“Did you see, this is my strongest move, it can crush everything just by its size.”

Barrett’s voice came from the mecha’s head, as if a loudspeaker was turned on.

Seeing the Godzilla mecha, Blackbeard’s eyes widened again:”What is this? It’s too exaggerated.

Akainu couldn’t help but glance at it and said:”This guy’s strength has also become stronger, but his brain has not changed. Such a large mecha will only be easier to break than before.””

Barrett once lost to the Navy, but instead of learning his lesson, he thought the defeat was because the mecha was not big enough. He went all the way and continued to develop bigger mechas.

Because the Godzilla mecha was too cool, It even attracts people on the empty island to lie down on the edge of the island and look down.

People who don’t know how to be domineering will have a phobia of giants after seeing it.

Some people feel it is very cool, and

Zi Lan is among them. , after seeing the Godzilla mecha, her eyes were filled with stars:”It’s so cool, I want one too.”

Then he jumped directly from the empty island.

“purple orchid��!”

The pirate boy next to him was shocked.

But Zilan fell quickly, used Moon Step to adjust her direction in mid-air, and landed accurately on Godzilla’s head.

Barrett was pretending to beep when he sensed a little girl falling down and said displeasedly:”Where did you come from, little brat, get down quickly.”

He said this, but he didn’t immediately use force, as if he felt it. This girl is not simple.

Zilan heard the sound and shouted:”I want to play too, let me in.”

Barrett said angrily:”This is not a toy, but a war machine. If you don’t come down, I will do it.”

Zilan said curiously :”War Machine, are you good at fighting?”

Barrett said:”Damn it, is this girl yours? Take her away quickly.”

This sentence was said to Qin Ge, who was floating in front.

Barrett could sense that Zilan also had a pair of small wings, and it was not difficult to guess that she was related to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge smiled faintly and said,”She is my sister. You don’t have to give me face. If you want to do something, feel free to do it.”

Barrett said,”This is what you said.”

Then he raised a huge hand and raised it to the top of his head. Up and down.

When Zilan saw the big hand falling, not only was she not afraid, but she became happy and said:”It’s so powerful. If I beat you, you will be mine.”

As she spoke, three colors of domineering energy emerged together, and her small fist struck at the big hand.

“This is the overlord color!”

Barrett was shocked and it was too late to stop.


Zi Lan blew his palm open with one punch, then put his hand on his waist and said:”Haha, you are no match for me.

Even though Barrett was well-informed, he was a little shocked and thought to himself:”What is going on with these two children? They both have powerful power comparable to the emperor.”

Then his face turned cold and he said,”I haven’t used any force yet.””

As he spoke, he activated his ability, and the broken palms quickly reassembled and were covered with a layer of purple-black domineering energy.

“Little sister, take another move from me.”

Barrett slapped himself on the head again with his big hand.

“OK, come on.”

Zi Lan didn’t know what it meant to be afraid, and she didn’t know how to hide her strength. She directly used the overlord’s color to wrap around her, and punched the huge palm with another punch.


Even though she was covered with the armed color’s domineering energy, her big hand was still invincible. Zilan was It shattered with one punch.

Now Barrett was dumbfounded and murmured:”What’s going on, I can’t even beat a little girl.”

At this time, Blackbeard had been knocked down by Akainu.

The two continued to fight on the island.

When they saw this scene, they were also very shocked and stopped fighting in unison.

Akainu recognized that Zilan was also a Seraph, and said with an ugly expression :”Damn it, Kizaru didn’t mean that Seraph wants to fully awaken, at least after adulthood.”

Kizaru said that Qin Ge is special, but S Lingling should not awaken so quickly.

In the end, S Lingling even awakened Ba Tang

“Judging from the battle just now, the strength of the little lion is probably no different from that of the golden lion. S Lingling is actually so strong, she is like two emperors. What on earth was the Ministry of Science doing to create such a monster, only to have them lose control.”

Akainu felt a huge trouble.

You know, during the war, a redhead made him give up chasing the enemy.

It shows that in Akainu’s heart, the emperor is also very important.

“What is happening in this world, even I can’t understand.”

Blackbeard thought he was a man of the hour, but it turned out that two children were so strong, which caused a big blow to him.

“Boss, let’s go first, don’t waste any more time with Akainu.”

Lafayette said

“Wait, the battle is starting to get interesting, maybe we can save Hive Island.”

Blackbeard’s brain suddenly changed.

Because he discovered that when Akainu looked at Qin Ge and Zilan, his face was very ugly.

This shows that it is not naval combat power.

Beehive Island is quite important to him. If He could stay, but he didn’t want to give up.

At this time, Barrett seemed unwilling to give up. He burst out with all his domineering force and focused on one hand, attacking Zilan again.

Under his control, this hand became particularly special. It was huge, much longer, and had three joints. It struck her head in a somewhat weird posture.

Zilan felt the domineering force on her face, and her face became serious. She also went all out, and burst out from her fists. Dark red thunder and lightning struck Barrett’s fist with all his strength.


The huge fist was like a steel mountain, and Zi Lan looked smaller than an ant.

However, such a small figure burst out with a power that was not weaker than Barrett’s. It competed with the giant fist and exploded with a huge wave of air.

It was like a bolt from the blue, and the sea of clouds in the sky split.

“Even the sky cracked!”

“This is an astonishing phenomenon that only occurs when the powerful Four Emperors confront each other.”

“No way, could it be that this girl and Barrett have reached the Yonko level?”

“Who is that girl?”

Blackbeard’s subordinates, the remaining people on the Navy side, all raised their heads and looked at it in disbelief.

Akainu’s face became even uglier, as if he was constipated.

As a general, he had to deal with Blackbeard if he wanted to take him down. Barrett.

Now two more Seraphs appear….

Akainu couldn’t help but panic, thinking: If Seraph and Barret join forces to deal with me after the battle, maybe I will have to stay here.

This is no longer a matter of arresting people, but whether he can go back alive.

Along with the domineering collision, dark red thunder and lightning continued to draw, affecting several miles around.

In an instant, the wind and clouds changed color, and the strong wind roared, causing Zilan’s long hair to dance wildly.

The little girl showed a slightly immature imperial power.

The stalemate lasted for about six or seven seconds, but Barrett couldn’t hold on anymore. His huge fist broke through the defense again, and cracks appeared.


Zi Lanjiao shouted, flames burst out from behind, releasing more domineering force.

With a bang, the huge fist was shattered.

And this power was like thunder and lightning, spreading from the fist to Barrett’s shoulder. The joints were shattered, and finally the entire shoulder was gone.

Barrett lost his balance and almost fell down. He couldn’t accept it and said:”How could this happen? Even if you lose to this kid, you can’t even beat his sister.”

This kind of blow is more humiliating and embarrassing for Barrett than the loss to Roger.

In Eastern language, it means that the Taoist heart is almost broken.

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