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Chapter 667: What do people of Konoha do best?

"Come on! Let's have a real showdown!"

Uchiha Obito, who was still in the period of being a hot idiot, quickly adjusted himself, walked out of his loss, jumped up, and challenged Yue Si.

"Huh? Challenge, you, who is only one year away from graduating to become a ninja, want to compete with me, who has only attended ninja school for one year?" Yue Si pointed to himself, and then pointed to Uchiha Belt Tu, said, "Aren't you afraid of losing your Uchiha name by doing this?"

Uchiha Obito gave a thumbs up and said, "There are geniuses who can graduate from ninja school in one year. I'm pretty sure that you are that kind of genius! I've long wanted to compete with that kind of genius. !"

After all, Uchiha Obito took out a piece of candy from his body and threw it into his mouth - it was in the morning when he helped an old man selling vegetables and helped her carry the basket of vegetables to the place. As a thank you, Uchiha took Tu got this candy from the old man.

In fact, Uchiha Obito is not sure whether Yue Si is a genius or not. Although he hates Hatake Kakashi very much, the genius he admits is his number one. Now Obito is just looking for an excuse to talk to Yue Si. Hit the last time.

Because of his fears for the past year, and for the weather every weekend for the past year, he must beat Yue Si to vent his anger—of course, Uchiha Obito cannot do the bullying on the bright side. .

But in the contest between the two geniuses, Yue Si's skills were inferior to others and lost to him, so that's another matter.

After a year of hard work, Uchiha Obito has finally become mature, and has mastered the essential elements for people who do important things, that is, a flexible moral bottom line-representing three generations of Naruto Sarutobi and so on.

"Okay, I promise to fight with you!"

Yue Si stood up, pinched the sword finger in his right hand, pointed at Uchiha Obito, and said in a strong and powerful voice: "Today, between you and me, there is only one superiority, no life or death!"

At this time, Yue Si's whole style of painting has changed, and he has become extraordinarily tough. There is no sign of softness, but clear lines. With his voice that changes with the operation of the ultimate infuriating, he uses a The word can describe it, that is [jin]!

It was an indomitable aura, an invincible determination, and an idea formed by unparalleled power.

Uchiha Obito only felt that Yue Si was exuding terrifying oppressive force, and that momentum rushed towards his face like a mountain and a tsunami, which made his mind unstable and caused him to have hallucinations, as if the sky was falling and the earth was sinking. Completely engulfed, making him subconsciously want to retreat.

No, I don't want to, Uchiha Obito has already started his hind legs.

His body has begun to move slowly backwards, and he doesn't know when to retreat backwards, when he is completely unaware-because of the other party's terrifying aura, his body is detached from his body because of fear. The control of the will, out of the biological instinct, wants to stay away from people or things that make him feel dangerous.

Like acrophobia, it's a biological instinct built into its genes.


As a person from the Uchiha clan, there is a possibility of awakening the writing wheel. Uchiha Obito subconsciously believes that he is caught in some kind of illusion, and he uses the method he learned in the clan to dispel the illusion, trying to unravel himself. The "illusion" in the institute is out of the current state.

However, after Uchiha Obito tried it, it didn't work. At this time, he realized that it was just that he was shocked by Yue Si's aura, and the hallucination he produced was not an illusion at all.

"how so!"

Before Uchiha Obito could reply, Yue Si said, "Then, I'll start attacking!"

After all, he took out six boomerangs from his body and threw them in the direction of Uchiha Obito. The six boomerangs drew gorgeous trajectories in the air under Yue Si's unique technique, and the flight trajectories of the six boomerangs were mutually Interspersed, but there was no collision between them, which made Uchiha Obito dazzled.

Although these boomerangs are all made of wood, they are not metal versions specially made by the clan, but they are also very painful to hit. Uchiha Obito took out two kunai from the ninja bag and held them with one hand. , ready to pick those boomerangs off.

"be cheated!"

Yue Si deliberately made a cooing sound, and then started to seal at a speed of one second: "Fire escape..."


At this time, Uchiha Obito realized that the boomerang thrown by Yue Si was just a trick to distract him. The real killer move was the ninjutsu that followed.

However, the speed of Yue Si's seal formation is terrifyingly slow, one every second, which makes unnecessary loopholes in this sure-kill move. He was stunned by fire.

"Art fire escape **** fireball…"

Uchiha Obito, who left his hands behind Kunai, also began to form seals quickly, ready to fight with fire escape. No one except Uchiha Madara can burn anyone to death. The technique of high fireballs - of course, Uchiha Obito will deliberately hit biased.

However, at this time, a boomerang hit Uchiha Obito's back with moderate force, which caused Uchiha Obito to lose his control of Chakra under pain, and the technique of the fireball did not take shape in the end.

Then, Uchiha Obito suddenly covered his throat, feeling like Nigge who was pressed by a white policeman's leg on his neck, and he couldn't breathe.

Before starting the contest, Uchiha Obito had a piece of candy in his mouth, and when it hurt, the candy rolled directly into his throat.

At this time, Yue Si had already rushed in front of him with murderous intent, and threw out a punch.

"Sima! [しまった] (miserable

The whole world disappeared in the eyes of Uchiha Obito. All he could see was Yue Si's fist and the huge word "death" that filled his brain.

A huge, bright red word for "death" that seemed to be bleeding downwards.

At this moment, Uchiha Obito's short life went through his mind like a revolving lantern, and what stayed at the end was the faces of two people, one is the kind grandma, and the other is the gentle Nohara Rin.

Uchiha Obito, who was punched in the middle of his abdomen by Yue Si, was bent into a shrimp. The pressure and pain on his abdomen made Uchiha Obito grow his mouth. A foreign object spewed out of his mouth and splashed into the distance. It was the sugar stuck in his throat.

