Blackbeard used the Shock Fruit and fought back desperately, shattering the thunder sword that fell at the beginning.

But more thunder swords kept falling, and they were so densely packed that they were countless.

Under this high-density continuous attack, Blackbeard only lasted for more than four seconds, and then the thunder swords broke through his shock layer.

It looks like Wuming used Ten Thousand Swords to return to his clan and broke through Jue Wushen’s immortal golden body.

The shock layers were shattered one by one, and finally penetrated completely. ah!

Blackbeard screamed, unable to hold on any longer, and was penetrated by a large number of thunder swords.

Even if you eat the Pink Dragon Fruit, your lightning resistance is very strong, but the penetrating damage of the thunder sword is real.

In a life-and-death crisis, Blackbeard suddenly erupted into a mass of rich black energy, so much so that his entire body turned into a mass of black energy.

Countless thunder swords pierced his body and were swallowed up silently.

But Blackbeard was still screaming.

This is the shortcoming of the Dark Dark Fruit. Even if the attack is absorbed, the pain will not be relieved.

And it was two or three times more painful.

The attacks of countless thunder swords were like ten times or a hundred times Ling Chi to him, and one can imagine the pain.

Qin Ge first wanted to inject domineering energy into him and break his fruit ability, but then he thought 300, it would be better to let him suffer for a while longer.

So he continued to control the thunder sword to attack Blackbeard

“Spare your life, spare your life!”

Blackbeard rolled all over the ground, trying to dodge the attack, but he couldn’t.

The speed of thunder and lightning was so fast that it would be difficult for him to avoid it under normal circumstances, let alone being locked.

Blackbeard begged in pain:”Qin Ge, for the sake of our cooperation, spare my life and I can help you get the Devil Fruit. You can get whatever fruit you want, the Shining Fruit, the Azure Dragon Fruit, I can help you get it! ah…..”

Qin Ge snorted coldly:”If you had cooperated earlier, we wouldn’t be here today. Besides, you killed the golden lion and damaged one of my generals. How can I tolerate you anymore.”

Blackbeard said painfully:”I don’t want to either, It’s the Five Old Stars, they forced me to kill the Golden Lion. Please give me a chance and I can join your team.”

Under the terrifying attack of the Thunder Sword, Blackbeard’s crew were reduced to ashes.

The team that Blackbeard finally organized is gone, his ambition is gone, he just wants to survive.

“Think about it, it would be a waste to kill me, I can be your dog.”

Blackbeard is a very real person. He is arrogant when he is proud and has no shame when he is down.

Reilly and Hancock both shook their heads and sighed when they saw him. They only felt that this man was the most pitiable and hateful person.

“I wouldn’t dare accept a dog as vicious as you.”

Qin Ge said coldly

“I can voluntarily modify my memory and let my aunt’s daughter modify my memory.”

Blackbeard yelled.

Qin Ge was really tempted, but he quickly rejected the idea.

He had already suffered a loss from Blackbeard, how could Qin Ge suffer another loss?

So Qin Ge gave up those temptations. With a cruel thought, the person injects domineering energy into the thunder sword.

After injecting the domineering energy, the thunder sword directly breaks the dark fruit’s ability, causing real damage to Blackbeard, and a lot of blood bursts out. Wow!

He had never been so scared, not even the time he was almost killed by Whitebeard, because Whitebeard was at the end of his rope, and since he was his father, he still had a chance to survive, and Qin Ge was determined to kill him. he

“Damn it, I’ll fight you”

‘Dark Star! Blackbeard used all his strength to gather a dark ball and threw it towards Qin Ge.

The dark ball is like a black hole. As soon as it comes out, it absorbs everything around it, and even the space is faintly distorted.

This may be the strongest blow Blackbeard has ever used in his entire life.

Qin Ge and others felt a huge suction force.

The falling thunder sword was swallowed.

Some weak snake warriors flew up one after another and flew towards the dark ball.

“What kind of power is this? Help!”

“Your Majesty the Empress.”

The snake warriors screamed in panic.

Rayleigh and Hancock were also frightened. They resisted the suction force with all their strength so as not to be sucked in.

It was very difficult to save people.

At the critical moment, Qin Ge also exploded with strength and used all his strength. He activated the thunder sword.

A billion volts!

A huge thunder sword that was 100 meters long fell from the sky. He was still a step too slow and was struck by the thunder sword!

He opened it, and then exploded, directly destroying Blackbeard.

Blackbeard, a great hero, was originally very promising, but it was because he was too greedy and underestimated Qin Ge’s strength. Ge stood up and resisted, but was unexpectedly crushed by Qin Ge.

Although the three devil fruits were powerful, they were no match for Qin Ge’s extremely developed sword intent and thunder fruit. After a burst of thunder and lightning, the surrounding snake warriors fell silent.

, they were all shocked and frightened.

Qin Ge, standing in the air, was like a god in their eyes, extremely powerful.

Even Hancock showed a look of awe

:”Qin Ge, yours.” Compared with Roger back then, his strength is almost the same.”

But Roger did it entirely on his own. Qin Ge just used the power of nature.

“Three Devil Fruits have been reincarnated. I don’t know when they will be reborn and who will fall into their hands.”

Qin Ge said

“A person as vicious and evil as Blackbeard has been hard to come by in decades, and there probably won’t be one in a short time. As for the Zhenzhen Fruit and the strange pink dragon fruit, it’s hard to say.”

Reilly said.

Qin Ge was about to stay and have a drink when the phone bug in his arms suddenly rang.

He took it out and saw it was Caesar calling, and immediately answered the call:”Hey, what’s the matter?”

Caesar said:”Master Qin Ge, something bad happened. Kaido and Auntie came to the island. Master Zilan is fighting them, but seems to be at a disadvantage.

Qin Ge frowned when he heard this and said,”They came just after I left. It seems that there is a traitor on the island.””

Caesar said:”Come back quickly, we can’t stop these two guys.

Qin Ge said,”Okay, I’ll go back right away.”

After hanging up the phone, he said to Reilly:”Next time we drink together, I have to go back if I have something to do.””

Reilly said:”No problem.”

At the same time, I thought to myself: I know those guys in Kaido are unreliable. I hope Qin Ge can learn this lesson.

Qin Ge can crush Blackbeard, so he is not very worried.

Người mua: Evilclasshp

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