Villains Template

Chapter 697: Ninja version cloud bomb

Fall in love with, the villain template of the heavens

After returning to the village, Orochimaru learned about the incident from many aspects.

There are "truths" announced by the village, there are "heart-to-heart" from the three generations of Naruto Sarutobi and Orochimaru, and a "little report" from Mitarai Red Bean. Finally, I asked Yue Si, the client.

"I am very sure that those five people are the ninjas in the village." Yue Si said to Orochimaru: "Mr. Orochimaru, your abnormal reaction before leaving the village, as a teacher and my student, has a conflict, which is obviously It's to show some people that I'm not that important in your eyes."

Looking at Yue Si with a serious face, Orochimaru laughed hoarsely: "As expected of Yue Sang, he is indeed very smart, but the conflict between me and you is real, not a disguise - this is an inevitable position in science, I An established theory is not easily modified by your ideas."

"It turns out that I was self-indulgent." After processing the words of the root ninja to prevaricate Orochimaru, Yue Si got a negative answer and didn't care, but said: "But this time is really too dangerous, if it wasn't for them Miscalculating even my strength, treating me as one of those common genius ninjas, ignoring my true means, and giving me a chance."

"Then, Yue Sang, how did you defeat the five of them?" Orochimaru asked with a smile, "If I'm not wrong in my estimation, any one of the five ninjas is not something that you alone can resist. , I'd love to know how you did it."

"And, for those five ninjas, what happened to them in the end."

Yue Si nodded and said: "The five of them have already died under my means. In order to defeat them, I have consumed all my savings - I am now bankrupt and have returned to the state of being a pauper."

"Oh, so that's the case. I went to the forest outside the village and saw that scene. It was really a terrifying scene. Even me, facing the destructive power of that intensity, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to retreat." Maru said.

In contrast to conducting biochemical research based on intercolumnar cells, Orochimaru and Yue Si held their own opinions, and even quarreled because of their different ideas, but if they were engaged in the development of ninja tools, Orochimaru could not understand the principle until Yue Si completed his own design.

And the constant experiments allowed Yue Si to accumulate a large number of weapons, and the combined equivalent was very amazing. Even if they piled up, they would have killed the five ninjas. Orochimaru believed in the method used by Yue Si.

"Teacher Orochimaru, I have developed a new technique. Those weapons are just camouflages and disguise. It is this technique that really achieves results." Yue Si explained his elaborate battle process to Orochimaru. It was destroyed by him using the detonating charm and detonating clay, and it was impossible to find any clues.

Orochimaru heard Yue Si's solemn introduction to the technique he developed by himself. After spending a long time together, Orochimaru knew that Yue Si was not a person who likes to exaggerate. He took the unique rigor of scientific researchers and took credit for his achievements. For this technique, then this technique must be effective.

When the master and the apprentice arrived at the training ground, Yue Si placed a few dummies in the open space, and then said, "Lei Dun·Electrostatic adsorption technique."

The fine electric current is filled in the air, and it is no longer visible as it spreads, and it continues to cover a wider area with the flow of the wind. When it blows over the bodies of the dummies, it gathers and adsorbs on them, making it become a belt. Electrodes, because those currents are so slight, unless they are the kind of extremely perceptive ninjas, they will not be able to find out that they have been recruited.

But even a perceptive ninja will subconsciously ignore the past in the face of the weak chakra that is almost useless.

Then Yue Si took out a piece of blasting clay made by the fairy chakra, and when he held it with both hands, it turned into dust: "Wind escape · Blow."

Yue Si breathed and blew the blasting clay dust in his palm all over the sky, like a haze formed in the air, reducing visibility, but it was much less effective than the fog concealment technique. The dust was absorbed by the static-charged dummies, and their bodies were quickly covered with a layer of blasting clay.

When he got here, Orochimaru's eyes lit up, and he had a general understanding of some of the principles of Yue Si's combined ninjutsu.

In fact, it is very simple to say. Yue Si uses the principle of electrostatic adsorption. The seemingly meaningless dust and smoke that permeates the air is the real killer move, so that the target has hit the trap virtually.

According to the habitual thinking of ninjas, the fog and dust created by ninjutsu are used to obstruct the line of sight, and they basically don't care too much.

And the application of this combination of ninjutsu is also very suitable for Yue Sina's main attributes of Thunder Chakra, mixed with a small amount of Wind Chakra.

"Teacher Orochimaru, help make an earth and stone wall with sufficient thickness."

Before the final detonation, Yue Si made this request to Orochimaru, and Orochimaru also understood Yue Si's subtext: "Yue Sang is very confident in the power of your ninjutsu."

