Villains Template

Chapter 758: To survive, you must be cunning and cruel

Just like an adult going out to chat and spank with a good friend, when the topic reaches a certain level, it will unconsciously turn to the place related to money, and enjoy "what if I have money" and so on. thing.

The two farmers were eating the pancakes, thinking about what they would think when they became rich, such as arrogantly posing a silver ingot and slapped the face of the gangster who looked down on them.

Everything else is just the emperor's wishful thinking about using a golden **** and a golden pole.

These days, sometimes a pig is more expensive than a person. Although it is a pigsty, it is cleaned every day. Although it is not very clean, at least it is not as dirty as expected. The ground is covered with dry straw and there is a bamboo in the middle. A fence separates people and pigs.

It’s just that pigs are pigs after all, and they have a lingering smell of wild beasts. Enduring the smell, the two farmers finished eating the cakes one after another, then pulled their clothes and sniffed them. The smell of the wine - when the Jianghu people threw their wine bowls, the wine splashed on them a little, and now they smell a little wine.

Even though the smell of the wine was already very weak, the two of them could only smell it and felt very satisfied.

"If only someone could treat us to a bowl of wine at this time."???

"I don't expect any wine, but a bowl of hot noodle soup."

Just when the two of them were delusional because of the little smell of alcohol, a voice came from a height:

"Hey, you two, do you want a bowl of hot noodle soup?"

The two farmers were stunned for a moment, then looked through the fence to the place where the sound came from, and saw a window on the second floor of the inn open, and a man dressed as a scholar was standing there holding an oil lamp , look in their direction and speak.

"Yes, the two sleeping in the pig sty. I'll treat you to a night of hot noodle soup. Would you like to?"

Someone invited me to dinner, and there was no one who didn't want to, so the two nodded hurriedly and agreed.

A spoonful of lard, a spoonful of salt, pour a large spoonful of noodle soup to open it, then add the freshly cooked noodles, plus two pieces of green vegetables that have been scalded in the noodle soup, this is a bowl of hot noodle soup .

Although by Yue Si's standards, this bowl of noodles is really bad, which is why he went out to eat it, but for the farmers who just ate two dry biscuits, it is supremely delicious.

"I was also there when you were begging for help in the restaurant this evening. I heard about your business and I was very interested. Five taels of silver and three full meals a day. I took over this job."

The farmer who could speak the words raised his head and wanted to say something, but when he saw the inexplicable smile on Yue Si's face under the oil lamp, he couldn't help but stunned, and he lowered his head to eat the noodles again, but he couldn't help but move. Slowed down a bit, as if choked.

And the farmer who kept talking very little but was willing to knock his head seemed to have no idea at all. After eating all the noodles in one go, he drank the noodle soup with oily flowers on the surface, put his mouth to the side of the bowl, and used chopsticks. Just fiddle with the crumbs at the bottom of the bowl into your mouth.

When facing Yue Si alone, this man said more: "Please let us have a bowl of noodles, we are very grateful to you, it's not that we don't believe you, it's just..."

Yue Si's current scholar's dress is very confusing, gentle, with a smile on his face from time to time, no one thinks he is intimidating.

Patting his sword, Yue Si said with a smile, "Do you need me to show you a hand?"

Then, under the dim oil lamp, a sword-like light flashed like a bright moon. It was so close that neither of the two farmers could see Yue Si's shot. The long sword had already been gently returned to the scabbard by Yue Si.

Then the lights flickered, as if the flames of the oil lamps had been affected by the sword energy at this time, and the empty bowl placed in front of the peasants snapped apart from the middle and split into two halves, making the two men jump.

"Second shopkeeper, I broke one of your bowls, and the money will be charged to me." Yue Si said to the second shopkeeper over there, and then smiled and said to the two farmers, "Now believe in my strength!"

"Master, you must help us!"

The peasant immediately knelt down for Yue Si with a plop, and kowtowed to Yue Si for help. The peasant who had not finished eating also knelt down.

