Villains Template

Chapter 759: Killer

"Three heroes, that's our village." The eloquent farmer pointed to the village not far away and said to the three people.

It was not a full moon that night, and the moonlight was not enough for them to see the road, but it allowed them to roughly see the outline of the village.

Unlike the poor village declared by the two farmers in front of everyone in the restaurant, this village is a relatively wealthy village with about 150 households. Although not all the houses are new, they all seem to be maintained. Although it is old but not broken, it is distributed on a gentle sunny **** extending from the foot of the mountain, and it is scattered.

Being able to have the time and energy to maintain the house in addition to making ends meet already says something, the people in this village are doing well.

The spread of the mountains seems to be artificially cut off, and a large piece of flat land is distributed on one side of the village, and this flat land has been reclaimed into farmland unsurprisingly.

The middle-aged knight came to the same conclusion. He pointed to the location of the village and said, "This is really a good place. Although it is at the foot of the mountain and is isolated from the outside by the hills, it is rare to have a large piece of flat land. A mountain stream crosses this flat land, so farming and irrigation are very convenient, and if the land is fertile enough, as long as there is no famine, life is pretty good.”

"And the most important thing is that this place is isolated from the outside world, the road is not easy to walk, and we have to walk for a day with our feet. It is also very troublesome for the officials to come here. Without their exploitation, a lot of money can be saved. It's no wonder they're being targeted..."

As he was talking, the middle-aged knight suddenly took action, grabbed a peasant's clothes, brought him up in front of him, and lit his face with the light of a torch: "You dare to lie to me, your village is so rich, you can Come up with five taels of silver, and we will share it with a few of us!"

Because there are not many people who shot five taels of silver, the middle-aged knight thought that he was the only one who could take the silver alone. Unexpectedly, Yue Si and another person came to interfere, but the words have already been said, and they are walking together. Repenting in front of you is also a loss of face.

It was only when he saw the situation in the village that the middle-aged knights understood what Yue Si's previous evaluation of them was, and immediately got angry and asked these farmers for an explanation.

The peasant was frightened by the middle-aged knight's hand, and he said falteringly: "Master, master, it's not right to lie small, it's not right to lie small, and what our village takes out is not fifty taels but fifty taels... But this money You can't take it all, it's for all the heroes who came. We only invited the three of you, but there were two other people who went to other towns to ask the heroes to help out. I don't know if we can invite them. How much, if you say fifty taels, there are a lot of heroes, and you won't be able to tell much."

When facing Yue Si, the peasant said, "He came to help for the sake of money, the moral integrity of the gangsters, and maybe they robbed their village for the money." Money is like talking to people and talking to ghosts.

Caibo moved people's hearts. Hearing this, the middle-aged knight snorted coldly, and then let go of the peasant.

Walking down the hills, crossing the farmland, and arriving at the entrance of the village, a farmer shouted: "We are back, we have invited three heroes to come back! Come out to meet us!"

After a few repetitions, the silent village woke up. After waiting for a while, a few people came out of the village with torches and greeted Yue Si and his party.

It seems that they are all dressed as farmers, and their temperament is also that they are people who shave food in the fields all the year round. The one in the lead looks the oldest, and he said to Yue Si and the others: "Thank you for the help of the heroes, little one. But his surname is Wei, and he is the head of this village."

"The journey is exhausting, heroes, please come with the old man, and settle down for the time being tonight."

"Don't talk nonsense, the uncles have walked all the way, and their feet are tired. Hurry up and boil water for the uncles to wash their feet. Also, the uncle only drank some water and ate some dry food on the way, and hurry up to prepare dinner, the uncle wants to Be full!" The one who didn't speak much along the way, the fledgling knight opened his mouth at this time, shouting and drinking, arrogantly and nervously.

But what he said was exactly what the rest of the people needed, and the middle-aged knight didn't speak.

"Yes, yes, the old man will have someone prepare it right away... You two, go home and have a look first, and come with you during dinner." Village Chief Wei promised again and again, but he said to the two farmers in the second half. , and then led Yue Si and his party to the village and entered a family.

It's a thatched cottage with a yard, and it's very clean.

