Bang bang bang!

Four behemoths landed in the port, shattering the ground and raising a cloud of smoke.

The marines looked up at Kaido, Big Mom, Golden Lion, and Barrett.

As for Zilan, it was ignored.

The tall bodies of the four emperor-level pirates blocked the sunlight of the navy, forming a terrifying and oppressive shadow.

The power generated by the gathering of four people is more than ten times stronger than Kaido alone.

The navy froze for a moment, sweating profusely, and their hands shaking, for fear of accidentally pulling the trigger and triggering a war.

Even the marshals, generals and lieutenants had heavy faces and solemn eyes.

“This, this is……”

“They are all extremely vicious people who stand at the pinnacle of the sea!”

“Hey, are you mistaken? If we start a war, we will be killed by each other, right?”

“Please, don’t be impulsive.”

Most of the navy’s”810″ immediately lost their will to fight. Being able to stand still without turning around and running away was already their greatest courage.

Even officers above major and above, the toughest hawks, hope not to take the initiative at this moment. Let’s start the battle.

Aokizu thought: Akainu, you died at the wrong time.

I can’t help but miss Akainu at this time. As a marshal, Aoki didn’t know whether to be tough or to compromise a little bit. If being too tough caused a war, the navy would probably not be able to defeat it.

“Navy, why didn’t anyone say anything? They shouldn’t be scared by us.”

Auntie said with a smile

“It looked like he was frightened. If his hands were shaking, how could he still fight?”

Golden Lion said.

As soon as these words came out, the marshal and generals felt very embarrassed. Many of them secretly gritted their teeth and mustered up the courage to look directly at the emperors.

Fujitora could sense good and evil, and in his In perception, Kaido, Golden Lion, Big Mom, and Barrett are all extremely evil people.

There are different types of evil.

Kaido is full of blood-red evil energy, and the Golden Lion is full of fierce murderous energy. The sword is unsheathed and kills countless people.

Big Mom is a kind of chaotic evil.

These four people are all famous pirates, and evil is normal. Surprisingly, the two Seraphs, Qin Ge and Zi Lan, do not have any malicious intentions.

Zi Lan has a simple mind and is no different from an ordinary girl.

Qin Ge claims to dominate the world, which makes Kaido and others think that he is. They are the same type of people.

In fact, Qin Ge wants to overthrow the world government, establish a country with a modern social system, and vigorously promote Vegapunk’s technology.

Once promoted, Vegapunk’s technological level will directly exceed the productivity. Earth.

That is no different from a utopia. There will be no need for a too advanced system. It would be great if Qin

Ge lives in seclusion as a royal family, and his descendants will enjoy endless glory and wealth..

As for Kaido and others, if you know the truth, you will be rich and prosperous. If you don’t know the truth, you can only be killed.

In the world of pirates, Qin Ge is already a savior, so what Fujitora perceives in him is not evil, but evil. It’s brilliance

“What’s wrong with this young man? His whole body is emitting divine light, almost like the sun. But not as dazzling as the sun, but gentle, comfortable, like an angel’s light.”

Fujitora’s heart was full of disbelief.

It’s really unbelievable for an angel to be mixed up with a group of devils.

Is this angel an undercover agent?

“Who are you talking about? This is not the time to joke.”

The green cow next to him was very nervous.

“That young man should be the Seraph in your mouth – Qin Ge.”

Fujitora said. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Qin Ge, you said he is an angel?”

Green Bull looked suspicious.

Qin Ge’s pair of black wings have grown up. Even if he is an angel, he is still a fallen angel.

How could he exude divine light?

But Green Bull knows Fujitora’s ability. Fujitora has always been upright. Don’t talk nonsense[]

“He is the most radiant person I have ever seen. He is completely opposite to Kaido and others. He is like an angel born in hell.”

Fujitora said.

In fact, in the eyes of the Golden Lion’s Sky Island natives, Qin Ge is already a savior-like existence.

After Qin Ge took over Kong Island, he immediately liberated them.

Let them live and work in peace and contentment, study and practice martial arts, and changed Their fate.

So he didn’t just think about it, but actually did it.

This kind of brilliance can be felt by Fujitora.

There is no such thing as brilliance if he just thinks about it but never does it..It

’s like the bloody evil energy in Kaido’s body is not simply a bad heart, but it was accumulated after he really participated in many wars and killed many people.

“Could it be that there is something wrong with your ability?”

Green Bull is still doubtful.

“Qin Ge, this kid, seems to have never done any bad things except killing Akainu.”

Kizaru’s mind became active.

“Then we can try to communicate with Qin Ge. I don’t know what his right to speak there is.”

Lieutenant General He said.

When several people were talking in low voices, Garp suddenly burst into laughter, attracting everyone’s attention.

Garp saw that Qing Pheasant was speechless for a long time, and he did so because he was worried about affecting morale.

“Isn’t that a naval hero? Why haven’t you taken action to arrest us?”

Kaido challenged

“Kaido, we are not here to fight today, we are just passing by to replenish our supplies.”

Garp said.

I want to define today’s situation in one sentence.

Although Garp is proud, he can also see that it is impossible for the navy to defeat these people.

Once the war starts, most of them will die here.

But this sentence is green. Pheasant couldn’t say anything, so he had to let Garp speak. As expected, the marines behind him secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

But then, Kaido’s words made their hearts lift.

Seeing Kaido grinning ferociously, he said,”It’s not up to you to decide whether to fight or not. Now that you’ve come to our territory, it’s not that easy to leave easily.”

4.3 Garp laughed and said:”If you want to fight, we will accompany you. It’s just a pity that Dressrosa will probably sink.

Kaido said:”If it sinks, it will sink. It’s not my home anyway.””

Brother Ming’s face turned dark and he thought: I almost forgot, the one who suffered the most in the war was me.

He wanted to persuade Kaido, but he didn’t dare to talk nonsense.

“Come on then, let me test the iron rod of the strongest creature for a while.”

Although Garp was very nervous in his heart, he looked very generous on the outside. He twisted his arms and walked out.

“I’d also like to see the Iron Fist of the naval hero for a while.”

Kaido picked up the mace.

Both of them activated their domineering energy, generated a powerful momentum, and collided with each other.

What surprised Qin Ge was that Garp also had an overlord color!

The overlord colors collided with each other, and a large number of them collided. The navy soldiers and the residents near the port fainted and fell to the ground.

Người mua: ssssss.

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