"I said it all, I will help you, I will definitely help you, you don't have to kowtow here to thank you." Yue Si said with a smile as he looked at the two people kneeling in front of him without moving.

After the two were seated, Yue Si asked, "Why don't you report to the officials?"

"Reporter... We have been there before, but when the county master heard our words, he ordered the yamen to beat us out with sticks. Let's not make fun of him." A face said: "He said that he is a good official, and there are no bandits and robbers under his rule... If he really hired the yamen to come to our village, they are probably more ruthless than those strong men. Our village chiefs summed it up. We might as well put together some money and invite some heroes to help out, as long as we frighten those strong men, our village will be safe."

Yue Si still had the same smile: "So it is."

Looking into Yue Si's eyes, the peasant who spoke few words in the restaurant suddenly got stuck, and then quietly kicked his companion under the table - this eloquent man devoured the noodles when he first saw it, but now he Chew slowly, eat noodles one by one.

After being kicked by his companion, the eloquent farmer did not dare to look up at Yue Si's face, lowered his eyes and said, "Master, in fact, the money that our village can pay is not five taels, but Fifty-two."

After a pause, the peasant said: "When the strongmen come to the door, our food and money, as well as livestock and women, will definitely be taken away, so our whole village has contributed a For the money, I sold part of the livestock, and I got fifty taels together."

"You have fifty taels, that's not bad. The current swordsman can get a good one for ten taels of silver. Why do you say there are only five taels?" Yue Si asked with a smile on his arms.

The eloquent peasant said: "We have already inquired about the market before looking for someone, and we know the price of 10 taels of silver, so we will say 5 taels. If we say 50 taels, then there will definitely be knights. They are in their early days, but who can guarantee that they who are moved by money will come to our village and will not do the same things as those strong men, after all, they are more capable of killing than those strong men."

"There are not many chivalrous guests who can make their fortunes for us because of five taels of silver. Although we have the confidence to eat this bowl of rice, we are not as strong as heroes who are worth ten taels of silver, and we have only a small amount of money with us. All we eat are the pancakes we bring. If you want the five taels of silver, you must follow us back to the village. In case... the people in our village can handle it, even if a few people divide the fifty taels in the end, it will be fine. It's definitely more than they expected, and they should be happy too."

Hearing the plans of the two farmers, Yue Si laughed: "You guys have the heart, and the little people also have the wisdom of the little people."

With Yue Si's compliment, the two peasants dared not.

Then Yue Si asked again, "How far is your village here, and how long does it take to travel?"

"We are used to walking the mountain roads in the fields, and our footsteps are relatively fast. We probably walk when the city gate is opened in the morning, and when it gets dark in the afternoon, we will probably be able to reach our village." The eloquent farmer said.

"Okay, we'll set off tomorrow morning... I need to buy something, and we'll set off together after I've bought something." Yue Si thought for a while and said that after meeting these two farmers, Yue Si became a little interested and asked for Buy some more stuff.

Early the next morning, Yue Si checked out of the room and went out, only to see the peasant who had been ill-spoken in the restaurant before, but the other was gone.

No need for Yue Si to ask, the farmer said: "He went to try his luck, and wanted to see if he could invite one or two more people over."

"Okay, I'll take advantage of this time to buy something, and I'll be back when I go." Yue Si turned around a few streets yesterday, and had a general idea of ​​where the shops selling something on the street were, and turned around. , buy what you want.

It was two pieces of tanned cowhide, rolled into a roll, tied with a rope, and held on his shoulders by Yue Si.

Of course, the imperial court did not allow the slaughter of cattle, because cattle were an important tool of production. If it wasn’t for the cultural atmosphere, the imperial court would have elevated the status of cattle to the level of “sacred cattle” in the A-Three Kingdoms. Because of the existence of gods, according to the decree of the imperial court, after the death of the cow, it must be reported to the official government, and the muscles and bones of the cow are useful.

But now the order has collapsed, and the government's decrees are basically like bullshit. What is slaughtering cattle, restaurants dare to openly sell beef, and the high-stakes customers in the rivers and lakes are also eating beef and drinking wine.

