Villains Template

Chapter 698: Ninja Edition Chainsaw Sword

Fall in love with, the villain template of the heavens

Inside the ninja school, the school bell rang.

Yueguang Gufeng coughed twice, left his seat, and walked out of the classroom and out of the school.

This is his last year at the ninja school, and he will definitely have no problem graduating at his level. The family's handed down "Konoha-style swordsmanship", his own blood following the limit of "transcendence", and the one taught by Yue Si, known as It is a swordsmanship handed down from the second generation of Hokage and used in conjunction with the special ninja tool Maquawit, but the state of illness has not changed, which makes people very worried about whether he can live to adulthood.

When Moonlight Blast walked out of the school gate, he only felt a huge shadow covering him. When he looked up, he only saw a face wrapped in darkness. At that moment, Moonlight Blast had a creepy feeling. The other party felt like a man-eating beast. .

Taking two steps back, the blast of moonlight broke away from the shadow of the opponent, and retreated to the range where the sun was still shining, so as to avoid the problem of light making him unable to see the face of the opponent. Because of the visual error caused by the lighting angle, the other party's face is pitch black in his eyes.

"Yo, Moonlight Blast, long time no see!" Yue Si took the initiative to greet the alert Moonlight Blast.

"Student Guan Shanyue!" Moonlight Blaze recognized it, and the person in front of him turned out to be Yue Si.

Although the people in the ninja world are not as blind as the people in the Pirate World next door, Yue Si's body shape and aura have undergone earth-shaking changes over the past year or so from those in the ninja school. See, Moonlight Blast's impression of Yue Si became much blurred, and when the disciples met, he actually regarded Yue Si as a stranger.

"Student Guan Shanyue, I heard that you are taking the master Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas, as your teacher." Yueguang Gaifeng coughed twice and asked Yue Si.

There was an expression of envy on his face - being able to get the guidance of Sannin was really an enviable thing, and an unknown civilian ninja could achieve a leap in class through this.

"It's true, I'm Orochimaru's disciple." Yue Si put his hands on his hips, showing a gesture to his friends, and then the topic changed: "Don't talk about that, I'll teach you swordsmanship, how did you learn it? That's it."

When studying at the ninja school, in order to make his life better, Yue Si sold the swordsmanship summed up by Marquawit and the Space Marines, and Moonlight Wind was the first student.

Now when it was time to return the funds, Yue Si first thought of Moonlight Blast. As for the ninja tool trade with the Uchiha family, because Uchiha Obito, the middleman, went out to perform the mission, he could only put it on hold for the time being.

"I've been practicing." Moonlight Gale coughed twice and gave a positive answer.

"That's good." Yue Si said, and then hugged Moonlight Blast: "It's good that you don't waste your swordsmanship practice, I have something good to sell to you, that's the only way to be able to use this swordsmanship. Really scary Powerful ninja tools, Marquawit is just a ninja tool for practice, and it is similar to wooden swords and bamboo swords, do you want to take a look."

After these remarks, Moonlight Blast was a little suspicious that Yue Si was exaggerating. The chain saw swordsmanship summed up by Marquawit and the space warriors was not weak in actual combat, even his family elders, and some other wooden swordsmen. Those in Ye Xiao's family who have experienced war have given high praise to this set of things.

During that time, the words that Moonlight Hurricane heard the most were "As expected of the second-generation Hokage-sama", "As expected of the thousand-shou Tobirama-sama" and so on.

Now Yue Si told Yueguang Gale that in fact, what you were training was only academic stuff. Although it was very strong, it was just laying the foundation. The real ultimate move was another one, so how could Moonlight Gale immediately believe it.

But Moonlight Blast didn't say anything: "Since it is a more powerful ninja tool than Marquawit, the price must be very expensive."

"Of course, in terms of materials alone, the cost of the ninja in my hand is many times that of Macquariet." Yue Si said: "Not to mention the design, casting,

After thinking about the Marquawit with jagged broken points inlaid on both sides of a flat wooden stick, Moonlight Gale nodded. As long as it is a samurai sword of decent quality, it should be more expensive than Marquawit, he said. : "So, I can't make a decision on this matter alone, Yue Sang, you know, I haven't graduated from the ninja school yet, I have no income, and all I can control is my pocket money, so you need to talk to me about it. I went home and consulted with the elders in my family."

Looking at the sky, Moonlight Gale added: "It's getting late, you can go home with me for a meal, meet my family elders below, and discuss this matter directly."

Hearing Moonlight Blast's suggestion, Yue Si hesitated for a while, but nodded in agreement.

Before starting a few years ago, Yue Si, in the name of teaching swordsmanship, often went to Moonlight Blaze's house to eat food—how should I put it, the meal at Moonlight Blaze's house can only be regarded as rice, which can make people eat without frowning go down.

