Villains Template

Chapter 666: Goodbye Uchiha Obito

"Brother Yue, what are you going to do during the holiday?"

Yuna on the side asked Yue Si, "Are we going to work together?"

During this year, she received a lot of care from Yue Si. Although it was basically Yue Si who asked her to do some simple and repetitive carpentry work, and then a meal was done, she thought it was Yue Si. He was helping her in his own way, just like in the orphanage.

To express Yunai's views on Yue Si in two-dimensional words, it can be summed up as "a person with a very gentle heart, but he does not know how to express his kindness to people, and can only use simple and rude methods".

For example, Yue Si’s behavior of taking Yunai as child labor was understood by Yunai because Yue Si didn’t want him to have the perception of “earning for nothing”, and he didn’t want to feel that he was actually being “donated”, so he arranged for her. Some work, allowing her to trade her labor for food.

"Money or something, I'm not as short of money as before. Although it's not much, it's enough for my expenses." Yue Si said: "I'm going to take advantage of this time to go to the forest for special training to enhance my skills. strength!"

But this time, Yue Si's proposal was not echoed, and some of those children sneered and turned to leave: "Forget it, no matter how hard his level is, it will be like that, follow his special training and practice. , we might as well cultivate ourselves."

Under the control of Yue Si, his grades are relatively low. Those sneering children are the ones who have better grades than Yue Si. They think that Yue Si is an exaggerated guy who talks big. The truth is that personal ability is not worth mentioning at all.

"Hey, you guys, hurry up and apologize!" The girl named A Guo yelled at the children: "If it wasn't for Guan Shanyue, if he didn't help us, you would have left the money to buy ninja tools. !"

But when those children saw Ah Guo defending Yue Si, an "inferior student", they said unhappily, "A Guo, this guy..."

Ah Guo did not wait for the other party to finish speaking, but raised his voice and said, "I will ignore you again!"

After he finished speaking, he walked away angrily.

But there are still other children who stay behind. They are also those with lower grades. As orphans, they have nowhere to go during the holidays. If they work part-time, the job is not so easy to find. It is better to follow Yue Si. Special training during vacation.

What if I practice in this mutual aid group for underachievers, and my final grades improve?

"Youna, do you have any plans?" Yue Si asked Yuna.

When it comes to becoming a ninja, Yunai is extraordinarily talented. The refining and control of chakra are all good ones. Although the percentage of written test scores is very low, they are also very good ones. The grades are only behind those students from big families.

"Of course, I'm following you, Brother Yue. Let's go to practice together."

Yunai, who followed Yue Si to do the carpentry work, knew what Yue Si had prepared and what she had made in the past year. She was very curious as to what those strange shapes were used for.

In addition, during the time spent together this year, Yue Si often said some very strange things, such as "If you can't adapt to the ninja gear, then let the ninja gear adapt to you", "You don't use the shuriken and Kunai well, Then make a good ninja tool for you to use."

Although Yuna didn't understand what Yue Si was trying to convey, those words sounded very interesting.

Since then, even if Yue Si's grades are not very good, his ability to survive and live is much higher than his peers. Following Yue Si's practice, he can learn a lot from him, and according to Yue Si's own words, that is " The precious knowledge left by the second Hokage-sama."

"That's good. We will gather at the back of the school in three days. The reporters bring clothes, bandages, medicines and some necessary things, as well as certain food and seasonings such as salt."

Yue Si didn't just talk about it, he really used this vacation to practice.

After a year of accumulation, the ultimate infuriating energy in his body has been polished and mature, and he has also completed a complete study of the new Chakra system of the "Eight Meridians of the Extraordinary Meridians". If Yue Si wants to, he can completely replicate what he runs on another person. The "Five Meridians and Seven Wheels" of Chakra's operation are changed to "Eight Meridians and Extraordinary Meridians".

It's just that further [current push] and [magnetic field rotation], even if Yue Si wants to teach it to others, he can't do it, because that requires extremely strong [persistence] and [courage], and knowledge.