"Tu Dun·Tu Liubi." Orochimaru made a seal with both hands, and then pressed it on the ground. A two-meter-thick wall of earth and stone rose from the ground, isolating the two from the dust-filled training ground.

Then Yue Si made a sign and said, "Drink!"

There was a little fire in the haze formed by the blasting clay, and then there was a violent explosion, high temperature, high pressure, and strong shock waves, which began to wash the ground. Even through a thick earth and stone wall, Orochimaru could still feel the shock waves, The noise and the heat made him feel very uncomfortable, and his long black hair started to curl in the hot air.

At the same time, Orochimaru also had a feeling of suffocation. The explosion consumed a lot of oxygen, and the oxygen density in the air dropped. He subconsciously took a deep breath, but the scorching air made his respiratory tract feel hot. Burned by the air.

Turning his eyes to Yue Si, who was holding his head and squatting in defense, Orochimaru said in his heart, "It seems that Guan Shanyue also doesn't know the power of this technique."

After thinking about it, Orochimaru then reminded Yue Si:

"Hold your breath!"

When the aftermath of the explosion dissipated, the air changes caused by the high temperature generated by the explosion subsided, and the heat radiated to the surroundings was dissipated by Orochimaru using the wind escape, and the master and apprentice came out from behind the earth and stone wall where they were hiding.

Because it was just to show Orochimaru his "newly developed combination ninjutsu", the amount of blasting clay used by Yue Si was not very large, and the scope of the impact was not wide, so the process was very fast.

Taking a breath of the air that was exposed to the scorching sun at noon in summer, Orochimaru looked at the original training ground.

As for the dummies in the middle, only the iron sheets that were twisted and deformed under high temperature could be found, and the rest had disappeared.

These dummies were made by Yue Si to test the power of the ninja tools. Orochimaru also supported some strength, using wood, rubber and iron to support them, but in terms of strength, they have exceeded the physical strength of most ninjas, and they exploded when they exploded. The bottom is still broken into pieces.

Just looking at the results in front of him, Yue Si still feels a little regretful. The physics of the ninja world is still different from the physics he has mastered. In this hand, he uses the principle of cloud bombs, but the resulting The effect is not the same as the cloud bomb.

After all, the existence of Chakra can explain everything.

"As expected of Yue Sang, my carefully selected disciple." However, compared to the slightly disappointed Yue Si, Orochimaru was very satisfied, and continued to say with a hoarse voice and a smile.

But this Orochimaru was not by Yue Si's side, but in the Hokage office, along with the three generations of Hokage Sarutobi Hipsan, leaned in front of the crystal ball, and observed it through the "telescope technique" performed by Sarutobi Hipsan.

A seemingly reasonable explanation is to fool the people below. As a high-level three-generation Hokage Sarutobi, and the quasi-high-level Orochimaru, in fact, both understand the truth of Yue Si's attack.

The three generations of Hokage used this to beat Shimura Danzo, so that his roots would be more restrained, and the funds for the next quarter will be cut a bit.

However, Shimura Danzo, who was suspicious by nature, accepted Sarutobi Hizen's repression, but raised his own doubts: "How can a Genin in Guan Shanyue have the ability to persevere for so long under the five-rooted Genin's subordinates? Depending on the time, it is even possible to kill a few of them, if it is only in the name of 'genius', it is impossible to explain all this, I deeply doubt the identity of this Guan Shanyue."

Shimura Danzo's remarks can be regarded as vexatious, but his influence makes Sarutobi Hijen unable to ignore his opinions, and the things that Anbu Ninja brought back, those items with traces of battle, are all It shows that Yue Si possesses terrifying destructive power.

After Orochimaru returned to the village, he persuaded Orochimaru to reveal the matter, and drew a cake for him and said, "I will recommend you to the daimyo for the position of Konoha's next Hokage. ."

After drawing the pie, Sarutobi Hizan put forward his own conditions, that is, let Orochimaru investigate clearly how he did what he did before, escaped from the hands of five ninjas, and showed that. Terrible destructive power, how did he do it.

Here, Sarutobi Hizan also wanted to find out the reason, but in the name of Shimura Danzo, he asked Orochimaru to prove Yue Si's innocence in the name of appeasing the high-level villagers.

The "combination ninja" that Yue Si showed to Orochimaru dispelled this doubt. A ninja who is talented enough cannot be measured by common sense. It is not impossible for Sina's "smashing all his net worth" to achieve that kind of miraculous record.

"This child really looks like you back then, very talented and very intelligent." Sarutobi Hizan, like an ordinary old man, began to recall the past. They had no future and could only be immersed in their memories.