Moreover, the Moonlight Blast family is the kind of bird's stomach. They understand that a bowl of rice is a little bit in a teacup for Yue Si. Even a girl with a small appetite can eat three bowls in a row, and the evaluation is that she can't eat it. The one that is full, this is a painful thing for Yue Si, who created the character of the king of the big stomach, because it is only appetizing enough.

For Yue Si's arrival, Yue Si's home also showed enough enthusiasm, but the meals served were small and delicate, which still did not satisfy Yue Si.

After dinner, Yue Si officially expressed his intentions, and the expressions of the elders of the Moonlight Swift Wind family became extraordinarily serious.

After the sun sets and the moon rises, the house of Moonlight Gale becomes lively. Except for Moonlight Gale's family, the rest of the family bought swordsmanship and Marquawit's family from Yue Si, and also sent representatives to meet with him. Yue Si talked about drinking tea, and by the way, he learned about the situation.

The theories revealed by Yue Si intentionally or unintentionally made these small families reach an alliance of interests in private. Lu Shui is only sharing resources and intelligence to a certain extent. Even so, the strength of the small family has improved compared to before.

The exchange of whether there is such a thing allows the small family to taste the sweetness and to connect more closely.

However, with the changes in his studies and the academic system of the Ninja School, Yue Si and their small families have not been in touch for a while. This time, drinking tea with them and eating sweet snacks that are so sweet, it feels like a world away.

Luckily, the yard of Yueguang Shifeng's house is big enough to accommodate all the people.

Of course, being able to get them together in the name of Yue Si, his status as a disciple of Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas, also played a role.

Among the three ninjas, Tsunade leaves the village and has not seen his whereabouts for a long time. Jiraiya's disciple Namikaze Minato's name "Yellow Flash" is gradually starting, and as a disciple of Orochimaru, Yue Si is a good friend.

After a while of greeting, the tea set and the plate of snacks were removed. It was getting late, and candles were lit and placed around to dispel the darkness, and the next group of people began to talk about business in the candlelight.

"There are electric lights, why do you still light candles and engage in such ritualistic things."

Yue Si endured his complaints, took out a scroll, unfolded it completely, spread it out in front of him, and pressed it on the scroll after the seal was formed. With a "bang", a chainsaw sword appeared on the scroll.

In order to be more in line with the tonality of the ninja world, Yue Si designed the chainsaw sword to be slender, only two and a half fingers wide, slightly wider than the common samurai sword, otherwise the style of the giant sword on the door-well, not without it, for example The big swords of the seven people of Kiriyin Village's Shinobi Sword.

"This is the weapon used in conjunction with the second-generation Hokage secret swordsmanship, the chainsaw sword!" Yue Si raised the chainsaw sword and pressed the switch. The built-in engine started to start after injecting chakra as fuel, and was driven by mechanical transmission. The serrations turn at high speed, and the sharp serrations cut through the air and mingle with the noise of the engine turning to create a sound like the screeching of a beast.

Although in terms of shape and method of use, the chainsaw sword is just a hilt welded to the chainsaw, but the two are different. The saw teeth of the chainsaw are linked, and if a part is damaged, the whole is paralyzed; as a lethal weapon For chainsaw swords, the sawtooth operates independently and is formed by an arrangement of countless individual units. Even if the sawtooth is broken, it does not hinder the overall use, and the sawtooth can be replaced.

It is for this reason that the noise of the chainsaw sword cannot be reduced.

Hearing the noise, some of the representatives of the small family began to talk about it. Obviously, the noise of the chainsaw sword does not meet their requirements for ninja equipment - you are hiding in a hidden place, holding a weapon and preparing to seize the opportunity to secretly attack, You were about to give the enemy a ruthless blow, but the noise of the chainsaw sword revealed your hiding place early, making your plan completely futile.

Before you make a move, the enemy will focus fire and cover countless ninjutsu in your direction.

But this is the ninja world. There is something like chakra, and Yue Si must have a way to solve this problem.

"Next, I'm going to show its true power." Yue Si said to the representatives of the small family.

The wind escape chakra is injected into the chainsaw sword, and wind blades appear on the saw teeth. As the saw teeth rotate to cut the air, the original noise instantly drops to an acceptable level. The preset program makes the saw teeth rotate. When you reach the direction of the hilt, close the wind blade to avoid hurting yourself.

"Wind escape, vacuum blade, inject chakra into Kunai or Ninja sword to form a sharp blade."

This ninjutsu is the ninjutsu that Orochimaru taught Yue Si, let him have another way, don't waste his wind attribute chakra.

After learning it, Yue Si tried to apply this ninjutsu to the chainsaw sword, and finally achieved success. In terms of purely destructive power, the lethality of this chainsaw sword is more powerful than what he sold to the Uchiha family. The katana is much stronger.

