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Chapter 715: humanoid tail beast

For ninjas, it is very dangerous to consume chakra to a certain extent, except for the Uzumaki family and the thousand-handed family, because chakra is extracted from the combination of mental energy and physical energy, and the consumption of chakra is equal to Said to squeeze life clean.

However, the Uzumaki clan and the Qianshou clan ninja are known for their huge vitality and huge chakra. In the early days, Naruto Uzumaki had four times as much chakra in his normal state as Kakashi in his peak period. If there is no nine-tailed seal in his body Interference, you don't need to consume a lot of chakra to maintain the seal, then Naruto Uzumaki has a larger amount of chakra.

And Yue Si's behavior of consuming his chakra is undoubtedly very dangerous, and it is an behavior that pushes himself to the edge of life and death.

However, seeing the corpse of the mist ninja all over the ground, a group of Konoha ninja felt that it was normal and helpless for Yue Si to do this, because exhausting the chakra is death, and falling into the hands of the enemy is also death. Spell it out.

This also explains a little, how Yue Si was able to do all the things in front of him. It was only by squeezing his potential and burning his life that he could defeat so many enemies. Although he was not injured at all, it was clear that he had experienced countless tragic fights. , wandering between the blade and ninjutsu of Kirin Shinobi, passing by danger and murderous intent, and finally killing all the enemies.

However, these are only what they have reasonably analyzed based on the existing situation, their inherent cognition, and their accumulated experience in the past.

What is excessive consumption of chakra, that is just what Yue Si deliberately made them aware of. If Yue Si wants to, he can even make the existence of 'chakra' completely disappear from his body, and even abandon the "seed of chakra". , insulate yourself from chakra.

For Yue Si, the power is backward compatible. His power trajectory is Chakra-Ultimate Qigong-[Current Push]-[Magnetic Field Rotation]. Now that he has mastered the [Magnetic Field Rotation], he can still refine Chakra. Perform various ninjutsu techniques.

If Yue Si is willing, he can be transformed into a "human-shaped tailed beast" at any time. The evolution of the essence of life brought about by [magnetic field rotation] allows him to possess huge vitality and spiritual power, and can extract huge chakras at any time, even if It is a C-level ninjutsu. As long as there are enough chakras, it can also display the level of A-level ninjutsu, and it is powerful to fly bricks. However, as long as there are enough chakras, it can pile up dead people.

It’s just that Yue Si is not often used. After all, refining chakra and performing ninjutsu requires deliberate practice, especially when performing ninjutsu, not to mention the seal. How to mobilize chakra also needs to consume part of it. energetic.

Even in the later stage of Naruto, the process of various complex ninjutsu seals has been omitted. It only takes one hand to close and shout the name of ninjutsu to display powerful ninjutsu, but it still requires a process to show In the process of making the seal, we have made the seal, but the process of making the seal in the middle has been omitted.

However, the power of [magnetic field rotation] is like an instinct for Yue Si, just like breathing, there is no need to control it deliberately, the body can breathe naturally, and if you notice the existence of breathing, you can also control it with your own consciousness. The rhythm of breathing, such as temporarily stopping breathing, deep breathing, abdominal breathing, reverse abdominal breathing, etc.

And the ability of [magnetic field rotation] that can interfere with the big universe allows Yue Si to use skills such as 'five-pole power'. Although it is not ninjutsu, it has a considerable number of ninjutsu skills.

Or according to Yue Si's theory that "as long as it is a method used by ninjas, it can be called ninjutsu", [magnetic field rotation] is also ninjutsu.

However, the medical ninja who didn't know the inside story did a simple check on Yue Si and stopped taking action. Yue Si's condition was very bad, but for the ninja, he just needed enough rest and rations. The existence of pills can not only fill the ninja's stomach, but also speed up the recovery of chakra, except for the taste, there is no other harm.

It's just that the Genin and Chunin who cleaned the battlefield were all pale, and they had been ninjas for some years, and they didn't have one or two lives under their hands. However, when they saw the fragmented corpse of the mist ninja on the battlefield, they still challenged. their mental capacity.

Soon, Yu Chunin couldn't hold on anymore, covered his mouth, ran to the side, ran to a place outside the battlefield, and spat out with a "wow".

Just like the first domino that was knocked down, the chunin's vomiting acted to drive other people, and those ninjas who couldn't stand it also ran to the side and vomited. The others could hold on, but they didn't look at it. Well, I am insisting on gnashing my teeth, not to let myself lose my temper.

