“I can’t even beat a little girl, so why should I fight to be the strongest in the world?”

Barrett was unwilling to give in and roared angrily. He did not hesitate to overdraw his physical energy and exploded with 120% of his strength, absorbing all the surrounding debris.

The already shattered arms were quickly replenished, and the fuselage grew by more than 30 meters in height.

Purple Lan noticed his change and was not surprised but happy, saying:”It turns out you can grow bigger, it’s really interesting.”

Barrett was completely irritated by this girl.

Because this kind of childlike innocence obviously did not mean to stimulate him, but really thought he was interesting and treated him as a toy.

This kind of innocence is a huge humiliation.

“Barrett, you have already lost, there is no point in fighting hard.”

Qin Ge said

“I didn’t lose!”

Barrett is unwilling to accept such a disastrous defeat.

“Well, let me show you what I am capable of. Zilan, come here, I’m going to take action.”

Qin Ge said

“Good brother.”

Zi Lan was very obedient, and immediately jumped towards Qin Ge.

Qin Ge stretched out his left hand to hug her, and when he raised his right hand, the ground on Beehive Island collapsed, and several giant rock and earth dragons formed around Godzilla. , rising turbulently.

Godzilla, who is more than 200 meters tall, looks a little small in front of this torrent.

“Damn it, a quarter of my Beehive Island is gone now.”

Blackbeard’s face became even darker.

At the same time, he was shocked by Qin Ge’s ability.

The five earth dragons rose to a height of more than a thousand meters, and then fell together towards Godzilla in the center.

Barrett raised his head and saw this apocalyptic In this scene, he roared and gathered all his domineering energy into his right fist, raised Godzilla’s right fist and struck upward.


His attack was full of unwillingness and anger, and the power of the five earth dragons was not covered by the domineering power. He punched and exploded.

However, after the earth dragon exploded, it did not dissipate. Instead, under Qin Ge’s control, it quickly buried Godzilla, and kept twisting and squeezing the lion. The power of the Earth Scroll is similar. It compresses the rock and soil after burying the enemy, and is powerful enough to twist the giant steel ship into a pile of junk.

Godzilla itself may be several times stronger than steel, but it cannot withstand this crushing, and the body quickly twists. It cracked and made a harsh sound.

Barrett had to expand his domineering armor to the entire fuselage to resist this omnipresent crushing force.

However, although his domineering power was powerful, it covered more than two hundred meters. After the body, how strong can the defense be? It

‘s okay to bully the soldiers in this way, but it is equivalent to self-destruction in front of the emperor.

After Qin Ge found out that he used this move, he felt happy:”Barrett is also a human being after all.” Why do people who have experienced hundreds of battles have a soft spot for mechas that lack practicality?”

Then he quickly flew over, put his hand on the surface of the rock and soil, and injected domineering energy.

A rock and soil spear was formed locally, gathering powerful domineering energy, and suddenly pierced the chest of Godzilla’s mecha.


Huge Godzilla When he pulled the mecha, Barrett was shocked when his chest was penetrated by the rock and soil spear. Just as he was trying to repair the machine, a large amount of rock and soil had poured in from the wound and continued to mix into the machine.

This was also the scene in the movie where the protagonist team defeated Bar. Leiter’s method.

However, the protagonist group is too weak and requires the cooperation of many people, but Qin Ge can do it alone. After a large amount of rock and soil is mixed into the machine, Qin Ge cannot control it freely.

When exerting force, the machine body made creaking, clicking and other metal explosion sounds, and quickly disintegrated into pieces and fell down, with a lot of rock and soil wrapped on them.

“How could this happen? My strongest form!”

Barrett was hit again, just like his beloved limited edition Gundam model was broken by someone else.

He desperately tried to reassemble the Gundam, but the rock and soil controlled by Qin Ge were mixed, and he couldn’t control it at all. He barely persisted for more than ten years Within seconds, Godzilla completely disintegrated, and Barrett himself fell into the rock and soil.

Qin Ge did not attack him again and allowed him to crawl out of the rock and soil.

He saw that Barrett was covered in dirt and was in a very embarrassed state. Xiang Qin Ge’s eyes showed unwillingness, fear and other emotions

“It’s time for you to admit defeat now. If you keep fighting, I’ll be serious.”

Qin Ge said


Although Barrett still has the strength to fight, he knows that he has lost.

No matter how stubbornly you resist, it will only prolong the fight, waste both sides’ time, and make it impossible to win.

One of Barrett’s major advantages is his strong physique. Even though he eats superhuman fruits, he can compete with the phantom beasts in terms of endurance.

But seeing Qin Ge’s face relaxed and not even breathing, he knew that his biggest advantage had been lost.

It is still impossible to win a protracted war.

After struggling for a while, Barrett finally released his fists and lowered his proud head.

After being depressed, Barrett said helplessly:”I lost, and I will be your shipwright from now on.”

Qin Ge was of course very happy when he said this.

Zilan also said happily:”You want to be our shipwright, great, I want to play the one just now.”

Barrett glanced at her and thought: I am a shipwright, not a nanny.

When Akainu heard Barrett admit defeat, his heart tightened:”Damn it, Seraph actually subdued him, so I can only give up the mission.”

There is rarely a word”give up” in his dictionary, in order to complete Akainu really dares to fight for the mission.

But facing two Seraphs at the same time, Barret and Blackbeard, Akainu knew that if he continued to fight, he would only die in vain.

He is not afraid of sacrifice, but he is not stupid.

But running away directly won’t work, because Akainu knows a truth well.

Pirates are like wild beasts. If you don’t move, the other party will be afraid of you. If you turn around and run away, the other party will immediately pounce on you.

So Akainu still maintained his general demeanor.

His brain was spinning rapidly, thinking of ways to escape.

“Hey, the situation is getting a bit dangerous now. I wonder whose side that kid with wings is on.”

Blackbeard is a little nervous and looking forward to it.

Whether he can keep Beehive Island depends on Qin Ge’s choice.

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