Hancock looked at Qin Ge.

Qin Ge smiled lightly and said,”Hancock, you may not know that Blackbeard has always wanted to take away your sweet fruit.”

Hancock’s expression changed and he looked at Blackbeard again.

Blackbeard’s eyes flashed with surprise, as if Qin Ge had told his mind, his expression laughed and said:”I want a lot of Devil Fruits, but there is absolutely no Sweet Fruit. Now my men basically all have Devil Fruits Well, even if you take it away, who will eat it?”

Hancock looked suspicious, somewhere between belief and disbelief.

Qin Ge said:”I’m just a friendly reminder. Whether you believe it or not, I can’t let Blackbeard go today.”

Hancock was about to speak.

Qin Ge changed his tone and said:”But since you are not welcome, I can leave temporarily. It happens that I haven’t seen my old friends for a long time, so I’m going to have a drink first.” After saying that, he turned into a bolt of lightning and disappeared.

He did not leave Hydra Island, but came to a person.

Rayleigh has not yet left Hydra Island, because the natural scenery here is beautiful and the food is abundant, so he lives in seclusion here.

When he sensed Blackbeard’s aura, Rayleigh rushed over.

Qin Ge ducked in front of him

“haven’t seen you for a long time.”

Reilly raised his hand and said hello.

“It’s been a long time since we last met. Let’s have a couple of drinks first.”

Qin Ge said

“I’m afraid this situation is inconvenient. You don’t want to join forces with Blackbeard to deal with Hancock.”

Reilly said.

The news that Blackbeard killed the Golden Lion has not spread yet, and outsiders don’t know that they have fallen out.

Rayleigh thought that the emperors were still in the alliance.

And Qin Ge also has a history of teaming up with Blackbeard to seize the Devil Fruit, no? No wonder Raleigh is worried

“Don’t worry, I’m here to hunt down Blackbeard this time……”

Qin Ge said.

His temporary departure made Blackbeard very embarrassed.

Hancock looked at Blackbeard and said,”Since it’s okay, you can get out.”

Blackbeard didn’t dare to leave. He knew that Qin Ge was still nearby. If he left Hydra Island, Qin Ge would definitely chase him immediately.

Shiliu’s physical strength was exhausted just now, and even with Fan Oka’s supplement, it would be impossible for him to make another long journey.

What’s more, besides Hydra Island, there are no other forces nearby that can restrict Qin Ge.

“Why, why don’t you get out~」 !”

Hancock realized that there was indeed something wrong with this Blackbeard

“Thief haha…I finally came here, can’t you treat me to a meal?”

Blackbeard laughed, trying to delay time.

If the handsome guy said this, the master might not be so disgusted, but with Blackbeard’s dignity and asking people to treat him to dinner, no one would have an appetite. What’s more, Hancock doesn’t like handsome guys. False words.

Seeing that Blackbeard did have bad intentions, Hancock said nothing and suddenly activated his ability – Sweet Sweet Wind!

A burst of pink light enveloped Blackbeard and others, and he quickly grabbed his thigh. He pinched his fingernails in and drew out blood to avoid being petrified.

Shiliu originally had this kind of reflexes, but his teleportation just now consumed too much, including Fan Oka and others. petrified


Blackbeard felt bad.

He did not expect that Qin Ge could remain rational in such a furious situation and easily resolved his plot.

Now Qin Ge did not have a conflict with Hancock, but he was in a dilemma.

‘Fragrant feet! Hancock rushed forward at high speed, intending to kick the petrified people into pieces.

Blackbeard’s thoughts changed quickly, and he pretended to protect his men, looking embarrassed and struggling to resist.

How could Hancock have imagined that he was so majestic and sinister, and his acting skills were so good, he didn’t think twice about kicking Blackbeard in the face.

At this time, Blackbeard showed a sinister smile, decisively activated his Dark Fruit ability, and grabbed Hancock’s ankle.

Hancock felt his body weaken and lose strength instantly.

Before she could react, Blackbeard had already dragged her over and grabbed her by the neck.