"As I said, the cruelty of war is beyond your imagination. It's definitely not as simple as what you experienced during your mission. It's fighting, bloodshed, and death!" Saiga Hankuro said to those who vomited out of nowhere. Chunin and Shimonin said: "You may have seen your comrades and partners cut open by the enemy's ninja knife; you may have experienced that your partners became cold in your arms little by little!"

Over there, Matekai vomited a lot, and after hearing Caiga Bankuro's warning, he gritted his teeth and straightened his waist and said, "We just saw these corpses, and we can't bear it anymore, but Yue Sang is taking those corpses. For those who turned into a corpse, my practice is far from enough, I will strengthen my practice in the future... This is youth!"

Matekai's words made Yue Si look sideways: "How many times have I told you, my name is Guan Shanyue, my surname is 'Guan', my name is 'Shanyue', don't simplify it arbitrarily, call me something' Yue mulberry'."

Hearing Yue Si's complaints, Matekai gave Yue Si a thumbs-up with one hand on his hip, and then a gust of wind blew past him, sending a **** smell in front of him, causing him to bend over and vomit again.

After cleaning up the battlefield, Shangnin used the earth to bury the corpses of the mist ninjas, and a group of ninjas returned to the team, but compared to the previous ones, the spirits of the chunin and the lower ninjas were all sluggish, as if they had experienced a Just like the exhaustion after a fierce battle, the faint smell of blood on his body also proves this.

However, there is no shortage of people, all of them are all beards and full shadows, and there is one more prisoner of the mist ninja. It seems that this trip is a near miss, and it is quite rewarding. The means dealt with the Kirin Shinobi who lived as a tongue.

Caiga Hankuro briefly communicated with the rest of the team leading the jounin about what happened there, and told everything they saw, and then the jounin's eyes changed when they looked at Yue Si.

Become a bit of admiration, a bit of recognition, and a bit of ... fear that they themselves are not sure about.

At such a young age, he had a big murderous intention—he was worthy of being a disciple of Orochimaru. No matter his talent or strength, he was the best group.

The idea of ​​killing people is not a disadvantage in the ninja world. After all, the ninja school teaches **** people and **** people more efficiently. Those powerful ninjas are all killed in the sea of ​​​​blood.

After a short rest, the team set off again, heading towards the Konoha Ninja's base camp on the front line.

They hold a prisoner of the mist ninja, or the kind that goes deep into the back of the Konoha ninja and prepares to attack the supply line. They must know a lot of information. There must be ninjas who are good at torture in the front line, and give this mist ninja to professionals. , you can get more information than you can get through your own interrogation.

In addition, killing the team that was going to attack Konoha's logistical supply, and also caught a live, but one credit needs to be recorded and recorded in the credit book, and when the war is over, when the merits are rewarded, this is the certificate.

For this group of Genin and Chunin, in the future, the Chunin will submit the application to the upper end. This is the qualifications for passing the application and assessment. This is a real credit, even if the strength of your own does not meet the standards of the Shangnin, you have the credit. Can mix up a special tolerance. https://

Shangnin is a ninja that requires all-round development. Some ninjas are intermediate in strength between Chunin and Shangnin, but they have unique talents and expertise in certain aspects, and can be specially approved to obtain the qualifications of special junin.

Don't think that this is just a title, but the real interests are related, the same task, the same reward, the ratio of the tasks that can be obtained by the lower end, the middle end, and the upper end is different.

After another half-day, when they traveled for a while and actually reached the front line, the large group unexpectedly encountered a group of Konoha ninja patrolling. Cut off the enemy's secret hand for a while, and incidentally respond to the logistics and personnel that Konoha came to support. This belongs to their daily work and is not specifically waiting for them.

However, even if it is a daily task, the inspection work is not something that ordinary ninjas can do. All the ninjas in this team are upper ninjas, not to mention lower ninjas, not even chunin, in order to encounter mist ninjas on the way. can be blocked at the first time.

Although some Genin and Chunin are not weaker than Shangnin, for example, Naruto Uzumaki who defeated Payne saved Naruto of Konoha Village, at that time he was only a Genin, but who can not admit him However, to be able to become Jōnin, there must be their strength here, it is better to be safe.

After encountering the large army, the leading Jōnin verified his identity with the other party, and then began to communicate.

In the ninja world, there are not many Shangnin, especially in a ninja village, as ninjas of Shangnin, they all know each other. Even so, they did not omit a certain person because the other party was their acquaintance. some steps.

Of course, everything on the road was calm, except for the incident that happened half a day ago, Yue Si's beyond the perception range of the perceptual ninja, and the powerful combat power, these are points worth communicating.