Village Chief Wei said to Yue Si and the others, "This family has moved to another place to live. These days, the heroes should stay here. The old man will ask people to prepare meals. This year's new rice."

The house is relatively spacious, and there is no furniture in the house, that is, a few beds made of bamboo and wood, and some tables and chairs made of bamboo.

Seeing that, the fledgling knight quickly took off the knife from his back, turned over and lay on the bed, and then let out a relaxed whisper from his throat. During the day, he was busy on the road, and he only regained his strength when he rested. Now this can be regarded as true relaxation. , After a few breaths next to the bed, this one snored.

Yue Si and the middle-aged knight who put the cowhide away were sitting around the table. The middle-aged knight donated his bottle of oil and lit the oil lamp in the house to gain light.

"You already knew about this?" The middle-aged knight looked at Yue Si and asked.

"Of course, I invited each of them to eat a bowl of hot noodle soup, and they told me the truth." Yue Si said, and then gestured to the sleeping man with his eyes: "I didn't see this matter. It's that simple, so is this one, in short, be careful with everything."

Yue Si's words made the middle-aged knight's eyes flash with murderous intent, but he quickly pulled it away: "My visit this time is just for money."

Not long after, a few more villagers came. Some of them were carrying bedding, some carrying water, some carrying firewood, some carrying rice and meat, and two pots in their backs.

When the fire was started, the rice was first boiled and then steamed. As soon as it was put on the basket, the aroma of the new rice wafted out. The knight lying on the bed immediately woke up, and sat down at the table, waiting for the meal to start.

As soon as the rice was steamed, Village Chief Wei led two people dressed as knights over. One was about the size of a middle-aged knight, but his mental state was very good, and he showed a sense of righteousness. The style of a hero.

The other is a young man, about his teenage years, a little reserved. Although he was a little tired from the journey, he still followed behind the heroic middle-aged man, imitating the way he looked when he walked.

"Heroes, these are two other heroes invited by the villagers. Two heroes, this is what I introduced to you," Village Chief Wei introduced each other to the five people including Yue Si, and then He asked the middle-aged man who was cooking again, "Is the meal ready?"

"Village Chief, it's ready, but the rice is only enough for five people." The middle-aged man who cooked the rice responded.

Hearing the words, Village Chief Wei waved his hand directly and said, "Then ask the four of them to go home to eat, don't let them follow, give each of them a piece of bacon and let them take them home."


After the rice is steamed, the middle-aged man starts cooking. No oil is added. The meat is bacon. After slicing it, put it in the pot. After a while, there will be a puddle of oil, and then add the chopped bamboo shoots, mushrooms and the like.

Originally, five people were sitting around the table, ready to introduce themselves or something, but the smell of the stir-fry spread, and one or two stopped talking, waiting for the meal to start.

The rice is served in a large bowl like a pot. Everyone's bowl is full. Just after the rice is divided, there is only one portion of the fried dishes. The oily bacon, mountain bamboo shoots and mushrooms are fried. For one serving, a basin was placed in the middle of the table, along with two kinds of pickles. ???

The five people directly picked up the chopsticks to eat, and the chopsticks made them go fast.

While eating, Yue Si observed the other four people. Although the two newcomers from Jianghu ate quickly, they seemed to be well-behaved people. They pulled three mouthfuls of rice with one chopstick, and not a single grain of rice fell outside.

The middle-aged knight ate like a pig, humming, and the newcomer who was identified by Yue Si as having a problem had the worst eating appearance. The table in front of him was sprinkled with the most grains of rice, and When he was picking vegetables, he also specially picked the meat clips in the vegetables, but he made the chopsticks not as fast as the others, but he was the one who ate the least meat. In the end, the rest of the people had finished eating, and he had some leftovers. , then poured the vegetable soup into his own bowl, and also scraped off the sticky oil splatter on the bottom of the vegetable bowl with the pickles.

After finishing eating the contents of the bowl, this one pinched the rice grains that fell on the table and sent them to his mouth.

After eating and drinking, the five people began to introduce themselves, talking about each other, as if they knew each other.

The middle-aged knight's surname is Chen. He has a family. After quarreling with his wife, he took a knife and ran away from home in anger. All the money on his body was left to his wife before he ran away from home. , I thought of earning some money with my kung fu and the knife in my hand.