This cowhide, of course, will be tanned and sold to the outside world. After all, armors are such things that all the knights in the rivers and lakes dare to wear them on the body and walk around, what is it to kill a cow.

"He is back!"

At the entrance of the inn, Yue Si saw four people waiting for him. Apart from the two farmers, the other two were typical high rollers.

A younger one, wearing better clothes, with a knife on his back, but his demeanor and temperament, he didn't have the bravery and ruthlessness of Jianghu people. Yue Si recognized him. It was his reconciliation that enabled the two peasants to tell what happened to their village, otherwise they would have been expelled long ago.

The other is a middle-aged strong man with a knife on his waist and a small package on his back. It was obvious that there was a life under his hands.

Obviously, the two farmers were very lucky and invited two heroes to help out. As for the level, that's another story.

When the two farmers saw the bundle of cowhide that Yue Si was carrying, they wanted to take the initiative to carry it for Yue Si, but Yue Si said, "It's getting late, let's go quickly, I can carry these things."

The weight of the two cowhides is not light, and it is as light as nothing to Yue Si, but it is not the case for the two farmers. After all, they have to hurry. The drag of such a little thing is likely to prevent them from returning on time. in the village.

After exiting the city gate, the group headed towards their village under the leadership of the two peasants. The group's footsteps were not slow, but the two peasants and the young budding knight hurried on their way. The swordsman walked more easily, not in a hurry, if not for the two peasants to lead the way, it is estimated that he would have surpassed them long ago, and Yue Si walked the most relaxed and freehand.

Seeing this, the middle-aged swordsman approached Yue Si and asked, "Scholar, why did you buy this cowhide?"

"Of course it's wearing a suit of armor." Yue Si looked at the middle-aged knight and said, "Why, should I prepare a suit for you?"

"You know how to make armor?" The middle-aged swordsman glanced at Yue Si and asked in a low voice, "Why are you here to help them? Don't tell me, it's for the five taels of silver, you don't lack this. money."

Yue Si said: "I'm just interested in them and their villages. The peasants are indeed the most loyal and cunning, the best and the worst, the most stingy and cruel, although in today's world, want to It has to be cunning and cruel to live, but their cunning and cruelty are unique and make me curious and want to meet them."

After he finished speaking, Yue Si asked again, "So, what about you? What's your reason for helping them?"

The middle-aged swordsman said: "Of course it's for the 5 taels of silver... Those idiots, hearing 5 taels of silver is too little, but these farmers have promised to provide daily full meals and meat to eat. These meals are discounted. It is also a sum of money. There is food and drink, a place to live, and in the end, there is money to take. It’s just a matter of killing a few people. Although this business does not make a lot of money, it is not a loss.”

When people reach middle age, they think a lot and know how to settle accounts. They see not only those silver taels, but also valuable things other than silver taels.

Yue Si smiled and shook his head: "Let's talk about it later!"

The journey of the two farmers is not Although it was delayed for a while because of Yue Si's shopping, it was still very early when the group left the city, which belonged to the category of early morning. , but by the time they reached their village, the sun had already set.

During the period, they didn't take much rest on the road. Perhaps it was because of the bowl of hot noodle soup that Yue Si invited last night. There was some oil and water in his stomach, and the physical strength of the two farmers could keep up with the three knights.

Their village is a mountain village. One side is close to the mountain, and the rest is surrounded by hills, so the last section of the road is difficult to walk. Even if the moonlight illuminates the road, it is difficult to see the road clearly. That middle-aged swordsman is an old man. Jianghu, who has experience in this matter, picked up a dead wood from the roadside, dug out a pot of oil and some rags from his bag, soaked the rags in oil, wrapped them around the dead wood, and used fire After lighting it becomes a torch.

On the top of the last hill, a peasant pointed to the moonlit village and said:

"Look, that's our village!" Remember the website address, www. biquxu. Com, it is convenient to read next time, or you can enter this site by entering "" in Baidu

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