“Mr. Qin Ge, are you afraid that he will die here with me, so you gave him a hope?”

Brother Ming looked at Luo’s back

“That’s right, but Straw Hat does bring hope to people.”

Qin Ge said

“The Straw Hat Boy did create some miracles during the war, but how could such a little person be looked down upon by you?”

Brother Ming felt strange.

What’s more, Qin Ge didn’t participate in the top-war at all.

“Little guy? You may have some misunderstandings about Straw Hat Luffy, but I can’t blame you. You know too little.”

Qin Ge said

“Could it be that Straw Hat Luffy has some background?”

Brother Ming asked curiously

“If you have participated in the War on Top, you should know that Ace is his brother. Although he is not his biological brother, do you think ordinary people can relate to him?”

Qin Ge said.

Brother Ming’s eyes moved, thinking about it, how can ordinary people get involved in such a situation.

It seems that Straw Hat Luffy’s miracle is not a coincidence, there is a powerful force behind it.

Just when the two were about to leave, Luo came back again.

Luo was a little embarrassed and said,”There are dozens of warships coming outside, and I can’t leave for the time being.”

Both Qin Ge and Brother Ming were not surprised, as if they already knew that the Navy would come.

The Navy did not explicitly station troops in Dressrosa, but how could such an important place be completely left alone.

There must be people from the Navy and the World Government here. People.

When Qin Ge comes, there will probably be dozens of warships, and the lineup is pretty good.

“Who is the leader?”

Qin Ge said

“If I didn’t look carefully, there seemed to be a blue pheasant.”

Luo said

“Aokiji, he is now the marshal of the navy, thanks to me.”

Qin Ge smiled slightly

“The marshal personally dispatched, and the three new generals should also be here.”

Brother Ming said

“You are the host, and you must welcome distinguished guests. I will go with you.”

Qin Ge said

“That’s the best thing. I can’t stand it when I face the Admiral and the three generals alone.”

Brother Ming said with a smile.

So the two of them headed to the port.

Seeing this, Luo hesitated and followed.

Dressrosa is a tourist country with a relatively developed economy, so the port is very prosperous and there are many merchant ships.

Here. At that time, huge steel warships appeared outside the port.

A rough count showed that they were not dozens, but more than one hundred and thirty.

This was a Demon-Slaying Order-level lineup.

“If necessary, you can launch the Demon-Slaying Order on Dressrosa.”

This is the order that Wu Laoxing personally gave to Aokiji.

Several main ships landed at the port, and Aokiji walked down with a group of people.

Behind them were Kizaru, Fujitora and Green Ox, as well as dozens of lieutenant generals. More than a hundred major general-level figures.

This time, Lieutenant General Lianhe and Garp came.

Garp said while picking his nose:”The new world is a paradise for pirates, and it would be great for the four emperors to gather together. It’s normal, why make such a fuss.

Lieutenant General He said solemnly:”This is not as simple as getting together. The two Seraphs and the remnants of Rocks are definitely uneasy when they get together.””

Garp said dissatisfied:”It’s not the fault of the Five Old Stars. If they hadn’t messed around, there wouldn’t have been such a terrible accident as Seraph.

Lieutenant General He said:”Be careful when you speak, everyone is listening.””

The surrounding lieutenant generals and major generals pretended not to hear Garp complaining about the Five Old Stars.

Garp is a very awkward person. He does not accept the rule of the Five Old Stars and Im, and does not have the courage to overturn the table.

Although he knows about the World Government Even though he was very dirty, he still chose to stay in the navy.

His struggles were limited to fishing and complaining. He also looked down on himself, so he was disgusted with the title of naval hero, but it was like an iron hat that had been placed on his head.


“It’s such a big sky island. Has Seraph’s strength reached this level? It feels like it would be dangerous for all of us to mobilize.”

Kizaru looked up at the islands in the sky and said casually

“It’s not your problem. If there hadn’t been a flaw in the scientific force, such a terrifying monster wouldn’t have been released.”

Lv Niu secretly smacked his lips when he saw more than a dozen empty islands. He had just become a general and was about to attack several emperors. Lv Niu complained in his heart and had the urge to resign on the spot.

“Scientific research inherently comes with various risks.”(To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Kizaru said

“If these islands were smashed down, the entire Dressrosa including us would be destroyed, and there would be no need for a demon-slaying order.” said Karp

“Fujitora, can you support such a big island with your abilities? asked the green bull[]

“I can’t see.”

Fujitora said while leaning on his crutch sword.

“It seems I can’t count on you.”

Green Bull had an ominous premonition.

At this moment, Qin Ge and Ming Ge flew over.

Strictly speaking, Qin Ge flew over, while Ming Ge hung on a thread and bounced over the clouds.

Please give me two flowers. People soon arrived in front of the navy

“It’s Seraph! And Brother Ming!”

The navy officers behind the general suddenly felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy and took out their weapons one after another.

Some used muskets, some used swords and axes.

“Hey, long time no see, Qin Ge, how have you been lately?”

Kizaru said hello first, relaxing the tense atmosphere.

“Thanks to you, I am in good health.”

Qin Ge said

“It seems that Vegapunk’s technology is still very successful. You have grown to this point and your physical condition is still very stable.”

Kizaru said.

In fact, both he and Wulaoxing had a trace of luck, hoping that there would be a problem with the genetic fusion of Qin Ge and Zi Lan and they would collapse. But the result was very disappointing to them. Qin Ge and Zi Lan grew up rapidly, but they did not grow up at all.

Signs of collapse.

This shows that Vegapunk’s genetic technology is very successful, but it is difficult for them to be happy.

“Brother Ming, are you walking with the pirates? Don’t forget that you are the Shichibukai.”

Qing Pheasant said coldly and authentically.

“Aren’t the Shichibukai pirates too?”

Brother Ming spread his hands and said

“You are not afraid that we will take away your Shichibukai identity.”

Qing Pheasant threatened.

“Afraid, how could I not be afraid. But that’s all for the future. For now, you should solve your own troubles first. I don’t think you are the opponent of several sea emperors.”

Brother Ming gloated. Just as Qingzhi was about to speak, several more powerful auras flew from the empty island.

They were Kaido who transformed into a dragon, Auntie who was riding a thunder cloud, and a golden lion who controlled a platform, carrying Barrett and Zilan came together.

Several emperor-level warriors flew in together, immediately bringing extremely powerful pressure.

Some of the navy were already breaking into cold sweats and their calves were trembling.

“Is that Kaido, and the Yonko Auntie!”

“Barrett, this guy is here too”

“Who is the one with blond hair? I have never seen him before. His aura is not inferior to theirs at all.”

“Could that blond giant be the golden lion? How did he become like this?”

“Damn, this is not good.”

The expressions of Garp and Lieutenant General He became very ugly.

As the marshal, Aokiji felt great pressure, and his eyes became very solemn.

Kizaru was no longer in the mood to joke. Green Bull was already dry, thinking If you can’t defeat him, then he will be considered a deserter.

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