"It turns out that he is the disciple of Lord Orochimaru!"

The patrolling ninja looked at Yue Si and sighed like 'Famous teachers and high-level apprentices'. Even if they were facing so many mist-ninjas single-handedly, they would not be able to please them in the end. Whole corpse, when his name appears on the memorial tablet, will someone offer flowers for him?

From their conversation, Yue Si also learned something, his teacher, Orochimaru, is here.

After a brief contact, the team continued to move forward, and the chance of encountering the Konoha Ninja Patrol was increasing. Even if there were registered Konoha Ninjas leading the team, they still needed to verify their identity one by one. This kind of thing Yue Si met on the border between the land of fire and the land of thunder, and it was not surprising, after all, it was a time of war.

When they arrived at the camp, there were more and more ninjas in Konoha. Many ninjas carried the logos of their respective families. They were proud of this. The family was their pride, and they also wanted to add glory to the family. Only then did I realize that there were so many large and small families in Konoha.

In the team, there are some Chunin and Xunin who are talking about the elders of their own family who are on the front line of the Land of Water, and they will visit them later.

Yue Si paid special attention and found the traces of the Uchiha family of ninjas, with spiky heads and iceberg faces. The one that should not be approached by strangers is that they have the family logo of a fan on their bodies, and behind their backs are the ones sold to them by Yue Si. A ninja sword made by Lei metallurgy.

Among them, Yue Si also saw ninjas from small families who had traded, with chainsaw swords hanging from their waists. When they happened to see Yue Si, he nodded and said hello.

Upon reaching the destination, the materials delivered by the team will be handed over, especially the captive Mist Ninja, who will be interrogated by cruel means and will tell everything he has.

After arranging the tent, Yue Si found a ninja from a small family he knew, and after a brief greeting, he said, "Excuse me, where is my teacher, Master Orochimaru, I want to visit."

When the ninja of the small family heard the words, they led Yue Si to the headquarters in the camp. The ninjas who set up the camp were very distinctive. All tents were almost the same. The tents used as the headquarters were only among the many tents. One of them is inconspicuous at all, and there are no ninja guards around. It is difficult to find the tent of the headquarters through observation.

However, this does not mean that the headquarters is not protected. The special layout makes the location of the headquarters surrounded by other tents. If you want to get close, you cannot bypass the tents guarded by ninjas.

The ninja who led the way for Yue Si stopped before these tents. He did not choose to enter the area where the headquarters was located because he had nothing to report. After contacting him with a special method, the guarding ninja let Yue Si enter alone. There was no military discussion in the headquarters at this time, so Yue Si did not need to wait.

In the tent where the headquarters was located, Yue Si finally saw Orochimaru who had been away for a long time.

"Teacher Orochimaru." Yue Si greeted him.

Seeing Yue Si, Orochimaru laughed.

"Brother Shen!"


Shen Changqing was walking on the road, and when he met someone he knew, he would say hello or nod to each other.

But no matter who.

Everyone's face has no superfluous expressions, as if they are very indifferent to everything.

to this.

Shen Changqing is used to it.

Because this is the Ministry of Suppression, it is an organization that maintains the stability of Daqin. Its main responsibility is to kill monsters and monsters. Of course, there are also some other side jobs.

It can be said.

In the Demon Suppression Division, everyone had a lot of blood on their hands.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When he first came to this world, Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but over time he got used to it.

The town magic department is very big.

Those who can stay in the Town Demon Division are all powerful masters, or those who have the potential to become masters.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter Among them, the Demon Suppression Division is divided into two occupations, one is the guardian envoy and the other is the demon slayer.

Anyone who enters the Demon Suppression Division starts from the lowest level of demon slayer.

Then he was promoted step by step, and finally he was expected to become a guardian envoy.

Shen Changqing's predecessor was a trainee slayer in the Demon Suppression Division, and he was also the lowest-ranked slayer.

Has the memory of the predecessor.

He is also very familiar with the environment of the Town Demon Division.

It didn't take too long, Shen Changqing stopped in front of an attic.

Different from other places full of chills in the Demon Suppression Division, the attic here seems to stand out from the crowd, showing a different tranquility in the **** Suppression Demon Division.

At this time, the door to the attic was open, and occasionally people came in and out.

Shen Changqing just hesitated for a moment, then stepped inside.

Enter the attic.

Circumstances have changed in vain.

A burst of ink fragrance mixed with the faint smell of blood rushed towards his face, causing his brows to instinctively wrinkle, but then quickly stretched.

There is almost no way to clean the **** smell on everyone in the Zhen Mosi.

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