It is not uncommon to use a combination of different ninjutsu to achieve a stronger killing effect, such as the combination of wind and fire, but how to maximize the effect of the technique is another talent. At this point, Yue Si's outstanding talent dispelled all doubts.

Sarutobi Hiizan withdrew the book of telescopes and said to Orochimaru: "Follow-up, there will be a fund to give to you, and then you will give it to Guan Shanyue in the name of experimental funds."

"Yes, Lord Hokage." Orochimaru did not refuse, accepted the hush fee for Yue Si, and then began to seal: "My task here is completed, so I will leave first."

"Go!" Three generations of Hokage took out his tobacco pouch pot and began to fill the tobacco. He saw the Orochimaru in front of him with a "bang" and dissipated into smoke. It turned out to be a shadow clone.

On the other side, Orochimaru, who got the memory of the shadow clone, gave a slight look, looked at the unknown Yue Si and said, "The combination of three different Chakra ninjutsu techniques can actually exert such power, Yue Sang, you make me more and more was pleasantly surprised.”

Jiraiya's Immortal Goemon, is the combination of three ninjutsu techniques: oil, wind, and fire, which produce huge lethality and can cause damage in a wide range.

"No, Orochimaru-sensei, this is not enough." Yue Si picked up a piece of iron sheet from the ground that could not be seen to have its original function, because of the residual heat, he turned his hands alternately like eating a roasted sweet potato, and said To: "If it's just ninjutsu, it's not difficult to find a ninja with the three attributes of thunder, wind and earth, and it's only a matter of time to teach him or her how to use this combination of ninjutsu. But, that doesn't do me any good."

Orochimaru said: "The combination ninjutsu you developed has this level of power, are you still not satisfied?"

"Power or something, I think it's enough." Yue Si shook his head and said: "My idea is to make my combined ninjutsu in the form of ninja tools, so that any ninja can use it at will, and then use this kind of ninjutsu. I will sell the furniture to the village, so that I can make money to return to my capital.”

Orochimaru looked at Yue Si and the student who didn't know that he was going to make a small fortune, and sighed with a smile: "You still haven't forgotten your ideal at the beginning, the ideal of becoming a rich man!"

Speaking of this, Yue Si's expression was very regretful: "It's just, Mr. Orochimaru, many of the ninja tools we developed together were used by me during this time, and those are the crystallization of the collision of temporary inspiration. The product is not replicable, and there are quite a few things I have forgotten how to make them in the first place, which hurts my heart more than the loss of my property."

"However, Mr. Orochimaru, do you still have money? Can you lend me a little bit, and I will pay it back to you based on three-point interest."

Orochimaru said: "If you are short of money to live, I can give you a little bit, which is a living allowance for scientific researchers."

"No, I want to buy some new materials and sell them into ninja tools to make money." Yue Si shook his head and turned to look in the direction of Konoha Village.

The hole that was buried before should be filled.

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"Brother Shen!"


Shen Changqing was walking on the road, and when he met someone he knew, he would say hello or nod to each other.

But no matter who.

Everyone's face has no superfluous expressions, as if they are very indifferent to everything.

to this.

Shen Changqing is used to it.

Because this is the Ministry of Suppression, it is an organization that maintains the stability of Daqin. Its main responsibility is to kill monsters and monsters. Of course, there are also some other side jobs.

It can be said.

In the Demon Suppression Division, everyone had a lot of blood on their hands.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When he first came to this world, Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but after a while, he got used to Zhen Mosi is very big.

Those who can stay in the Town Demon Division are all powerful masters, or those who have the potential to become masters.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter.

Among them, the Demon Suppression Division is divided into two occupations, one is the guardian envoy and the other is the demon slayer.

Anyone who enters the Demon Suppression Division starts from the lowest level of demon slayer.

Then he was promoted step by step, and finally he was expected to become a guardian envoy.

Shen Changqing's predecessor was a trainee slayer in the Demon Suppression Division, and he was also the lowest-ranked slayer.

Has the memory of the predecessor.

He is also very familiar with the environment of the Town Demon Division.

It didn't take too long, Shen Changqing stopped in front of an attic.

Different from other places full of chills in the Demon Suppression Division, the attic here seems to stand out from the crowd, showing a different tranquility in the **** Suppression Demon Division.

At this time, the door to the attic was open, and occasionally people came in and out.

Shen Changqing just hesitated for a moment, then stepped inside.

Enter the attic.

Circumstances have changed in vain.

A burst of ink fragrance mixed with the faint smell of blood rushed towards his face, causing his brows to instinctively wrinkle, but then quickly stretched.

There is almost no way to clean the **** smell on everyone in the Zhen Mosi.

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