That is a very huge knowledge reserve. It is necessary to master the cognition of electric current and the human body itself, reaching the level of cells, distinguishing more than 200 kinds of cells in the human body.

Even the most simple and basic one needs to master the direction of its own veins and the distribution of acupuncture points, etc., which is a level that many people in the Naruto World have never touched in their entire lives.

And the accumulation of a year has filled Yue Si's body with the ultimate infuriating energy, and it is time to carry out the transformation of [current push].

Konoha Village is on guard, Uchiha's Konoha police force is not vegetarian, and there are Konoha Anbu, who directly belongs to Hokage, and Shimura Danzo's roots. These three parties are for Konoha's stability, but Akari every day Secretly monitor everything Konoha.

In order not to expose himself, Yue Si has always been cautious in his words and deeds. Even if he does something, he will try to control it within a certain range as much as possible. Those ninjas will not put their energy on a ninja school student, as long as Yue Si does not do anything It's just too outrageous, too compelling.

Therefore, even if Yue Si had money in his hand, he would not make custom-made things for ninja equipment. Even if he sold knowledge for money, what he brought out was like Marquawit, like a nonsense junk.

The movement when the ultimate infuriating energy transforms to [electric current push] will definitely not be small, and it will definitely attract the attention of those people, so I left Konoha Village and went to the forest where no one travels. A transformation.

As for Yuna and those students with poor grades, it was also used by Yue Si to cover up his transformation.

Three days later, Yue Si, who was carrying a large and small bag, went out early, still bought three-color **** for breakfast as usual, and walked towards the mountain behind the school while eating.

Yue Si thought he was early enough, but he didn't expect someone to come here earlier than him, but that person was not the students from the orphanage who promised to practice together yesterday, but Uchiha with a spiky head.

"Uchiha Obito?"

Yue Si recognized at a glance the man who was wearing goggles and had no love for life, who looked like a stone of hope.

"It's you!" When Yue Si saw Uchiha Obito, Uchiha Obito also recognized Yue Si.

Although Yue Si has grown a lot taller this year and removed the bandage wrapped around his body, the basic clothing style has not changed. When Yue Si recognized Uchiha Obito at a glance, Uchiha Obito also Recognized him immediately.

"You guy, made me wait a whole year! A whole year!"

After recognizing Yue Si's identity, Uchiha Obito's anger rose from his heart, and his wickedness turned to courage, and he was about to pounce on Yue Si with his claws and claws.

But Yue Si stood there, not even taking off the heavy items on his back. He lifted his long coat, revealing a boomerang that was neatly tied with two ribs. He crossed his left and right hands on his ribs. , each with a boomerang pulled away from his body and held in his hand, and then threw it in the direction of Uchiha Obito.

"Haha, in the past year, the Uchiha clan has thoroughly researched your ninja tool. We have already grasped its flight path. You can't hurt this uncle!"

For the unknown, it is the most threatening.

As Uchiha Obito said, for nearly a year, the Uchiha family has been researching and exploring the "new ninja tool" of the boomerang, such as measuring its flight path and throwing it at different times. In the case of technique and strength, the flying attitude of the boomerang.

Math and parabola are also taught in the ninja school. When the Uchiha family summarizes these data, although they do not involve knowledge such as aerodynamics and rigid body dynamics, they know how to use exhaustive methods and statistics. , summarizing something.

Then according to the data they have collected, they will be compiled and compiled, and then taught to the juniors of the Uchiha family, so that they can master this new type of ninja equipment as soon as possible - the Uchiha clan will definitely not monopolize this new ninja equipment, at least now At this stage, they and Konoha Village still maintained a superficial harmony.

The boomerang is definitely not exclusive, it will definitely be handed over to the village.

But, before that, be sure to let your own people study it thoroughly.

For example, now, when Yue Si threw two boomerangs, Uchiha Obito could clearly see his technique and the strength of his use. The muscle memory brought to him by the heavy special training of the Uchiha family came into play at this time. worked.

