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Chapter 716: Assassination 3 generation water shadow

"Teacher Orochimaru!" Yue Si bowed and saluted, because there were outsiders, and he spoke with the respect that a student should have towards his teacher.

"It's Yue Sang! I haven't seen you for a while. I have heard what you did on the way here. You are indeed my student. You are really excellent. You are so good that I, as a teacher, feel The degree of surprise." Orochimaru first swept his gaze over several Konoha ninjas in the tent, and then narrowed his eyes with a smile.

After returning to the camp, the Konoha ninja who went to the patrol took him to the command post with Saiga Hankuro almost immediately, handed over the captive Kirin, and introduced the prisoner of Kirin before and after. a bit.

Because of the presence of Orochimaru, Cai He Bankuro did not greed for merit, and told the incident in its entirety, and everyone in the headquarters knew about it - to cultivate a powerful ninja like Yue Si, Orochimaru this Being a teacher also has fun.

Then, Yue Si knew that Orochimaru was not Konoha's commander in the direction of the Land of Water.

Although his prestige and ability are in the top category, relying on countless credits to make a illustrious name, and the background of three generations of Hokage teachers, it is reasonable to say that he is the best candidate for the commander, but Orochimaru refused, because the skill industry has Specialize in commanding in a large area, if someone does better than him, he will not occupy this position.

And because of his outstanding ability, Orochimaru sometimes has to play the role of a firefighter, going where he is in difficulty. If he is the commander, he must make a choice when the incident occurs.

But this is the act of delegating power, which makes Orochimaru more famous, because most people in the village believe that Orochimaru is the best candidate for the fourth generation of Hokage, and can be called a Hokage candidate. Hokage, who holds power alone, knows people to make good use of them, and knows how to delegate power to others, is very good news for them.

Otherwise, like a narrow-minded, headstrong, trying to cut off the three generations of Hokage who are dissidents, it would be terrible.

And the reputation of Orochimaru is far and wide, and even the name of the country of fire recognizes Orochimaru as the fourth Hokage.

Having such an immediate boss is a good thing for most people.

However, because of Orochimaru's identity and ability, his words carry a lot of weight. Even if he is not the commander, his opinion cannot be ignored. If there is any major meeting, Orochimaru will definitely be invited to the scene and consult his opinion - just Such as the memories just now.

Yue Si didn't stay in the headquarters for long, and Orochimaru took him away, halfway: "Since you are here, you don't have to stay in Ban Jiulang's class, follow me, you have grown up to this day. At the level, I can already complete my plan.”

"Teacher Orochimaru, where is our experiment?" Yue Si asked, looking at Orochimaru who were advancing side by side.

The so-called experiment is the research and upgrade of the Uchiha clan's writing wheel. According to the information that Yue Si has inquired, Orochimaru has collected several experimental products, and by the name of the war, several ninjas of the Uchiha clan have been brought together. Getting lost is easy.

It is impossible for everyone to have their relatives and clansmen fallen in the war. The ninjas of your Uchiha clan are precious, and none of them can be lost. One person's life is worth the lives of other ninjas.

"Yue Sang, now is the time of war, the ninjas in the village are very precious and cannot be wasted easily." Orochimaru said these words without thinking, but he was potentially telling Yue Si that everything is based on War is a priority.

"In the past two years, the happiest thing for me is to see you become a powerful ninja. Although I did not teach you anything, everything you have mastered is a gift from the second generation of Naruto, but you Growing up to be a reliable ninja is exactly what I want."

Yue Si heard the meaning of Orochimaru's words and asked, "Mr. Orochimaru, do you have any plans?"

"Yes, you guessed correctly." Orochimaru admitted Yue Si's guess, and then said something that surprised Yue Si: "I'm going to send someone to sneak into Wuyin Village, the country of water, to assassinate the three generations of water shadows."

Yue Si took out his ears and made a gesture that he didn't seem to hear clearly, and before he could ask, Orochimaru said: "You heard right, I'm already preparing to conduct a beheading operation to take out the water in Wuyin Village. The shadow is resolved."

Hearing that Orochimaru repeated his plan again, Yue Si looked at his teacher, no matter how he looked at it, this Orochimaru was still Orochimaru, not someone who used the transformation technique to deform and disguise.

Because this is a daring action plan, it really doesn’t look like what Orochimaru could propose. Although Orochimaru sometimes conducts some “adventurous” behaviors, it is basically an afterthought, or in the original mission goal. On the basis of some contradictions, push one, let the other party be restrained by his own problems, and then Orochimaru will be a fisherman to benefit.

