good to continue our cooperation now.”

Auntie said.

The two most troublesome guys agreed, and naturally the others had no objections.

“Qin Ge, you haven’t answered yet, how to solve our credibility problem.”

The golden lion asked a question.

Everyone suddenly realized that they are all pirates. It is not easy to gain the trust of the people.

“It’s very simple, as long as we have a lot of gold as reserves, and people can use Bailey to exchange for gold in our banks, they will naturally have credibility.”

Qin Ge said

“Where do we get so much gold? Even if we spend all our property, it won’t be enough.”

Kaido said.

And it’s impossible for them to take out their property.

“Golden Emperor.”

Qin Ge said three words.

When everyone heard the words, their eyes lit up and they became cheerful.

“You mean Gilder Tezolo, that guy really has more gold than he can use up. However, this man’s country is a big ship that has been traveling around the world with no fixed residence. It is not easy to find him.”

Blackbeard said

“It is not difficult to find him. The problem is that this person is the glove of the Tianlong people. Trying to control him is tantamount to directly opposing the Tianlong people.”

Brother Ming didn’t expect to face such a problem when he arrived.

“As long as our raid speed is fast enough, the Tianlong people will not be able to react at all. It’s not that easy to cause trouble for us later. But it would be best to cooperate and let him deposit his gold and money with us. It is said that the Golden Emperor alone accounts for 20% of the world’s Baileys, and this money must be obtained.”

Qin Ge said.

Although the Golden Emperor has become the dog of the Celestial Dragons, he has always hated the Celestial Dragons in his heart. It is possible for him to cooperate.

If he is unwilling to cooperate, he will use force to take away his wealth and golden fruits.

“I have been on Tezzolo’s ship several times, so I will recommend it to you.”

Brother Ming said

“OK, contact him as soon as possible.”

Qin Ge said.

Just as everyone was discussing the specific implementation steps, Qin Ge suddenly felt four powerful and familiar auras.

His eyes moved and he said:”It’s Saint Satan who is here!”

Others heard the words and started to express their feelings.

However, only the Golden Lion, Shanks and Qing Pheasant were present.

Qing Pheasant sensed that Satan Saint 140 was coming, and stood up and said:”I can’t continue to sit there. Here we are, if the Five Old Stars know that we are cooperating, I will lose my position as marshal.”

If he loses his position as marshal, he will not be able to participate in the plan on behalf of the navy.

Qin Ge said:”Barrett, Zilan, you go out to fight with Aokiji and Fujitora, just treat it as a competition.”

Barrett said:”It just so happened that we didn’t finish the fight just now.”

Zi Lan was as happy as if she heard that she wanted to play,”Okay, I haven’t had enough of it either.”

After saying that, she jumped up, rushed towards Fujitora, and punched him out of the palace.

Seeing the damaged palace, Qin Ge thought to himself: It’s okay, let’s pretend to be decent.

Barrett saw that he had no objection, so he Following suit, they rushed forward and knocked Qingzhi out of the palace.

Then the four of them started fighting in the square outside.

In order to create a scene of a long battle, Qingzhi activated his power and froze the entire palace.

No harm to anyone inside

“We also went out to take a look. Saint Satan will come later, and there will probably be a big battle.”

Qin Ge said

“We didn’t expect to face the Five Old Stars so soon. It would be nice to let the other party see our strength, which should help the plan unfold.”

The golden lion said.

Kaido and Big Mom were still high in fighting spirit and broke the ice and rushed out.

Shanks and Blackbeard didn’t really want to participate in the battle, so they walked behind and planned to act according to the opportunity.

Finally, Qin Ge and others came out.了.

Người mua: Evilclasshp

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