Uchiha Obito was just two dodging movements, so he avoided the spiraling boomerang and continued to charge towards Yue Si, and then was hit by a boomerang that rolled back and hit his left knee. His footsteps were unsteady. He fell to the ground and fell to the ground, but it just let him dodge the second boomerang that went straight to the back of his head.

Yue Si grabbed the flying boomerang and said with a smile: "So you found my boomerang, you didn't treat it as rotten wood but studied it carefully, but aerodynamics and rigid body dynamics are not You can fully understand it by copying the boomerang, just adjust the center of gravity and the structure of the two wings a little, even if you just change the weight of the wings, its flight trajectory will change."

"Now, we can have a good chat!"

But Uchiha Obito just took out a slightly yellowed envelope with trembling hands, raised it over his head, and handed it to Yue Si.

Yue Si took the envelope and opened it, and it turned out to be a stack of money, a lot of money.

"This is mine, the hush money for you!"

Uchiha Obito said tremblingly.

Falling while sprinting at high speed, the result is very bad. Although the physical fitness of people in this world is very good, Uchiha Obito was also thrown into a mess.

However, even though it was very uncomfortable, Uchiha Obito persisted and handed over what he had prepared for a year to Yue Si.

In the past year, every weekend, Uchiha Obito would come to this place with this envelope and the bonus that the Uchiha clan gave him, waiting here for Yue Si's arrival and waiting for the money. Give him the money to keep it a secret.

At the beginning, the ninjas of the Uchiha clan would still stare at Uchiha Obito, but after half a year of nothing, the Uchiha clan revoked their surveillance on him. Manpower is very precious, and the Chunin and Shangnin are used for Spying on someone who didn't even graduate from ninja school would be a serious waste of resources.

And Uchiha Obito also wanted to give up early. After waiting for Yue Si for seven weekends, he never saw Yue Si, thinking that Yue Si would never appear again, but he waited here with money every weekend. Yue Si, he has developed a habit, and he has persisted for nearly a year.

During this period, Uchiha Obito carried a huge sum of money, but he did not dare to move or spend a penny.

Finally, on the first weekend after the holiday, Uchiha Obito waited for Yue Si to arrive.

"So that's the reason." Yue Si put away the money and said to Uchiha Obito who had already climbed up: "Actually, I probably forgot about it on the second day, if If you didn't mention it, I can't remember it - after all, blackmailing a Uchiha or something, you should know that it will not succeed if you think about it."

No, it is not unsuccessful. After the three generations of Hokage came to power, the contradiction between Uchiha and the village has increased day by day. In order to ease the relationship with the village, Uchiha will definitely make compensation, and he will definitely protect that person afterwards to prevent him What happened, was said to be Uchiha's revenge.

At that time, when the yellow mud falls off the crotch, it is not feces or feces, and it is not clear to say.

Of course, there is no such situation today, but no one dares to blackmail Uchiha.

That group of iceberg faces, standing there, has an aura of "don't get close to strangers", who dares?

"Why!" Uchiha screamed with the earth up to the He was worried for almost a year, but the other party told him that he didn't remember it at all, which made his mood fluctuate sharply , you can almost awaken the writing wheel eye.

"The second Hokage said that the world is like this, and the things you care about are irrelevant in the eyes of others." Yue Si once again brought out the second Hokage Qianshou Tobirama as a shield for himself: "What you cherish is A friend, partner, lover, in the eyes of others, is just a being who doesn't even need to know his name."

"But that's fine. I feel a lot more relaxed when I hand this money over to you." Uchiha Obito put his hands behind his neck, looked up at the sky and said, "This money is your kind of forbearance. I exchanged it for a piece of money from the clan, and I want to use it as your hush money."

"Also, who exactly are you guy?"

"My name is Guan Shanyue, and I'm a first-year student at Ninja School—well, after school starts, it's probably second-year." Yue Si said.

"What, you're just a first-year student!" Uchiha Obito knelt on the ground: "I was worried for a year because of a first-year ninja student!"

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