This well-placed punch from Yue Si was equivalent to applying Heimlich First Aid to Uchiha Obito.

Uchiha Obito, whose breathing returned to normal, gasped for breath, but Yue Si's icy voice came from his ears.

"You are already dead!"

"When you're stunned at first, I can make a move."

"My ninjutsu killed you while you were distracted by my boomerang - even though I don't know any ninjutsu."

"My boomerang killed you once more while your attention was drawn to my ninjutsu."

Uchiha Obito looked up, but found that Yue Si's style of painting returned to its original state at some point, and he didn't see the terrifying aura at all. He said stubbornly, "This time I was careless."

"Oh, careless, how many chances have you been careless, at the very beginning, you were stunned, if you are not facing a person who is competing with you, but an enemy who wants to kill you , what can you do?" Yue Si said, "A person's life is only once, are you willing to be like this?"

Uchiha Obito was silent, and Yue Si's words directly hit his heart.

Yue Si took back the boomerangs that fell on the ground one by one and installed them on his body—this layer of close-fitting boomerangs was like armor, which could provide Yue Si with a certain degree of protection.

"I forgot to ask you, what are you planning to do with so many things on your back?" Uchiha Obito retrieved the long-standing memory from his mind, recalling the last time he saw Yue Si.

This is also what people in Naruto World, especially those from Konoha, are good at. Memories, every detail is very accurate memory.

Uchiha Obito clearly remembered that at that time, Yue Si brought a little girl and carried a bunch of dried fish—the dried fish was so delicious that his grandmother still remembered it after a long time. Keep looking for the same dried fish and ask Obito where you can buy it.

"I want to use the vacation to practice and improve my strength." Yue Si said in a playful tone: "My exam ranking in the ninja school is relatively low, and if this goes on like this, when I graduate, I guess I can't be a ninja anymore."


Uchiha Obito jumped up in surprise, then looked at Yue Si - are all first-year students now such terrifying monsters?

He defeated Uchiha Obito, the genius of the Uchiha family, so easily, but Yue Si told him that his exam results were very backward, so he had to practice during the holidays instead of playing, which challenged Uchiha Obito's cognition.

This is impossible!

Uchiha Obito, who was hit, darkened again.

It didn't take long for the rest of the children to come here one after another, each carrying a large package containing what they needed.

"These are the friends I went to practice with." Yue Si introduced the group of children to Uchiha Obito.

After saying hello to each other, the eyes of the children looking at Uchiha Obito changed, either envious or jealous - this is from a big family, with no worries about food and clothing, as well as secret ninjutsu, and even a chance to awaken Xue Jijian was born a head taller than the rest, unlike them who lived very hard and lived tight with the little money in the village.

If I had his conditions, I would definitely be better than him.

Uchiha Obito, who had no idea that he had become the object of envy, saw Yue Si and the others were about to set off, so he left. Today, he can say that he has gained a lot for him this time.

First of all, I got rid of a heart disease, and then I determined my true strength. I know that there are people outside people and there are heavens. I need to work harder, otherwise I can't even become a ninja, let alone catch up with Hatake Kakashi and get Yuan Ye Lin's fragrant.

Yue Si took out a pen and paper from the things he brought, and began to record everyone's name: "Let's record it and make sure who is going to practice. We must call the name every time to avoid losing anyone."

"However, there are less than ten of us in total. You can find out at a glance." A Guo looked at Yue Si and asked the crowd around him.

Although at the time Yue Si said about the meeting place and the things to prepare, Ah Guo had already been left by the children who were so popular that the children had a temper tantrum. After thinking about it, she inquired about the relevant information from others in private. Came with something.

However, not every child is willing to practice this matter, including Yue Si himself, there are only nine people.

"Human memory is very unreliable. Now, can you tell the names of the people we come without looking at them?" Yue Si said to Ah Guo.

Ah Guo tried it, but it really couldn't be done. Although she could remember it clearly when she recalled it a few years later, she couldn't do it now.

After recording everyone's name, Yue Si said, "Then, we will officially practice this time!"

A group of children left the village and set off towards the forest outside the village. This time, they didn't have to have a picnic before. The places they went to were all very close to the village and they could go back and forth in one day. The place they were going to was Farther, farther from the village.

In that case, the density of the ninja patrols would not be very large, and the movements made by Yue Si would not be easily detected by this side.

Although these children seem to carry a lot of things, but that is relative to their respective body shapes, in fact, strictly speaking, there are not many things.

Therefore, after traveling for a certain distance, they began to set up camp, select relatively flat land, clear weeds, drive away snakes, insects, rats and ants in the nearby grass, collect firewood to prepare bonfires, and prepare the most important ingredients.

With the little rice they they couldn't last for two days, and some even brought rice balls.

Luckily, Yue Si taught him well before. He was very good at gathering wild vegetables, intercepting river fishing, and so on.

After dinner, Yue Si organized nine people to draw lots. The nine people were divided into groups of three and took turns on duty at night. One was to keep an eye on the bonfire to prevent it from going out and to light something on fire. They didn’t collect much firewood, so they needed to save some. Forest fires are also very serious.

The second is to guard the surrounding area to prevent any beasts from sneaking at night. Although the bonfire can disperse some beasts, it is not afraid of ten thousand just in case.

Finally, it is also to prevent anything from happening unexpectedly, and it can wake up other people at the first time.

Unfortunately, Yue Si was assigned to the middle group of night watchmen. This was the most painful. He was woken up by others in the first half of his sleep.

To add firewood to the bonfire without hesitation, Yue Si controlled the size of the flame, then looked up at the sky and the starry sky through the canopy, and said in his heart:

"I hope there will be thunderstorms these days, that's my chance to transform!"

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