Yue Si casually swung the chainsaw sword a few times, demonstrated some of the simplest moves, and then waved to Moonlight Gale.

Moonlight Blast immediately understood: "I'm sorry!"

Then Moonlight Gale, who was at the end of the crowd, coughed and walked to the front of the crowd. He took out a stack of shuriken from his ninja bag and threw it at Yue Si. Yue Si didn't move the chainsaw much, and the wind blade was as wide as a door. The blade of the sword protected Yue Si's figure, and the wind blades on the raging serrations blocked all the shuriken, and only pieces were left on the ground, and the wind blade tore the shuriken without hindrance. broken.

But it didn't stop there. The Moonlight Blast quickly moved in the courtyard. After finding the right angle, he threw two kunai, but they were chopped down by Yue Si with a chainsaw sword. Slashed, and firmly protected Yue Si.

Carrying a samurai sword, Moonlight Blaze used the shadow clone technique to separate two clones, and used the instant body technique to instantly shorten the distance from Yue Si. One deity and two shadow clones slashed with three different positions. To Yue Si, go straight to the point.

"Knoha-ryu Swordsmanship: Dance of the Three Suns and Moons."

Yue Si blocked the moonlight blast with the chainsaw sword, and the vacuum blade turned the moonlight blast together with the samurai sword in his hand into a cloud of smoke at the moment of contact. It was a shadow clone, but at this time the other two directions The moonlight blast had already approached the knife within a very dangerous distance.

But Yue Si just pressed on the hilt of the sword, and a few serrations suddenly detached, with a wind blade, like a shuriken, turning the other shadow of Moonlight Blast into smoke, and the other Moonlight Blast into one in situ. Stakes, pierced by sawtooth.

Obviously, at the moment of crisis, Moonlight Blast escaped the catastrophe by using the double technique—obviously, this play Yue Si and Moonlight Blast had been rehearsed in advance, and Yue Si would tell Yue Si what he would do every step of the way. , let him prepare in advance, otherwise there may be casualties.

The results have surprised and moved the representatives of those small families.

What is the final composition of a ninja family, that is something that can be passed down, such as the bloodline boundaries of the Hyuga and Uchiha families, such as the unique secret techniques of the three families of the pig deer butterfly mountain family, the Nara family, and the Akida family. , Even the thin Hatake clan has a short sword called "White Fang".

I won’t mention it in Konoha Village. Those famous ninja tools will be passed down continuously, just like the seven people of the ninja swords in Wuyin Village. Their ninja knives are passed down from generation to generation, among which the most famous The ninja sword of the beheading sword, changed hands several times,

These small families, apart from a few B-rank ninjutsu scrolls, only have some small industries, and their foundation is very thin.

And Yue Si is willing to sell this kind of ninja tool to them, of course they can't ask for it. Although it can't be monopolized by one of them, there is an additional "skill" and ninja tool that can be passed down to the family. This is the family's foundation. fundamental.

"I have some of these ninja tools here, and the price is..." After the demonstration, Yue Si waited for a while, and only after the representatives of the small families discussed, did he open his mouth to express his intentions.

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"Brother Shen!"


Shen Changqing was walking on the road, and when he met someone he knew, he would say hello or nod to each other.

But no matter who.

Everyone's face has no superfluous expressions, as if they are very indifferent to everything.

to this.

Shen Changqing is used to it.

Because this is the Ministry of Suppression, it is an organization that maintains the stability of Daqin. Its main responsibility is to kill monsters and monsters. Of course, there are also some other side jobs.

It can be said.

In the Demon Suppression Division, everyone had a lot of blood on their hands.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When he first came to this world, Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but after a while, he got used to Zhen Mosi is very big.

Those who can stay in the Town Demon Division are all powerful masters, or those who have the potential to become masters.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter.

Among them, the Demon Suppression Division is divided into two occupations, one is the guardian envoy and the other is the demon slayer.

Anyone who enters the Demon Suppression Division starts from the lowest level of demon slayer.

Then he was promoted step by step, and finally he was expected to become a guardian envoy.

Shen Changqing's predecessor was a trainee slayer in the Demon Suppression Division, and he was also the lowest-ranked slayer.

Has the memory of the predecessor.

He is also very familiar with the environment of the Town Demon Division.

It didn't take too long, Shen Changqing stopped in front of an attic.

Different from other places full of chills in the Demon Suppression Division, the attic here seems to stand out from the crowd, showing a different tranquility in the **** Suppression Demon Division.

At this time, the door to the attic was open, and occasionally people came in and out.

Shen Changqing just hesitated for a moment, then stepped inside.

Enter the attic.

Circumstances have changed in vain.

A burst of ink fragrance mixed with the faint smell of blood rushed towards his face, causing his brows to instinctively wrinkle, but then quickly stretched.

There is almost no way to clean the **** smell on everyone in the Zhen Mosi.

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