"Mr. Orochimaru, this is a bit too risky!" Yue Si contacted what Orochimaru said before and after, and found that the assassination of the third generation of water shadows is very likely to let him go, and it is also possible that Orochimaru let him go Let's play together.

However, as far as Yue Si is concerned, the assassination of a "shadow" of a ninja village is still very fulfilling, and under the general framework, it is also beneficial to the form of war.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}, but at the same time high returns, it also means that this matter is extremely dangerous. Although Yue Si's power is strong at this time, it is far from It's not enough, don't look at the group of Mist Ninja that he could easily kill before, but if you go deep into the enemy's lair, you need to pass through the siege and fight of the enemy's thousands of horses after assassinating Sui Ying, and then retreat completely. This is undoubtedly true. is a very difficult thing.

Even if he was as strong as a tailed beast, the three generations of Raikage, who could even draw a one-on-one one-on-one with the eight tails, fought fiercely for three days and three nights under the siege of Iwanin, the country of ten thousand lands, and finally died of exhaustion.

And Yue Si doesn't dare to say that he is comparable to the tailed beast. If he really goes deep into the country of water and encounters the siege of the fog ninja, it will be very difficult to escape. After all, he still needs time to accumulate strength.

"No, before you came, I had planned everything." Orochimaru said with a hoarse smile: "Whether diving into the water country Mist Ninja Village, approaching the mysterious three generations of water shadows, and the method of retreat, I All have been investigated and planned, just waiting for a suitable executor, I originally wanted to go by myself, but now that you are here, it will be better."

Then from the mouth of Orochimaru, Yue Si knew the cause and effect, and then his eyes widened in shock. The water in this ninja world is really deep!

The reasons for the inevitable emergence of the Third Ninja World War have been described before, and there is no need to repeat them now. It is nothing more than transferring internal contradictions to the outside through war. This is the case in the five major countries.

The same is true for the country of water, because it is an island country, except that it is rich in fishery resources, because it does not have land borders with the other four major countries and has encountered few invasions, the rest are all disadvantages - lack of resources, and low frequency of communication with the outside world. Internal contradictions are enormous.

Therefore, even if it can be ignored in this Ninja World War and completely not involved in this messed-up incident, the three generations of Mizukage naturally participated in the Ninja World War, attacked the country of fire, and sent a large number of ninja troops to invade the fire. borders of the country.

The purpose is to transfer internal contradictions to external contradictions and temporarily reconcile the forces within the Land of Water.

However, even if the conflicts were transferred by the war, the internal conflicts still could not be reconciled. Even as the shadow of the Ninja Village, the prestige and deterrent power of the three generations of Mizukage could not make everyone surrender. There are many people who oppose the three generations of water shadows.

In short, the ninjas in the land of water are roughly divided into two groups, one is for the three generations of water shadows, and the other is against the three generations of water shadows. Deer' address each other. Those who support the three generations of water shadows, only follow their lead, and those who oppose the three generations of water shadows can't wait to kill him immediately, and then change to a ninja who is pleasing to the eye. https://

They thought so, and then really intended to do it.

However, the three generations of water shadows cannot die in the hands of their own insiders, and must be done by outsiders. Even if everyone knows about the assassination of the three generations of water shadows, at least there is an explanation on the surface that it was done by outsiders.

Then, they did not know how to contact Orochimaru, and they were going to give Orochimaru this great credit. Whether it was sneaking into the Mist Ninja Village or approaching the third generation of water shadows, or retreating after the successful assassination, they were all arranged. .

Because those ninjas who oppose the three generations of water shadows are basically family ninjas, and the positions of water shadows can be rotated, but their family's interests are constant. The three generations of water shadows touch their interests and will be removed.

As for the contact information between Wu Ninja and Orochimaru, Orochimaru did not tell Yue Si, not to mention the current wartime state. In normal times, this can also be called 'colluding with ninjas from other countries'. This kind of thing, Yue Si It is to be avoided, because encountering doubts, it cannot be explained.

After telling Yue Si the cause and effect and the various plans, Orochimaru stopped and looked at Yue Si: "I have told you the plan completely, how to choose is up to you."

After two seconds of silence, Yue Si said: "I promise this matter. However, Mr. Orochimaru, I need a few days to prepare. Assassination requires special ninja tools to complete, and I just finished it. After a battle, physical fitness and chakra have not recovered."

Orochimaru was very happy to see that his students agreed quickly and started planning for this matter.

Courageous, wise, brave but not aggressive, strong but not reckless, Yue Si with these characteristics made him more and more satisfied.

And let Yue Si participate in this matter, Orochimaru still has his own selfishness, killing the "shadow" of the enemy country, and still in the state of war, can be said to be a great achievement.

