“There is not much difference in our strength. In terms of territory, of course my Wan Guo is the largest.”

Auntie said.

“I just didn’t go out to grab it. If I want to grab the territory, I will be bigger than you every minute.”

Kaido said

“My territory was just robbed by Qin Ge, but it doesn’t matter, I can grab it again soon.”

Golden Lion said.

Not to be outdone, the three of them were ready to seize the territory.

Obviously, they were unwilling to cooperate with their current ‘assets’.

But if they were allowed to seize the territory, what would happen if they cooperated? It will probably turn into a war.

These guys won’t be able to hold back once they start fighting. They won’t be satisfied no matter how much territory they grab. They might end up killing each other.

“Forget it, let’s not use land to calculate shares.”

Qin Ge decisively gave up this idea.

“If you don’t use the territory, what’s the point? Do you want to fight to discuss rankings?”

Kaido said

“No need, let’s just split it equally.”


Qin Ge said.

There is not much difference in strength. If the winner is determined by points, he will probably be beaten until he loses arms and legs.

In terms of territory, Qin �� is not the biggest.

He won’t suffer if we divide it equally.

“Evenly divided! I am so much stronger, why should I share it equally?”

Kaido said

“My territory is so large, it is even more impossible to divide it equally.”

Auntie said

“I don’t have a problem with it, it’s good to split it evenly and save the hassle.”

The golden lion said with a smile.

Now he has no territory at all, and his strength has been lost to Qin Ge. If he splits evenly, he will only gain but not lose.

“I don’t have any opinion either.”

Shanks said.

He doesn’t care about the profits, as long as he can participate and guarantee the right to speak.

“I agree.”

Blackbeard said.

He didn’t want to decide the outcome with Kaido and others. It was too difficult.

As for his territory, there were only about twenty islands, most of which were small islands with only a few hundred thousand people.

“Four agreed and two opposed. The minority obeys the majority, that’s it.”

Qin Ge cuts through the mess with a sharp sword.

“No, that’s too hasty.”

Kaido said dissatisfied

“If you don’t agree, just have a showdown with Auntie. Whoever wins will get more points. But the four of us will definitely split it equally, so everyone has no objections.”

Qin Ge said

“No comment.”

Golden Lion, Shanks, and Blackbeard all showed smiles.

Kaido was asking for trouble.

He and Big Mom secretly formed an alliance. How could he decide the outcome alone?

“Qing Pheasant, will your naval officers participate?”

Qin Ge said

“How does the navy get involved in the pirate business and what do we have to pay.”

Qingzhi feels confused.

If Akainu were to be the marshal, he would definitely refuse, but Qingzhi feels that it is somewhat feasible. He just needs Qin Ge to come up with a suitable plan.

“If the navy joins, we can simultaneously carry out one- and two-step plans to open banks all over the world. And all you need to pay is reputation and Pele, and leave the rest to us.”

Qin Ge said

“If you want to open a bank in the name of the navy, then why should we cooperate with the pirates? Can’t we open it ourselves?”

Qing Pheasant said

“Of course it can, but the Navy has a fatal problem.”

Qin Ge said

“what is the problem.”

Qing Pheasant said

“You are just the lackeys of the Tianlong people. The lackeys open a bank. What do you think will happen to the master?”

Qin Ge said with a slight smile.

After hearing his words, Kaido and others couldn’t help but laugh with ridicule.

Qing Zhi’s face was a little ugly, and he wanted to lift the table and leave, but he had to admit Qin Ge’s words.

This It is indeed a fatal problem for the navy.

If they open a bank, they will most likely be controlled by the Tianlong people, and then use the bank to collect people’s money.

This is much more convenient than collecting Tianshangjin.

Once they control the bank. , must not suck the whole world dry

“To the owner, the dog is the meanest, while the enemy is more noble. Believe it or not, Wulaoxing’s attitude when talking to me is more polite than to you.”

Qin Ge said with a smile.

This kind of merciless sarcasm, coupled with the sarcastic smiles of others, made highly cultivated people like Aoki and Fujitora turn pale, with a vague urge to fight.

But the two People can’t refute it, because when Wu Laoxing talked to the navy marshal, he had the attitude of a master scolding his servant.

On this mission, Qing Zhi almost got into an argument with Wu Laoxing.

“Qin Ge, save some face for the navy.”

Shanks said

“Face is earned by oneself. No matter how powerful a person is, if he is willing to surrender to the Celestial Dragons, he will not get the respect of others.”

Qin Ge said

“Yes, even being a pirate is better than being a lackey of the Dragon People.” said the golden lion

“We joined the navy to protect the people, not to be anyone’s lackeys. You people who claim to be strong, but go around plundering the weak, are the real shameless people.”

Fujitora said.


Kaido slapped the table directly and said:”If it weren’t for the Tenten Gold System, this world would not be in such a situation of poverty and war, and there would not be so many pirates……. ”

The country he grew up in was constantly at war just to pay the heavenly gold.

His tragedy was also caused by this.

Fujitora said:”Being bullied is not a reason for you to bully the weaker ones.” Kaido suddenly became angry and said:”According to what you said, we should obediently follow the order established by the Tianlong people and everyone should become a navy. Forget it.”

Fujitora said,”If you all join the navy and gain power, you will definitely be able to influence the decisions of the World Government.” Kaido smiled disdainfully and said,”I thought you were just that.”

The proposed scheme is very common in real history.

No matter how bad a country or dynasty is, there are always some people who want to enter the system, then control it, and finally transform the system.

But these people basically ended in failure.

It is impossible to change a constitution that is extremely corrupted from the inside.

“This topic is left to be discussed later, today’s question is opening a bank. The navy can take shares openly or covertly, so as not to embarrass you.”

Qin Ge said


Qingzhi struggled in his heart, and finally made a decision.

After joining this plan, he can not only understand the movements of these pirates, but also explore a new way out.

Even if he becomes a navy marshal, Qingzhi still has two minds.

He is also very good. Doubting Fujitora’s point of view, can being in a high position really change everything?

“Congratulations on making the right choice, I believe you will be grateful to me in the future.”

Qin Ge said

“Hopefully this will be the case in 5.3.”

Qing Pheasant said

“Then we have a total of seven representatives and divide the shares into seven points, which is 14%. The extra 2% belongs to me, so everyone has no objection.”

Qin Ge said

“Why should the extra two percent belong to you?”

Kaido said

“Don’t forget, I have Barrett and Zilan under my command, two strong men who are not weaker than you. I only get two more points, which is already a big favor for everyone.”

Qin Ge said.

Kaido was speechless.

“If you put it that way, our navy has a marshal and three or two generals. There are also strong men like Garp and Mr. Sengoku, shouldn’t they be given more.”

Qing Pheasant said

“Sorry, the navy is our enemy after all. Letting you take a shareholding will give you face. Qin

Ge said.

Qing Pheasant felt aggrieved, but had nothing to say.

In this way, the initial cooperation was completed.

Người mua: Evilclasshp

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