Hancock struggled hard, but he had no strength left.

Although Haki can resist the Dark Fruit, it must be used before being caught.

If it has been caught, then Haki cannot be activated.

So once Blackbeard adopts sneak attack mode, few people can escape his clutches.

After containing Hancock’s ability, Shiliu and others lifted the petrified state.

Everyone looked at Hancock’s beautiful face with lingering fear, feeling what a femme fatale was like.

“Sorry, let’s drink next time. I have to save people.”

Reilly chatted with Qin Ge for a few words, and when he sensed that Hancock had been arrested, he rushed over immediately.

Blackbeard also sensed Reilly’s breath, so he did not dare to kill Hancock.

If Hancock was killed Facing the furious Lei Li and Qin Ge at the same time, Blackbeard had no choice but to die, so he waited for them to come over.

“Blackbeard, let Hancock go!”

Rayleigh became angry in a rare way. He walked over and drew his sword, his lust for dominance surged out.

Although he was old and frail, his lust for dominance in a short period of time was no less than that of a strong man like Kaido.

Blackbeard was a little frightened, grinned and said:”Don’t come over, or I’ll kill her right away!”

Reilly stopped at about seven steps and said,”Kill her and you won’t be able to live.”

Qin Ge also came over, looked at Blackbeard with a smile, and said,”You are so smart that your cleverness has misled you. Unexpectedly, Lei Li and I are old friends.”

Blackbeard was a little embarrassed because he really didn’t expect that Qin Ge and Lei Li would be friends.

There is such a big age difference between the two.

Moreover, after Qin Ge became famous, he only met Lei Li once in private, and no one else knew about it..

That meeting was after the battle between Tokushima and the Navy.

Lei Li was worried that Qin Ge had gone astray, so he came to Tokushima and met with Qin Ge in private. Reilly breathed a sigh of relief, drank a few drinks, and left without anyone else knowing that Reilly had been there.

“¨「 Boss, we’re in trouble now.”

Xi Liu and the others were completely tense, for fear that someone who was not careful would be hit again.

“Run away, there is no way to fight.”

Van Oka suggested

“After leaving Hydra Island, at least Hancock and Rayleigh wouldn’t be able to catch up. At worst, they would have to fight Qin Ge to the death at sea.”

The evil king said

“It can only be the.

Blackbeard was helpless, and then said to Reilly:”Don’t be so nervous, we will leave here right away.””

After saying that, he threw Hancock directly towards Rayleigh.

Shiliu immediately activated his teleportation ability….

But this time Qin Ge was prepared, how could he let him escape again.

Qin Ge, who was already ready to attack, raised his finger and instantly fired a thunder sword.


Xiliu didn’t react at all, and was directly pierced through the chest by the thunder sword.

Teleport interrupted

“not good!”

(Li Li’s)

Blackbeard and others’ expressions changed drastically.

Fan Oka supported the fallen Shiliu and quickly activated his ability to deliver life force to him.

However, a shocking momentum suddenly burst out from Qin Ge, shooting straight into the sky. In an instant, dark clouds gathered in the sky, thunder and lightning flashed, and the entire Hydra Island darkened.

In the horrified eyes of everyone, Qin Ge, who was chatting and laughing just now, said angrily:”Blackbeard, you will definitely die today!”

Lei Li was shocked and thought: This guy’s strength has surpassed mine.

‘Nine hundred million volts, ten thousand swords return to the clan! ‘

If Qin Ge doesn’t take action, the next time he takes action, it will be a fatal blow.

Thousands of thunder and lightning fell from the sky and turned into thunder swords, instantly covering Blackbeard and others.

Only a burst of thunder and screams were heard. Shiliu, Fan Oka and others had no time to defend themselves, and it was impossible to dodge such a fast and large-scale attack.

Blackbeard immediately entered the human-animal form and used the Shock Fruit to fight back, but he could only barely protect himself.

Stab! Stab!

A burst of thunder sword fell, penetrating the bodies of Xi Liu and others, and the blood burst.

Người mua: Evilclasshp

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