According to Orochimaru's plan for Yue Si, if he successfully becomes the fourth-generation Hokage, then the position of the fifth-generation Hokage will definitely be arranged for Yue Si. The power and fame required to become Hokage need to be established early. Accumulation, the prestige gained by the successful assassination of Sui Ying must be unparalleled. He Orochimaru paved the way for Yue Si early.

As for the ideal of "becoming a rich man and living a comfortable life" mentioned in the self-introduction that Yue Si made on the first day of meeting with him, Orochimaru felt that it was unnecessary and became a powerful ninja , to become the "Hokage" who leads the entire Ninja Village, is not a waste of the various secret techniques left by the second-generation Hokage that Yue Si learned, and it is not a waste of his talents.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} "Let's set off in two days, the people of the mist ninja will be sent to meet us at that time, and the ninjas who support the three generations of water shadows in the mist ninja, At that time, the Mist Ninja Village will be dispatched to weaken the protective power of the three generations of water shadows, so that we can succeed more smoothly."

Orochimaru said: "Yue Sang, I will arrange a remote tent for you. You can do whatever you want without attracting the attention of others."

Returning to the tent assigned to him, Matekai and his teammates are resting there. They are still in a psychological shadow after participating in the task of cleaning the battlefield. , where there is a drink without a match.

There is no such profession as a psychiatrist in the ninja world, otherwise the twisted people of the Uchiha clan would not be in the ghostly state they are now.

Shaking his mouth and shaking his head, Yue Si started to pack his luggage. Seeing this, Matekai asked, "Yue Sang, are you ready to leave?"

"How many times have I said it, don't simplify my name arbitrarily and call me 'Yue Sang'." Yue Si complained, and then said: "Yes, I went to my teacher, Orochimaru. , he transferred me to his team and followed him in the future, our team formation is now over."

"It's really a pity, I thought I could fight alongside you, Yue Sang, to defeat the enemy..." Matekai said a lot of 'youth and blood' nonsense. In the process of his nonsense, Yue Si cleaned up own luggage.

"Goodbye then, and I'll treat you to a barbecue when we return to the village," Yue Si said to his three former temporary teammates.

For them today, this is the best wish. The village is safe and sound, the business of the merchants is operating as usual, and they have returned to the village safely.

"Goodbye!" Genma Shiranui and Ebisu bowed to Yue Si to say goodbye.

"Hey hey hey, I just live in another place, I just don't move with you, why does it feel like parting with life and death, don't be so unlucky!" Yue Si waved his hand, so that Genma Shiranui and Ebisu don't have to be so solemn.

Although in two days, he will go with Orochimaru to carry out a mission of life and death - Yue Si does not trust the gang of mist ninjas who made promises to Orochimaru. There is a high probability that after he succeeds , they will kill themselves and Orochimaru.

"Brother Shen!"


Shen Changqing was walking on the road, and when he met someone he knew, he would say hello or nod to each other.

But no matter who.

Everyone's face has no superfluous expressions, as if they are very indifferent to everything.

to this.

Shen Changqing is used to it.

Because this is the Ministry of Suppression, it is an organization that maintains the stability of Daqin. Its main responsibility is to kill monsters and monsters. Of course, there are also some other side jobs.

It can be said.

In the Demon Suppression Division, everyone had a lot of blood on their hands.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When I first came to this Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but after a while, she got used to it.

The town magic department is very big.

Those who can stay in the Town Demon Division are all powerful masters, or those who have the potential to become masters.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter.

Among them, the Demon Suppression Division is divided into two occupations, one is the guardian envoy and the other is the demon slayer.

Anyone who enters the Demon Suppression Division starts from the lowest level of demon slayer.

Then he was promoted step by step, and finally he was expected to become a guardian envoy.

Shen Changqing's predecessor was a trainee slayer in the Demon Suppression Division, and he was also the lowest-ranked slayer.

Has the memory of the predecessor.

He is also very familiar with the environment of the Town Demon Division.

It didn't take too long, Shen Changqing stopped in front of an attic.

Different from other places full of chills in the Demon Suppression Division, the attic here seems to stand out from the crowd, showing a different tranquility in the **** Suppression Demon Division.

At this time, the door to the attic was open, and occasionally people came in and out.

Shen Changqing just hesitated for a moment, then stepped inside.

Enter the attic.

Circumstances have changed in vain.

A burst of ink fragrance mixed with the faint smell of blood rushed towards his face, causing his brows to instinctively wrinkle, but then quickly stretched.

There is almost no way to clean the **** smell on everyone in the Zhen Mosi.

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