With such thoughts in mind, the middle-aged knight just happened to meet two farmers, and he came along after learning that he had five taels of silver to take and manage.

The two newcomers were a pair of master and apprentice, and it was unknown whether they had no names or fake names.

They are typical Jianghu people, and their way of making a living is no different from that of ordinary Jianghu people. They live by catching wanted criminals to receive rewards - this is something Yue Si understands. In the movie "A Chinese Ghost Story", he went to Guobei County to collect the bills. Ning Caichen, who was in the midst of his life, saw that scene. Countless swordsmen from all corners of the world were holding a stack of wanted orders, arrogantly looking for people on the street to check their faces, and sometimes they would fight each other because of the scramble for wanted criminals.

As for why he took over the peasant's entrustment, the master said on the seventh day of the first year: "My apprentice has been frightened by others. I need to let him regain his courage, otherwise the martial arts will not be able to improve."

"My apprentice met an amazing swordsman, and the other party looked down on him and didn't kill him, but he lost his courage because of this, cried a lot, and then turned into what he is now, everywhere. If you learn from me as a master, you won't be able to find yourself."

"When I saw him like this, I tried to find a way to regain his courage. The best way is to let him kill someone, and that person is not a random choice. He must also be a strong man, and he is fierce. It is best to kill someone and bring him back. The kind of suffocating... It's just that my apprentice has no courage, only 30% of the martial arts are left, and this person is not easy to find."

"Then the day before yesterday, when I was drinking in a restaurant, I met two farmers. They talked about things in their villages, and I felt that the opportunity had come, so I accepted their entrustment. The five taels of silver were not much, but it was my responsibility. It’s enough to live there. The strongmen they encountered in their villages were just peasants who took up arms, and they didn’t have much effort at all. They even killed people in robberies, which just met my apprentice’s needs.”

And the fledgling surname Zhao is really a fledgling person, just for the sake of five taels of silver and food and management, he is not like the chivalrous man surnamed Chen, but he has lived a poor life before, five The condition of two silvers is already very rich for him.

In the end, it was Yue Si, who saw Yue Si showing his white teeth and said with a smile, "I am a murderer who does all kinds of evil, killing countless people. If I don't kill people for a day, my hands are itchy. I have calmed down a bit recently. The strongman who robbed the house couldn't hold back his restless heart, and followed the two farmers here, hoping that when the strongmen arrive, I can enjoy it."

As soon as Yue Si's words came out, it caused a burst of laughter from the seventh day and the chivalrous Chen surnamed. They have been in the arena for many years and have seen many people, including many murderers, but none of them are like Yue Si, although it can be seen that Yue Si Not weak in martial arts, but definitely not a murderer.

"Hehe, you still saw it." Yue Si laughed out loud, and then he asked the seventh day: "Since you have traveled from south to north, do you know about this place in Guobei County?"

On the seventh day of the first day, he scratched his head and said, "Guobei County, I seem to have this impression, but I can't remember it clearly. Let me find a map."

Talking, Chu Qi took out a stack of paper from his arms, but it was not a but a wanted order, and finally found a map drawn on the cloth. , handed it directly to Yue Si.

Although Yue Si could see clearly without the light, the chivalrous man surnamed Chen moved the oil lamp toward Yue Si.

After thanking him, Yue Si really found the location of Guobei County on the map, but it was in a corner, some distance from where he was, and according to the azimuth, he was going in the wrong direction.

Starting from the position where he came to this world, Yue Si walked in the direction away from Guobei County, and he chose the wrong direction from the beginning.

"I'm really grateful, if it wasn't for your map, I would have gone further and further." Yue Si said to the seventh day of the first year, "But I need to wait until tomorrow morning to transcribe a copy of your map before returning it to you. "

On the seventh day of the first month, he waved his hand and said, "Small things, small things."

The villager who was cooking over there had already boiled the water, and the five people had scalded their feet. They relieved their fatigue and spread the bedding sent by the villagers, and went to rest. Remember the website address, www. biquxu. Com, it is convenient to read next time, or you can enter this site by entering "" in Baidu

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